Reviews from

Poetic Reality

An Offering for the 7-Words or Less Poetry Contest...

15 total reviews 
Comment from zanya
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes indeed how very true - sometimes we overlook this all important fact when we seek out the poetic world -poetry opens up our world - a lovely visual

 Comment Written 24-May-2019

reply by the author on 24-May-2019
    My thanks for your review, Zanya.
Comment from Sandra Montanino
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is great advice to the majority of the human race. We all think everyone should bend to our way of thinking. You've done a super job limited to just a few words. Good luck with your contest!

 Comment Written 24-May-2019

reply by the author on 24-May-2019
    Yes! Thank you for your wonderful review - much appreciated.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So true and we search for those that do! Everyone has a different expectation from poetry and I have my favourite authors, a poignant and truthful write, love Dolly x

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 Comment Written 24-May-2019

reply by the author on 24-May-2019
    Thank you for your wonderful review - much appreciated.
Comment from LisaMay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That is so very true... combined with a painting 'in a foreign language' by Russian artist Kandinsky to underline your point. Everyone has their own language of differing vocabulary and intention, based on different experiences, so it stands to reason that sometimes just getting a whiff of emotion through obscure words could be enough for a poem to speak to us, just like an abstract artwork can.

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 Comment Written 23-May-2019

reply by the author on 24-May-2019
    Thank you for your detailed comments and wonderful review - much appreciated.
reply by LisaMay on 24-May-2019
    You're very welcome. I liked both your poem and the painting.
Comment from Cybertron1986
This work has reached the exceptional level

I love the insight that implies sensitivity to the diversity that is the reality of the world. Both your choice of words and presentation hit all the right notes to me as the reader. Concise, but very powerful poem. Well done!

 Comment Written 23-May-2019

reply by the author on 24-May-2019
    Wow, Cybertron - you just started my weekend off on a wonderful note! :) I'm so glad that 'got me' on this one... it is very disheartening to see some folks 'down-rating' poems because they simply don't like the position the author took/feels. Good heavens - if we all wrote and felt the same way, what a boring world that would be: like going to an art museum and having every picture and/or sculpture be exact duplicates (or maybe same but in different colors/textures) of all the others!! YUCK! :) :) If a poem 'rubs you the wrong way', just skip it! :) ;) Just not that difficult, ya know? :) ;) Anyway -- so glad to know this one 'rubbed you the right way'... LOL! Take care!!