Reviews from

The Gardens at Weatherbury

Viewing comments for Chapter 7 "C7 -Those Pesky Imps"
Truths Shared from My Job of a Lifetime

32 total reviews 
Comment from Sally Law
This work has reached the exceptional level

Aw, this is a fun frolick at the estate. Your writing talent has been showcased here, my beautiful friend. A delight on a day I'm trapped inside. Your characters come alive, once again. Imps trapped in an aersol can, aye? Your muse is a scream!
Sending you my best today as always,
Sal xoxo

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2020

reply by the author on 20-Mar-2020
    Oh, Lady Sal - you have made me NOT ready to just pull my hair out over here!! THANK YOU for this awesome review and those shining stars -- see? Help for the smile I have to wear as I make YouTube videos teaching math for my students!! ;) :) Please know that your support is always so wonderful and I am forever grateful!! ;)
    Please understand that this is a ridiculously abbreviated (and cut/paste) response for me, but I have been (still am!) in the midst of converting everything to online learning for the mandated school closings for the foreseeable future. Once I get ?ahead? in this ?change of venues? (i.e., instruction in cyberspace ? lol!), I promise to be back to ?me? in my responses? you know, the crazy blonde fantasy chick! ;) ;)
    Be safe and, remember, if you see any offerings/reviews from me, they are my ?escape? from this insanity? you know, my pressure release valve!! ;) ;)
    Take care of you and we?ll be sailing smoothly again in a few more days? hopefully!
    [sorry - know you've seen this before, but I feel SOOO bad!!]
Comment from Bill Pinder
This work has reached the exceptional level

Yvette, you nailed it with another very creative story about the fictional gardens and the unique creatures. Thanks for sharing your interesting writing with the rest of us humans. Bill

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2020

reply by the author on 20-Mar-2020
    Bill - you have made me NOT ready to just pull my hair out over here!! THANK YOU for this awesome review and those shining stars -- see? Help for the smile I have to wear as I make YouTube videos teaching math for my students!! ;) :) Please know that your support is always so wonderful and I am forever grateful!! ;)
    Please understand that this is a ridiculously abbreviated (and cut/paste) response for me, but I have been (still am!) in the midst of converting everything to online learning for the mandated school closings for the foreseeable future. Once I get ?ahead? in this ?change of venues? (i.e., instruction in cyberspace ? lol!), I promise to be back to ?me? in my responses? you know, the crazy blonde fantasy chick! ;) ;)
    Be safe and, remember, if you see any offerings/reviews from me, they are my ?escape? from this insanity? you know, my pressure release valve!! ;) ;)
    Take care of you and we?ll be sailing smoothly again in a few more days? hopefully!
    [sorry - know you've seen this before, but I feel SOOO bad!!]
reply by Bill Pinder on 20-Mar-2020
    You?re very welcome! Good luck with your YouTube math lessons. Bill
Comment from Shirley McLain
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Fighting imps can cause all kinds of problems. You did an excellent job with your chapter. I did not find any errors to make recommendations. Shirley

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2020

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2020
    Thanx much for stopping by for Nicholas' latest escapades, Shirley -- so glad to have you on-board!! ;) Have a great week out there! ;) Yvette
    **I'm catching up slowly but surely....
Comment from May 1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Haha, I love Sir Archie. He is such a great character. I especially love the ending, it's awesome. All in all, I really enjoyed reading this chapter, it was really fun.

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2020

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2020
    Thanx much for stopping by for Nicholas' latest escapades, May -- so glad to have you on-board!! ;) Have a great week out there! ;) Yvette
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written chapter for your book "The Gardens at Weatherbury" the imps seem to come from everywhere at once and they need to be stopped instantly.

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2020

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2020
    Thanx much for stopping by for Nicholas' latest escapades, Sandra -- so glad to have you on-board!! ;) Have a great week out there! ;) Yvette
Comment from JudyE
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So the group have been saved from the imps by Sir Archibald? That's good news.

