Reviews from

And Then There Were None...

Some truth is out of this world!

39 total reviews 
Comment from Write Right Writer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The girl can write! You tell this story so well, Karenina... I was fully engaged from the outset. Well done.

A shared paranormal experience that remains unconfirmed (even by those that experienced it firsthand, and an enigmatic mystery that remains unsolved to this day makes for a great read.

And to think I believed you only wrote poetry...

Curt (WRW)

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2023
    The girl has no business dipping toes in prose but when has that ever stopped me? (smile)

    This is not the only paranormal experience I have had but it is the most intense and I'm glad I tried to get it down on "paper" as it were...

    Remind me someday and I'll tell you about the song I woke up singing after a visit to Silver Street.

    (I've never forgotten it!)

    How's that for a teaser?

    Again, thanks for visiting my portfolio!


Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Elizabeth Emerald directed me to your non fiction ghost story after reading mine in the first chapter contest. Most of it was also true, although it happened to a friend of mine.
Wow! This was really 'concrete' evidence that disappeared. I explained the ghosts appearance in my story, but the explanation would not extend to a house. My husband saw my sister's ghost after she passed away. Ghosts or the dead vibrate at such a high speed that it takes a lot of energy to slow that speed down if they want to appear to a human. At least this is what a Medium told me.

 Comment Written 16-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 16-Jan-2022
    Thanks for reading! I scooted over to read yours as well. Malcolm and Christine have grown on me! I'll be looking for further chapters!
Comment from AnnaLinda
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Super written reenactment of that surreal experience you and your brother had. Many mysteries in the universe. Perhaps it's a call to pray for the peaceful rest of those chard children and mother?

Great alliteration and perfect writing skills.


 Comment Written 26-May-2021

reply by the author on 26-May-2021
    Sadly, you are likely right... Restless souls I have prayed for often! -- Thank you! Karenina
Comment from Katherine M. (k-11)
This work has reached the exceptional level

In my mind, as I read and thought afterwards over what I had read, Kev, James and the narrator must be the reincarnations of the three children who died. Don't ask me how I know this, I just do. You can't imagine how scared I was that the second visit was going to be the way to get the three of them back into the house - all together and forever this time.

 Comment Written 23-May-2021

reply by the author on 24-May-2021
    MY brothers and I have discussed this many times... We've often thought perhaps that was the "spiritual pull" to this property that "wasn't" anymore. All these years later it sticks with us! SO glad you've read this one, likely due to Elizabeth's mention of it in her recent write about me--(She is much too kind!)---Thanks for the six stars! I'm getting that "itch" to write more prose. I'll keep trying. Maybe there's hope for me yet! Thanks again, Mystery Author
Comment from Raffaelina Lowcock
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is good that you were with your brother and the two of you attested to what you had seen so that you could not later say, "Was I imagining things."
But, I am sure it is something you will never forget and you do realize what a rare occurrence you have experienced.


 Comment Written 22-May-2021

reply by the author on 22-May-2021
    It was. UNBELIEVABLE! Even experiencing it together was so eerie! I still drove down Silver St. now and then... The entire street is marveled out in 1/2 acre plots with "McMansions now... EXCEPT for the one stretch wherethe house was... There is still the stone wall, the driveway....but (as if by supernatural intervention)--'THAT PLOT remains eerily undeveloped! Did Liz send you to read this?!
    Thank you! Karenina
reply by Raffaelina Lowcock on 23-May-2021

reply by the author on 24-May-2021
Comment from 4theloveoftrees
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow, this is amazing!!! A very unnerving experience for but sooo interesting!! The story was fabulous, the fact that it's true puts it over the top, and the quality of the writing superb. Big thank you to Liz for recommending!!

 Comment Written 20-May-2021

reply by the author on 20-May-2021
    Liz has been my literary agent for free regarding this post! I love her for recommending it and love you for reading it! It is said that truth is stranger than fiction? Yes, indeed! Wow--thanks for the sixer!--Karenina
Comment from Susan Newell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What an experience! There are many happenings that are simply unexplainable by our limited abilities of perception.

You are an exceptional writer. I did notice a homonym typo. You have a "lead" which should be "led."

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2021

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2021
    Good editorial eye! I appreciate you pointing that out and will edit it right away! Thanks so much for reviewing!--Karenina
reply by Susan Newell on 17-Feb-2021
    No problem, there was a time when I once proofread insurance policies. Talk about eye glaze!
reply by the author on 18-Feb-2021
    Sometimes I blush at the dumb errors that slip through my (I thought) discerning editorial eye! Thank God for reviewers like you!--Karenina
reply by Susan Newell on 18-Feb-2021
    No one can adequately poof their own work.
Comment from kmoss
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Liz Emerald recommended that I read this story. I'm glad I did! Wow, I cannot believe this is non-fiction! A scary, well-written tale you have here. I enjoy watching You Tubers who explore abandoned buildings and houses. Some houses are just as they left it when they disappeared or died, it's eerie, yet I find it fascinating.

I love this line: About two miles down Silver Street the houses began to thin and the trees framing the road rustled warnings I knew I could not decipher.
You have an extra apostrophe here: "Careful!" He shouted. "I don't' think it's safe!
This should have we instead of I:Over the next year I admit we visited the site more often than (we) should have.

