Get To Know Me!
Viewing comments for Chapter 7 "Quiz #7 - Ms. Snyder"A book of Quizzes!
12 total reviews
Comment from JudyE
This is a great way to get to know each other a little better. I haven't done my own yet but I'm getting a bit closer to doing it. I enjoyed reading this, thanks.
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2019
This is a great way to get to know each other a little better. I haven't done my own yet but I'm getting a bit closer to doing it. I enjoyed reading this, thanks.
Comment Written 04-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2019
I can't wait to see yours! I love when I get the chance to go back and read all of these - they are so much fun to sit and giggle and really learn about everyone as a whole. I do glean a lot from these telling little quizzes/lists that Robyn and Earl do! Can't wait for all that I enjoy to join in and let their hair down a bit. Thank you for your kind review. Cheers, Fonda
Comment from lyenochka
You're heroic in how you were able to develop into a loving, caring mom even after how you were treated by your own. You're heroic in how you raised yourself from such a young age. And yes, your dad was Superman, too! Thanks for sharing!!
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2019
You're heroic in how you were able to develop into a loving, caring mom even after how you were treated by your own. You're heroic in how you raised yourself from such a young age. And yes, your dad was Superman, too! Thanks for sharing!!
Comment Written 03-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 04-Mar-2019
Awe Hugs - to you right off the bat those words are super sweet and kind. Superman yes he was a superman for a lot of people that is true. Thank you for stopping by my fun fluff stuff too! I had to take a sanity break this time! LOL Cheers, Fonda
Comment from HealingMuse
Hi Ms.,
Very nicely written and quite an interesting life you have had, thus far.
I think a write about your prophetic dreams would be fascinating, as would stories about your animal activism.
Thanks for sharing!
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
Hi Ms.,
Very nicely written and quite an interesting life you have had, thus far.
I think a write about your prophetic dreams would be fascinating, as would stories about your animal activism.
Thanks for sharing!
Comment Written 03-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
Hi Jan,
I may take that idea and run with it, but honestly, they are frustrating. No matter what I have done, there has been no way to keep them from occurring. Sometimes the pieces that are shown to me make no sense until after they happen. But in several instances, I have had a validated person hear my dream before the incident. And then they freak out alongside me when the discovery of the dream occurs. The big earthquake was the Northridge, California 6.7 in 1994. The earthquake started on January 17 at 4:30:55 a.m. PST in the San Fernando Valley region near Los Angeles. Roughly 277 miles away from Las Vegas where I was living at the time. I had my dream a few days shy of January 1st. My son was barely 3 months old on the 29th of December. It was so memorable that I had told everyone I knew about the collapsing building and exactly how they looked and that it appeared a huge earthquake had taken place down to the color of the building. 20 days later the exact description of what I saw in my dream happened. The dream was so colorful and vivid and so painful because so many people were injured. 8700 people and 57 died. It was crazy. I thought I was crazy. I rarely talk about the items but I may start writing in Fan Story about the individual incidents as a way to get those things out too. I am not someone who can predict the future though. Because I never have the full spectrum of what I see, hear or feel nor do I have contextual pinpoints of time or relevance. Sometimes I can dream and something doesn't happen for years. Animal activism is on-going and maybe that would be another cool idea. I do appreciate your time, input and wonderful suggestions. I have a lot on my plate right now so these things will be pretty far off. But i will circle back to them in the future. Thank you again! Cheers, Fonda
WOW - Incredible about the quake dream. You are NOT crazy. You are gifted. Big difference. Perhaps you could look into honing those intuitive skills? Jan
Comment from judiverse
I'm glad you responded to this. It's quite an interesting background. Little bit of mystery there about the nom de plume. It's got me intrigued as to where else you write. Your father's story is certainly worth telling. I'm also wondering about your plans! I'll be curious to know what they were. This is very attractively presented. judi
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
I'm glad you responded to this. It's quite an interesting background. Little bit of mystery there about the nom de plume. It's got me intrigued as to where else you write. Your father's story is certainly worth telling. I'm also wondering about your plans! I'll be curious to know what they were. This is very attractively presented. judi
Comment Written 03-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
Yes, I live in mystery. I will share where else when I can. I will also share plans too. I am me in Fan Story. So everyone will be along for the ride. Thank you, Judi, for your kind and wonderful review. I am very grateful. Cheers, Fonda
You're very welcome. I enjoyed reading about your life. jludi
Comment from Ulla
Hi Fonda, I liked you answers and I think you've achieved quite a lot and done quite in your lifetime. It's interesting to read about us all. I love it. All the best. Ulla:)))
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
Hi Fonda, I liked you answers and I think you've achieved quite a lot and done quite in your lifetime. It's interesting to read about us all. I love it. All the best. Ulla:)))
Comment Written 03-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
Hi Ulla,
I love reading about everyone as well. It is the first one I got out in Robyn's book. I missed the last round and I knew that I had to get the next one done no matter how crazy busy things were. I didn't want her to think I was snubbing her. I also want to get to know the people in Fan Story who were included in Robyn's quiz as they are greatly admired, you included! Thank you for your kind review. I can't wait to get back to reading your chapters!!!! Cheers, Fonda
I'm so looking forward to your reviews. :)))
Comment from Miss Sherry
You have survived, worked for causes, raised a child - become my friend... that sounds like a lot to me. AND there is bunches more to come - look out world!
