October* Even-the-Odds Poem

Poetry Contest

Write an Even the Odds Poem pertaining to anything in *October's First Thirty Days... that is, ANYTHING to do with the month (Autumn, Fall Break, weddings, cool air, wet weather, baseball playoffs,... etc) EXCEPT Halloween and its associated activities. ;) We will be Halloweened-out by the time the 31st arrives, so this will be your 'Halloweenless Offering' for the month! ;)

Now, without the mention of Halloween or it's costumed and candy-gathering activities, impress us, make us laugh, make us cry, but just get us to vote for yours! :)

Smile, folks - it's only a contest. I don't have anything against Halloween... I promise. ;) ;)

As a reminder, the 'Even-the-Odds' poetry format has a syllable count of 2-4-6-8-10-9-7-5-3-1 [starts out with evens and finishes with odds]
The first line (two syllables) and the last line (one syllable) are essentially synonyms
There is no rhyme requirement, although it isn't discouraged.
An example is included at the end of this announcement, although REMEMBER TO CENTER your text [very loosely resembling a diamond-shape]

Evening Performance
By Y. M. Roger

Flit through the air
Chromatic symphony
Of effulgent streaks and glitter
Performing 'neath where the trees meet the stars
Tonight, the crickets and frogs join in
Enhancing the vibrant show
You?ll never forget
Dancing with

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