Reviews from

Jesus Returns

a contest entry

27 total reviews 
Comment from alexwriter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I came upon this tale on FanStory , and I was really engrossed throughout. I had the impression that I knew the characters well because of how well-developed they were and the author's talent for narrative. I was kept on the edge of my seat by the intriguing narrative. The author's attention to detail and vivid descriptions helped to make the narrative come to life, and I liked that. Overall, this piece of literature left me awestruck, and I heartily suggest it to everyone who enjoys a good tale. I'm forward to read more in the future from this wonderful author!

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The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 01-May-2023

Comment from Dawn Munro
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow, Portia, this is a very impressive little poem. I'm not quite sure how I feel about the idea (the context) but I know that "be watchful and pray" is marvelous advice... Best of luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 16-May-2020

reply by the author on 17-May-2020

    Thank you so much for your review, six star rating, very kind comments and best wishes. Stay safe and have a wonderful day.

Comment from richie b
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem excites me! The return of Jesus Christ
has no rival story or contest.
Your words bring spiritual imagery that the earth
has never experienced. Your choice of artwork and
beautiful words are awe inspiring!
Peace and Blessings,
Richie b

 Comment Written 16-May-2020

reply by the author on 17-May-2020

    I am so glad you enjoyed this poem. Thanks so much for your review and very kind comments. Have a wonderful and blessed day.

reply by richie b on 17-May-2020
    Enjoy the day,
    You are Blessed!
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Jesus Returns
by pharp

Hello, my friend,

A fine entry for the 5-7-5 Poetry contest. I really like the presentation. Good syllable count. I wish you the best in the contest.

 Comment Written 16-May-2020

reply by the author on 17-May-2020
    Hello Sweet Gypsy,

    Thanks so much for your review, very kind comments and best wishes, they are greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful and blessed day.

Comment from Willie P. Smith
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wish I had six stars, but used them all, This is very well written. It is very meaningful, Jesus' return described in three lines. The picture is
an excellent choice. It gave me goosebumps.

 Comment Written 16-May-2020

reply by the author on 17-May-2020

    Thanks so much for your review and very kind comments, they are greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful and blessed day,

Comment from Susan Larson
This work has reached the exceptional level

You get my last six! This is outstanding. I am impressed and appreciative of all the biblical research you do for your spiritual poetry. People write about their "muse" and how it inspires them. I think it's obvious who your "Muse" is.

 Comment Written 16-May-2020

reply by the author on 17-May-2020

    Thanks so much for your review, six star rating and very kind comments, they are greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful and blessed day. Susan, your comments placed a poem in my spirit. I will work on it today. Stay safe and well...

Comment from Iza Deleanu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

riding a white horse

Jesus returns in Glory ~

be watchful and pray.
Quite unexpected but very truthful and it seems that that time is near. Thank you fir sharing and good luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 16-May-2020

reply by the author on 16-May-2020


    Thank you kindly for your review , very kind comments and best wishes. Have a wonderful day.

Comment from Amanda Louise Davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If you know your Bible, this would make sense, but you also helped by including the info in your notes. I think you did well with this poem. It fits the prompts also.

 Comment Written 15-May-2020

reply by the author on 16-May-2020

    Thank you kindly for your review and very kind comments, they are greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful day.

Comment from Raul1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem meets the requirements for the contest. It has a chance of winning the contest! It is clear and concise. Excellent work! No grammatical errors. Good luck in the contest!

 Comment Written 15-May-2020

reply by the author on 16-May-2020

    Thank you kindly for your review , very kind comments and best wishes. Have a wonderful day.

reply by Raul1 on 16-May-2020
    You're welcome and thanks!
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

To see Jesus come riding on a white horse through Heaven's gates would be wonderful. I can't see it happening in my time, but He will come, He has told us so. Your 5-7-5 poem is well written and conveys a wonderful message. Well done and good luck! :)) Sandra xx

 Comment Written 15-May-2020

reply by the author on 16-May-2020

    Thank you kindly for your review , very kind comments and best wishes. Have a wonderful day.