Just two small points:

Before I had time to even contemplate that, the exercised Constantine raised his hat in in his hand, taking aim at the hovering gnome - did you mean 'exorcised' rather than 'exercised'? and delete 'in'. There are two of them.


 Comment Written 15-Mar-2020

reply by the author on 20-Mar-2020
    Thanx so much for the review, Judy (and the catch) -- your support is always so wonderful and I am forever grateful!! ;)
    Please understand that this is a ridiculously abbreviated (and cut/paste) response for me, but I have been (still am!) in the midst of converting everything to online learning for the mandated school closings for the foreseeable future. Once I get ?ahead? in this ?change of venues? (i.e., instruction in cyberspace ? lol!), I promise to be back to ?me? in my responses? you know, the crazy blonde fantasy chick! ;) ;)
    Be safe and, remember, if you see any offerings/reviews from me, they are my ?escape? from this insanity? you know, my pressure release valve!! ;) ;)
    Take care of you and we?ll be sailing smoothly again in a few more days? hopefully!
Comment from thaities, Rebecca V.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Pre-teens will love these short adventures! You have a wild imagination that a fiction writer needs. The characters appeal to the imagination, and their actions are engaging. Good writing!

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2020

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2020
    You just gotta watch the crazy blonde, yeah?! ;) Thank you so much for stopping in on Nicholas' escapades, my lady -- and take care of you waay on the other side of the world this week! ;) Yvette
Comment from Minglement
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello, my friend - This is - of course quite out of my normal realm of reading but had to take a peek and see what it's about. Beautiful job on a fun read that should be very appealing to your intended audience. Fanciful and charming. No nits, of course. Well done :)

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2020

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2020
    Hooray! :) So glad you enjoy the fantasy silliness, Marcia -- it's definitely meant for a younger audience and I do so appreciate that WONDERFUL review and those awesome stars!! Have a wonderful week and I'm gonna try to 'keep head above water' or, at least, keep sanity in the green zone... LOL! ;) Yvette
reply by Minglement on 15-Mar-2020
    I think your targeted audience would love it. You did a great job with this charming write, evoking the senses :) Gotta manage to keep the sanity. I forgot where you live. Is the big scare on there?
reply by the author on 16-Mar-2020
    Alabama. They were gonna close schools after classes on Wednesday which would have given us time to 'front load' during our facetime with students. But now everything's canceled period. So, we're scrambling for online ways of handling things.... let's just say it's going to be interesting... ;) ;)
reply by Minglement on 16-Mar-2020
    It will be interesting indeed. At the university. Where my daughter teaches they were planning a trial run on online classes, the week after spring break, so they had a little more time to prepare. She teaches social work so they have students working on site in several locations (hospitals, courts, etc), so they have to figure that piece out too if the sites are closed. It's a mess. How to cripple a nation. They are closing all our restaurants tomorrow for sit down. Can only do take out. Schools, libraries, Senior Centers closed. Stay well, my friend.
Comment from gingermo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The action in this chapter keeps the story moving and the description of the imps such, that you see them in your mind. A blueberry attack most imaginative and I was curious to know what was in the can of spray...whatever it was it must have tasted good for Archie to be licking it.
I think this fantasy story most appealing...especially liked the description of the sprayed imp...'a struggling leaf and screeched like an UN-oiled hinge.' Cheers.

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2020

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2020
    Thanx much for the read and review, gingermo -- so good of you to stop in for Nicholas' latest escapades... be sure to stop by again and see what else is happening 'round here!! ;) :) Have a great week! ;) Yvette
Comment from Diana L Crawford
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh my, the little Imps are quite the troublemakers and Sir Archie is quite the protector! This is a very interesting adventure fir Nicolas! You offer such great detail on these characters!!

Looking forward to the next!! xoxo

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2020

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2020
    Thanx for hanging in with Nicholas and his escapades, Diana -- I've been re-doing lesson plans and such and preparing to vid lectures/set up online discussion groups amid the weeks of school closing we are faced with - ugh.... so I'll probably fall behind this week, but I'ma gonna try not to! ;) :) Take care and thanx again! ;) Yvette