Reviews from

Out Standing Stories and Poems

Viewing comments for Chapter 42 "Tempting Fate on My Way 2 Heaven"
A Book of Horror and Honor.

6 total reviews 
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very deep and very sad poem to me that you have penned my friend. I know from reading God's word that it is satan's job to rob, steal and kill. He is doing that every day here on this earth. God loves us and His Holy Spirit dwells within us if we have accepted Jesus. I pray and hope that 2020 brings you lots of blessings and so much joy! Take care my friend! Teri

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 02-Jan-2020
    I can feel your Soul your Heart and the richness and purity in this review.
    I thank you very much!
Comment from May 1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think that the best of poems are able to transmit a lot of different emotions to the reader and this poem shows me a lot of anger and pain which makes it feel even more real. I don't think there are adequate words to say after reading such a raw, honest poem so I will just say that the poem was wonderfully written and full of emotion.

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 02-Jan-2020
    Thanks May and sometimes I post my pain but I'll also alert the writers to the problems on this planet.
    Doctor Ricky 1024
Comment from Mary Kay Bonfante
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem is very intense, you have deep thoughts and powerful emotions. I'm sorry for the loss of your son in 2003, if the poem is autobiographical, that's very tragic. I lost my brother in 2005, and my mother's grief was unimaginable. We were her only children.

I don't know what incident you're referring to in 1993 -- I know that was the first attack on the Twin Towers, but I think it was 7 people killed, not 10, and I don't what you're referring to about the mothers who were tortured and distressed. It sounds terrible but I am interested to know.

I don't understand some of your poetic story, but I do get that you're in despair over the condition of our world today -- greed, corruption, mass killing and destruction, human trafficking and abortion (thank you for mentioning those two especially; my heart breaks for the slain babies and enslaved people including children), pollution of our world and especially sin and evil, which is at the root of it all.

When you say,
"And, have you figured that all these lost lives were done because of you and because of me?"
are you referring to our sinful state as humans or to some specific sin(s) that caused our current miseries?

I would agree that it is our sinful condition, in fact that is what led to my born again experience over 35 years ago. I realized that the suffering in our world was the result of original and ongoing sin, and that if I was part of the problem. By inviting Christ into my life and partaking of His forgiveness and eternal life, I became part of the solution which is Him.

I especially like your closing stanza, in which those who join God will finally find rest, as promised.

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 02-Jan-2020
    This poem is a mixture of my pain and those who suffered their own personal experiences especially during 9-11.
    I'm sure a lot of those people that jumped off to their death even though they were adults and a little older had Mother's that missed them so very much.
    I2 as well as you and you and I both know that there's no pure and perfect person walking this planet so we are all sinners till degree.
    I talked about that and this piece.
    and yes when it comes to the seven killed and the date was for the first bombing you're completely correct on that.
    I had a friend while back its first thing was Richard also and he was a police officer and he had a dream right before the bombing in the garage.
    He felt that something about was going to attack the Twin Towers.
    I guess you can call it a Nightmarish vision?
    Thanks and I hope I cleared up the mystery.
    The reference to 1993 was also the second of three nervous breakdowns.

reply by Mary Kay Bonfante on 02-Jan-2020
    Yes, Ricky, I did consider the mothers of the many who were murdered (or jumped to their deaths, as you said, which is the rough equivalent of being murdered), and how terrible it must have been for them... as well as for fathers, children, spouses, siblings, and loved ones of various relationships whose precious people didn't come home that day. It still makes my soul shudder, to think of how they died in those crashing infernos - including the Pentagon and the people in all 4 planes, but especially the people who were still in the buildings while they were ablaze.
    I am very sorry about your nervous breakdowns. I don't know if I have ever had a classic one of those, but I do suffer from an ongoing anxiety that is often nearly impossible to bear. I must lean on my Lord Jesus because He is my Rock. I turn to Him for comfort, and to whatever legitimate means of help He graciously provides. So I do understand a lot of what you go through, and have been through.
    That's an amazing vision that your friend, the police officer, had, before the 1993 bombing. I worked with someone in 2001 who had a neighbor from a foreign country. The neighbor warned her on 9/10/01, "Don't go to work tomorrow." She did go, but fortunately didn't work in downtown Manhattan. Of course, the neighbor knew all along; it was no vision. They were gone, the next day!
    Such is the world we live in. "If you see something, say something."
reply by the author on 02-Jan-2020
    Nostradamus once predicted that two large birds would fly into and destroy two large buildings!
    I'm not sure the exact century he was born but I do believe it's been at least three hundred years or maybe more since some of this is amazing warnings and predictions have come true.
    I guess for some reason there are revelators and there are prophets and their Sears and people that have some kind of ability to predict.
    I do know I've heard of strange things and seeing strange things within weeks after my son passed away in 2003.
    then I wonder why we had to make a decision not on March 31st but the very next day to donate his organs which is also strange since it's April Fool's Day?
    sometimes I wonder if it's the joke on me or it's the joke on the Grim Reaper since his organs saved many lives?
    Your thoughts on that subject are always welcome!
reply by Mary Kay Bonfante on 02-Jan-2020
    I am still very, very sorry for your loss, and April 1 is a day the Lord has made, like any other. However, if the joke was on anyone, it would be on the Grim Reaper, because you (and since you said "we," possibly other family members) made the unselfish decision to save many lives through donating his organs. That's a HUGE blessing, Ricky.
    It really is amazing that someone like Nostradamus made such an eerie prediction about the planes crashing into the Twin Towers. I think the important thing to remember is, no matter how remarkable it is, that we can never put our trust in anyone but God. A seer may be right once, twice or a dozen times, but God never fails.
    9/11 was an unimaginable horror. My husband lost so many friends from the FDNY. He wasn't a firefighter, he was a Red Cross volunteer and always a big fan of the FDNY -- so much so, that I tease him and call him a Dalmatian! So now they call him that, too -- it's all in good fun.
    I wrote a very long poem about 9/11. I should enter it in one of the poetry contests -- it's very long. Maybe I will, when I find the right one.
    Good talk.
Comment from David M. Miller
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Two pieces of literature this reminded me of: "The Wasteland" By T.S. Elliot which is about the decline of society. I think that the epic poetry format and the structure you have hear is very strong, and the ideas and criticisms of humanity being flushed out are reminiscent of the aforementioned piece. The second is the last few verses of Psalms 34 which calls for the judgment of God upon evil.

