Reviews from


My life simplified

7 total reviews 
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are a satirist with a jagged edge. Good, these pin headed ninnies need it. When is America going to wake up? All lives matter especially those in the womb that have no defense at this point. (Thank you for adding that to the long list of grievances.) I stopped watching sports. I rarely watch TV except for classic movies before Hollywood went brainless and over the cliff as well. Sitting pretty and wealthy... but don't realize or appreciate a darn thing.

Didn't our dear Dr. King say he longed for the day that a person would not be judged by the [color] of their skin but by the [content] of their character? Maybe they missed that day in history class and forgot to make it up.

Thank you for sharing. I love your writing and bold sassy spirit.
Blessings always,
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2021

reply by the author on 20-Jul-2021
    Thank you for reading and the review it seem to me that many in the black community now see Dr. King as the name of a street or holiday. The do not even recognize the "I have a dream" speech.

reply by Sally Law on 21-Jul-2021
    So true. They're embracing a whole load of lies, even teaching this crap in churches and championing abortion in the poorest black communities. Black on black gang crime is out of control as well, and not brought to light: Chicago, Baltimore, New York and Atlanta. I'm from Atlanta and have also lived in New York state and have traveled extensively to NYC. I still have loads of family and friends in these places so I hear of this mess from their reports. BLM is not about black lives at all. It is a white hatred cult, violent and staged. Never do they showcase black on black crime. If they cared, they would. They are sympathetic to the dictators of Cuba and Venezuela....That alone is telling! Thank you for letting me speak. I've been pent up! Sal :))
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Some painful satire here... It's been an upside down way to handle racial bias et al, hasn't it? Shout about changing team names but allow inequality to center on, oh, I don't know... how much societal morality will be lifted by eliminating Uncle Ben... When the point of the BLM was NOT to eliminate according to race--you know, like by kneeling on someone's neck for eight plus minutes? This microaggression has served to lay a wet blanket on the fire of maltreatment for many that has existed for centuries. Putting blinders on a horse in a burning barn won't stop him from being incinerated. Everybody has a different take. Some wont' admit there IS or HAS BEEN a problem with inequality! I say the more dialogue there is about all of these different facets, the more the underbelly of societal norms is exposed to light. Also, welcome back!--Karenina

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2021

reply by the author on 19-Mar-2021
    Inequality exists today as it has since the beginning of time. It shows when furor is raised when one dies but there is little notice when hundreds die.
reply by karenina on 19-Mar-2021
    I hope the end result is we all become more aware of ALL sorts of inequality!--Karenina
reply by the author on 19-Mar-2021
    I fear we will never escape inequality in one form or the other. There will be rich and poor, politicians and the people, those that obey the law and those that break it.
reply by karenina on 20-Mar-2021
    I hear ya!--Karenina
reply by the author on 20-Mar-2021
    I am glad
    that we found common ground.
reply by karenina on 20-Mar-2021
    Me too!--K
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who has to deal with a rambling mind. Of course, the rambling mind is easier to cope with than the resentments that come from all the foolish dissention. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2021

reply by the author on 19-Mar-2021
    Thank you for the review. Dissension I fear is a part of the New Normal.
Comment from lancellot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can not comment on what your issue with BLM is, mostly because it is not defined in your prose. Yes, these may be your rambling thoughts but for the reader to fully understand what you posted, there needs to more detail, proper sentence and structure, and a cohesive theme.

My suggestion is to add context to your posts; perhaps examples of why and what the leagues and players did or didn't do, and BLM.

 Comment Written 12-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2020
    My problem with BLM is that it is a farce. Black lives do not matter each weekend in urban America, no do the matter in the abortion clinics; they only matter when it involves the police.
    My problem with the leagues....they only care about the bottom line they will do or say anything to insure their profit. They are placing P.C. before the games.
reply by lancellot on 12-Jul-2020
    I agree completely. They are a fraud. My suggestion was to add, that, into the post to give it context.
reply by the author on 12-Jul-2020
    I need to revise.
Comment from Brandi27
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am frustrated with the whole situation in our world today and have never been a supporter of NFL. My belief is that they can kneel on the field after they have worn a uniform and served their country but until them they need to stand their rich, spoiled butts up or find a new place to live. I am a little confused because I don't keep up with all the politics, why Chic-Fil-a and Aunt Jemima? I support all races but that's the thing, ALL lives matter.

 Comment Written 11-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2020
    Thanks for the read and review. Comments by the founder of Chick-fil-A and the company is pulling Aunt Jemima from store shelve. According to BLM All lives matter is racist. as is Blue lives Matter
Comment from Elizabeth Emerald
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Masterful rant--on point and wickedly clever. Glad to have you back! Did you know that poor Uncle Ben was snuffed within an hour of Aunt Jemima? Cheers. LIZ

 Comment Written 11-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2020
    Glad you understood my rant. Like Betty Crocker the Aunt and Uncle are just drawings from long ago. Pity
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sorry that you feel so unsettled by the movement. Personally, it has opened my eyes to see how much injustice there is. I think just like the Civil Rights Movement raised our consciousness to a new level, these new changes will take us up to a new level. We don't worry that our child may get shot because of their skin color. We don't worry that people will think our property values would plummet if we move in. So there is an injustice. These days with the president calling the virus the "China virus," I get suspicious looks at the grocery store because of being Asian. People tend to judge much too quickly by looks. It's really sad.

 Comment Written 11-Jul-2020

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2020
    What I find unsettling is that there is no discourse. In the Civil Rights Movement there was discussion between right and left now it is I am right and you are wrong. Covid 19 came from China just as the Asian Flu( another covid) originated in the orient. If someone is judging you by your looks they have a problem. I myself life in a racially gender and age diverse neighborhood.
    Destroying history is good for no one.
reply by lyenochka on 12-Jul-2020
    Totally agree with you on that, Rikki! We need to learn from history!
reply by the author on 12-Jul-2020
    Had so politicians learned we would not have been in Afghanistan for 17 years.
reply by lyenochka on 12-Jul-2020
    So true!
reply by the author on 12-Jul-2020