
Contest Vote For Personification of Winter

The voting has ended. Showing the final vote count.

8 votes Winter's Dance by MissMerri
6 votes Ice Maiden by Jaq Cee
1 Vote Winter's Tears by AlvinTEthington
1 Vote Here I Come. by DALLAS01

Comments For Winter's Dance by MissMerri

very creative, i gave it a six star rating and my vote

This has wonderful imagery

Nice little Cinderella twist. Imaginative images of Winter in her pretty dress, escorted by the wind, dancing to the music of wind chimes. Well done rhymes, rhythm, flow.

Normally I would never complain about not being able to vote for my own poem, but the entry "Winter's Dance" is extraordinary. Unfortunately, it is my second choice because the iambic meter in the antepenultimate line was never corrected.

Comments For Ice Maiden by Jaq Cee

Liked the form and the message. Ine

This one is my favorite.

Beautiful and haunting. I loved it.


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