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2021
    How nice of Liz to suggest you read this! Yes, indeed it all happened... I appreciate your editorial suggestions and implemented them immediately. No matter how many times I roof read it seems something always slips through! I enjoy watching paranormal shows as well! (Just never imagined I'd experience the sort of things I'd seen on television!) Thank you again and Happy New Year!--Karenina
Comment from robyn corum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Oh, wow. And, ummm... not thank you. *smile* Though I do agree there are a lot of things that can't be explained through normal reasoning, I am not one to go searching for those situations. You are welcome to call me a chicken if you wish. haha

Some notes:
1.) "I think we're meant to take the next right-hand turn(,)" (h)e said.

2.) Not one to be dissuaded(,) I knew it would be fruitless to quiz him, so I shrugged and muttered(,) "Alrighty then!"

3.) was a barely discernible narrow road, partially hidden by shrub overgrowth on both sides.
--> you can leave off 'on both sides'

4.) "We'll know when we get there(,)" Kev said enigmatically

5.) I swallowed the urge to say(,) "Let's just turn around," lest my brother look down on me.

6.) "We're getting close(,)" (h)e said. "Close to what?" I managed.

7.) stone wall broken only by a driveway that (led) to a dilapidated, run(-) down, clearly(-)vacant house.

8.) "Careful!" (h)e shouted. "I (don't) think it's safe!"

9.) "We're out of here!" (m)y brother whispered as he half(-)slid down the stairs.

10.) If it took us ten minutes to get from my parent(s') house to there

11.) We doubled back and turned onto Silver Street--(p)ostulating about the dresser, the book shelf,

In spite of these nits, I found the piece to be very well composed and clearly strange - but in the best way. *smile*

Thanks and good luck!

 Comment Written 02-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 03-Oct-2020
    Thank-you for reviewing and as always your knowledge and keen editorial eye is very helpful! (You can sure tell I don't write prose much, huh?) I don't have the time this weekend to jot down all your very good "assists" and make the changes but will be sure to come back to this next week and polish it up. Somehow I did manage to take third place! Maybe the "spirits" scared up a few votes! Thanks again!--Karenina
Comment from Margaret Bednar
This work has reached the exceptional level slipped throught the veil of time - I can't even imagine the feeling of going back and it is ... gone! Well told and could easily be a premise for a book that unlocks a mystery - and made into a movie. Well done - how did you do in the contest? I'lll have to go see when it is (or was). Good luck!

 Comment Written 01-Oct-2020

reply by the author on 01-Oct-2020
    Third place. Not bad for someone who has written prose a handful of times! I think the fact that it was a true accounting helped me veer out of my poetry lane and just allow the words to flow. I followed that up with a first place Limerick Contest win...and I had not entered a single contest in like six months so I think I've caught my limit and won't be entering anything for awhile...(Of course that rascally muse may change that!) Thanks for reviewing my friend!--Karenina
reply by Margaret Bednar on 01-Oct-2020
    Congrats! it's nice to get the bonus $ - I just won a contest for the topic "Muse" ... I just started watching the Netflix thriller "the Haunting of Hill House"... you might like it.
reply by the author on 01-Oct-2020
    I've watched it clear through! Loved it! You will too I bet---it's the perfect month for haunted movies! Congrats on your "Muse" win!--Karenina
reply by Margaret Bednar on 01-Oct-2020
    I thought so too - I'm ready for a different kind of horror other than the political one we have been watching :)
reply by the author on 01-Oct-2020
    Okay...I just about spit out my tea! Me TOO! I MAKE myself "check in" on one of the cable news networks for a half an hour --seeing that we're getting so close to the election---but it is a horror show!--LOL---Karenina
reply by Margaret Bednar on 01-Oct-2020
    Did you see the FB meme of both Trump and Biden as toddlers and their voices in baby talk? It is perfect.
reply by the author on 01-Oct-2020
    No! I'll be signing off here in a sec and I'll go take a look... Well, if the committee on debate rules (or whatever fancy name they give themselves), gets their way and is allowed to "mute" the microphone of the offending "talking over the other guy" party we can throw all pretense of free speech out the window! I can see THAT (tempting as it is) as a definite baby whining complaint from both sides post second debate!--Karenina
reply by Margaret Bednar on 02-Oct-2020
    I so agree. We need to see how they act towards each other - and see what type of control they have and well, decency. I have given up on judging character - as far as I'm concerned it is a wash - it's all about the platform and policy. And it is sad it is this way
reply by the author on 02-Oct-2020
    Post debate, I was watching CNN interview, I think, fourteen undecided voters they had on set about what they thought. One young lady who said this would be her first time voting said what so many of us are feeling regardless of which way we're leaning. She said (sorry, not verbatim but....) "It is kind of troubling. I like what XXXXX had to say about policy but I couldn't accept the way he said it." I felt she was reading my mind--for both candidates fell tot he lowest common denominator in character and decorum. It's not a matter anymore of being's more like who is likely to do the least harm along the way... I feel bad for the young ones who are just coming of age. They don't know there once was a time when respect --even begrudging respect -- was the unspoken rule in these debates. I know my six year old grandson behaves better!--Well, we'r enot going to solve the problems of the world tonight anyway so I'm going to lay my head down. Nice "chatting" with you!--Karenina