Reviews from

Old Trixie

Sometimes tales of the past can help the present.

23 total reviews 
Comment from Iza Deleanu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If that babysitter its a dog she one of t he kind, a super hero :"Let me tell you about Trixie, the only babysitter my mother every had.

She rescued us from charging bulls, biting snakes, and even spraying skunks."
Thank you for sharing and good luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 28-Mar-2020

reply by the author on 28-Mar-2020
    Thank you for taking time to review my very short story. Take care.
Comment from samandlancelot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I liked your 50-word tale. With the scary times of the world, fairy-tales won't do this time, but there was a simpler time Grandpa could share with the girls. What the story was about wasn't as important as what it represented in simplicity.

I liked it.


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 Comment Written 28-Mar-2020

reply by the author on 28-Mar-2020
    Thank you for the review, Patricia. You're right, the idea of survival stories and simplicity was then main idea.
Comment from humpwhistle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I realize 50 words doesn't give you much to work with. I guess that's the challenge. Not all stories can be told in 50 words, in fact, precious few can. I fear there isn't enough here to comprise a story.
But that's just one man's opinion.

I wish you luck.

Peace, Lee

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 Comment Written 28-Mar-2020

reply by the author on 28-Mar-2020
    Thank you, Lee. I'll go back and see what I can do about that. The idea was that a story was going to be told.