
Contest Vote For Pleiades Poetry

The voting has ended. Showing the final vote count.

8 votes Bareback by C. Gale Burnett
7 votes Ballet by MissMerri
6 votes Ghost by Boogienights
5 votes Seasons by fm wright
5 votes Stars by Brigitte Elko
3 votes Wonders by aryr
1 Vote Different by QC Poet
No Votes Manslaughter by bournemouth
No Votes Worthless by Chip Kuzborski
No Votes Synergy by Yvon
No Votes Crunch by Maureen Sky

Comments For Bareback by C. Gale Burnett

From the liberating photo, to the talent of the writer incorporating all the "b" words, I thought this was exceptional! Also appreciated the writer's sense of humor in the side comment below which reminded me of my dad's sense of humor! I found this a worthy entree to the contest!

Comments For Ghost by Boogienights

Exceptional poem! Definitely a winner in my book!


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