 Comment Written 01-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 01-Jan-2020
    I wrote a piece...
    "The Seven Laws of Judification"
    (Based on the Seven deadly Sins)
    there exists no word in the dictionary beautification but it basically means to justify Evil in its purest of forms.
    Think of the amounts of money that are being harvest by these 7 entities the one though basically wouldn't be included in the list.
    Starting with most serious addictions going to the next tobacco industry then going of course to the banking and industry the oil industry number 5 telecommunication industry number 6 to lack of monopolization laws that went out in the 80 and the very last who suffers the worst but it's the most important is a lack of religion.
    Well reviewed.
    Doctor Ricky 1024
reply by David M. Miller on 01-Jan-2020
    It was a pleasure to read. Would love to talk theology sometime
reply by the author on 02-Jan-2020
    Sounds great always learning!
Comment from Therese Caron
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow. I am not even sure what to make of this writing, yet I know it is fantastic. The main emotion I find in this poem is grief, along with anger, confusion, frustration, cynicism, the list of emotions goes on. Although I do not understand all of this writing, I'm giving you six stars because I think this writing is absolutely phenomenal. I think it comes from a place very deep inside of you, mostly from a place of grief.

 Comment Written 01-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 01-Jan-2020
    After losing my son Jason and donating their organs on April first 2003 for April Fool's Day my depression and grief began.
    on November 23rd 2003 at 8 months later my wife died from the second heart attack self induced lack of medical or medication suicide.
    Again I went into a deep depression and took a knife to the left and right side of my heart beating so pure...
    The heart valve was punctured but I was not dying?
    Bleeding internally, searching desperately, to be with my son and wife...
    I slashed deeply the right side of my neck three times...
    Not 'Desparately Looking for Susan."
    But the jugular which is on the other side of the neck!
    Jeezes Louise!
    It's hard to die!
    And not dying I was not so..
    I finally decided to do it the more common way?
    So, stupidity I took a whole bottle of my depakote...
    (For depression and seizures)
    to make a long story short my ex girlfriend Nancy called me up and said she didn't like the tone of my voice and that she was coming over to my house?
    Confused desperate I knew she had heart problems that would eventually wind up with many mental stitches hospitalization and also two trips to separate mental hospitals I called 9-11.
    To make a long story short I use this as a tool I have saved One Life who was somebody suicidal had breast cancer but I was visiting a relief group in Toms River, New Jersey called... "Journey to Wellness"
    I even wrote a poem about it called....
    "Triple Suicide Dance"
    What I've learned from this experience is we all have our purpose here and God knows that and when it's our time he'll allow it to happen.
Comment from Wabigoon
This work has reached the exceptional level

A ferocious poem. Probably way beyond anything I ever expected from you. The grief here is positively impossible. That's the word that comes to me. You are so much better a writer than you once were it is not even possible to recount it. There are still all sorts of things, but mostly you make a kind of horrific sense that used to be all tangled up. Is this good? I don't know, only you can answer that. You are challenging God here and very, very few do that. You are still..."thanking Him and His Son" and I wonder why you are doing that? And I wonder why you are not speaking to your son directly to find out from him what he thinks...not only about what happened to him but your poetry? Channel a poem from him.

This is a "towering" poem in many respects. Drop all the damn quotation marks -- why do you need them?


 Comment Written 01-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 01-Jan-2020
    Quotation quotation Jeff who's got the quotation?
    But anywho this is my grief my pain based on my three at one time suicide attempts December 1st 2006.
    Even wrote a poem about it called...
    "Triple Suicide Dance!'
    What I learned is it's very hard to hit and destroy your heart you may search for it but you will not find it I found the valve and started bleeding internally but I missed a jugular because I / my neck deeply three times on the wrong side?
    Downed my bottle of Depakote which is used for depression and or seizures.
    .. let's say to make a long story short I make a good suicide alcohol drug prevention counselor.
    And I don't do drugs and I don't get drunk!
    When you lose your 18 year old son only son and then less than eight months your wife of 20 years you absolutely do go crazy and if you don't then you're not a normal human being.
    Thanks for da Six!
    And read...