Best Poetry Website | Community of Writers | FanStory
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At FanStory you can be a part of a poetry website for writers of all skill levels.

Learn from feedback that will be written on every poem that you write. Share your poetry, get feedback for your poetry, and improve. FanStory is for writers of all skill levels. So if you are just getting started or have years of experience - you'll find a community for you.
Enter contests for free. Write poems for contests that have cash prizes. Over $5,000 in cash prizes will be awarded this year. Writing poetry has never been so rewarding.
You keep your copyright and all rights to your writing which is important when posting for poetry websites. You are free to sell your work to others, post it with others or do whatever you wish. If you are looking to publish your writing you can keep it private. Details.
A community for writers of all skill levels. Make connections and friends. Enjoy sharing your writing.

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A Poetry Website For All Writers

To share your poetry simply use the word processor we provide online. You can type in your poem or you can copy and paste from your word processor. If you view the poetry contest listing and find a contest that you would like to enter you can reserve a spot. When you reserve a spot you can easily enter the contest at a later time. Or you can enter it right away.

A Fun Poetry Website

Whether you are sharing a poem for a contest or just for feedback the process is the same. You be prompted for the title of your poem, the body and any other details that you may want to share such as how you wrote it or the tyep of poem that it is.

You'll get feedback for your poetry. Usually in about five minutes! FanStory is an active writing community where writers like you are excited about writing poetry.

Poetry Websites

There are many poetry websites on the internet. But you'll never find one where sharing your poetry can be so much fun. You'll meet new people. Get fans for your writing. And enter contests that challenge and motivate you. To see all the contests that you can enter view the poetry contest listing. Have fun with your writing and enjoy being part of a poetry website.

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