Reviews from

Washed Up

Message in a bottle (250 words)

11 total reviews 
Comment from Elizabeth Emerald
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

(typo: Jack Denial bottle s/b Jack Daniel's) Learned a new word--fossick! This is a delightful tale, well told--clever ending and witty title. Good luck. Cheers. LIZ

I didn't see the footnote during my original review. I thought the J stood for Jackass.

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 Comment Written 21-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2020
    Don't be so literal, Liz!! It's not a typo - I thought I'd covered the character's spelling ability. The joke is 'denial' - Trump being in denial about many things: climate change, the pandemic's gravity, a burgeoning economy. I know how to spell Jack Daniel's - I drink enough of the stuff!
reply by Elizabeth Emerald on 22-Jul-2020
    Apologies for my density--alas, I am metaphorically-challenged. You indeed conveyed the spelling ability of the message writer--I thought you as the narrator made an coincidentally amusing typo.
reply by Elizabeth Emerald on 22-Jul-2020
    Apologies for my density--alas, I am metaphorically-challenged. You indeed conveyed the spelling ability of the message writer--I thought you as the narrator made an coincidentally amusing typo.
reply by the author on 22-Jul-2020
    I didn't have the footnote in originally. I thought perhaps there might be more people pointing out the 'typo' so I added it. I also changed 'fossick'. I didn't realise that was a 'downunder' word. Here in NZ it doesn't just mean looking for gold, it means rummaging around looking for something... even fossicking around looking for a clean pair of socks. I changed it to 'scavenge', seeing as how the story is set in Florida. (I had to do a google search to learn about Florida's topography, whether it has hills.)
reply by Elizabeth Emerald on 22-Jul-2020
    I looked up fossick!
reply by Elizabeth Emerald on 22-Jul-2020
    I looked up fossick!
reply by Elizabeth Emerald on 23-Jul-2020
    My son is "Daniel"' so it is likely I'd type "daniel" by habit when I intended "denial"! Also--I ALWAYS have to erase the final e when I type the color greene--my former married name. Just recently I mis-typed VACUUM as VACCUM even as I reminded myself that vacuum has one C and UU--I didn't even notice the error because I know how to spell it--fingers can be so contrary!