Easy To Be Funny Limerick Contest

Poetry Contest

Write a limerick, bawdy if you wish, but not vulgar.
(To avoid a messy conference on the meaning of vulgar: Words or phrases used in reference to sexual activity or body parts, that most pious people would not use in their place of worship, are strictly forbidden. (But sly innuendos that children would not even try to decipher, are encouraged.)

Your limerick should be fun to write, and funny when read out loud.
Limerick rhyming pattern - 5 lines: aa, bb, a
(First, second and fifth lines have the same end-word rhyme; ditto the third and fourth lines. First or second line must rhyme with the fifth.)
To make this contest a bit more interesting, contestants will choose and use a rhyme from the following list:
infatuate / in fat you ate
entendre / on Sandra
charming / embalming
Trump / stump
comfort / dumb flirt

No animation or special effects
Fonts must be chosen from advanced editor (or default basic editor)

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