These quizes do not really tell us the good stuff anyway.
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
You have survived, worked for causes, raised a child - become my friend... that sounds like a lot to me. AND there is bunches more to come - look out world!
These quizes do not really tell us the good stuff anyway.
Comment Written 03-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
Hi Miss Sherry,
Why would I just give up all the goods - eh? That is what my stories are for right? Also, I express a lot in my poems and stories so I have to "leave em wanting more." But honestly, I am an open book with the people that interest me. I give enough information to the masses and then if they want to know more all they have to do is ask. Look out world - yes that is my motto for 2019! I hope you do a Quiz - it is kind of nice to do something that isn't part of the wheelhouse every now and then. Thank you for your kind and beautiful words (your soul to me is so stunningly beautiful); I do appreciate every word you write! Cheers, Fonda
I write other sites, my stronger stuff that would not be appreciated here. I will have to give you the names of one or two.
Thank you, that would be very cool! Cheers, Fonda
Comment from susand3022
Like Hell, you haven't done much... You haven't just survived, you've thrived and you made your son flourish. Not to mention that you keep me from falling apart occasionally... well somewhat anyway! I expect you've achieved a lot more than you think you have!
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
Like Hell, you haven't done much... You haven't just survived, you've thrived and you made your son flourish. Not to mention that you keep me from falling apart occasionally... well somewhat anyway! I expect you've achieved a lot more than you think you have!
Comment Written 03-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
Uh huh! Yep. That's me a 51-year-old who has to start all over again with a toothbrush and some clothes. I didn't get married because I didn't want to end up this way - Geesh. Big things are a coming! And I need to keep you well at least try because we have to do that for each other occasionally or otherwise. Now we both have to get into some type of real sleep pattern soon so we at least hold on to the last grain of sanity we each have left. We gotta... Also Thank you for the wonderful review and kind words, this time they are overly kind and it is majestically wonderful of you to say. Thank you for the 6. Cheers, Fonda
Aw... Snap!!! I need 2 more chapters... 1 more story to rank in both of them! And I have to keep up the poems or I'll lose my ranking!
Comment from Y. M. Roger
How wonderfully entertaining and elegantly that a thing? Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed -- liked that someone else's place/homes were in about the same proportion as mine. :) ;) Oh, I hope to be around to hear about/share in the big plans!! ;) :) Thanx for sharing! ;) Yvette :)
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
How wonderfully entertaining and elegantly that a thing? Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed -- liked that someone else's place/homes were in about the same proportion as mine. :) ;) Oh, I hope to be around to hear about/share in the big plans!! ;) :) Thanx for sharing! ;) Yvette :)
Comment Written 03-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
Yes, Yvette, you and a few close FanStorians will be the first to know of the big plans as they come into fruition... Sarcastic wasn't my given name, but I made it my middle name - didn't you know? Yes actually right after seeing your lovely orange. Also that you had changed Robyn's picture to that color - which I couldn't quite figure out in time. I decided what the heck. I needed to play for a bit and the last quiz I missed entirely. I screwed up Earl's list - so now this time you inspired me again! Also, I didn't want Robyn to think I was snubbing her. Missing one cause you're too busy is okay but two? I don't think so. Yes and as far as places, I think that I will probably be adding to that number before the year ends as well. What is funny is I have had some really long stints at most of my places, but there were a few years where I moved around a lot. More to have in common! Enjoy your Sunday Beautiful Teacher, MRW and CQ - Cheers, Fonda
Comment from country ranch writer
I believed in charities until recently. I gave to st. Jude, salvation arm. United way . Then my husband got sick with stage four lung cancer and I posted for help on go fund me and they shut the door on me one person donated and he is now dead himself . He was a blessing to me and I will miss Mikey all my born I days for coming forth to try to help me when no one else would. I closed go fund me because no one responded to my plea and go fund me made fun of me because I couldn't raise any reasonable amount. So they can go suck apple butter and I will never in my born days give till I hurt as one person to me I should have on here and they know who they are.
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
I believed in charities until recently. I gave to st. Jude, salvation arm. United way . Then my husband got sick with stage four lung cancer and I posted for help on go fund me and they shut the door on me one person donated and he is now dead himself . He was a blessing to me and I will miss Mikey all my born I days for coming forth to try to help me when no one else would. I closed go fund me because no one responded to my plea and go fund me made fun of me because I couldn't raise any reasonable amount. So they can go suck apple butter and I will never in my born days give till I hurt as one person to me I should have on here and they know who they are.
Comment Written 03-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
Hi Country,
Well, when I can give again in dollars - Country I would certainly donate, do you know the entire time Mike did that I had no idea! I only found out about the whole quirky circular situation after the fact. I currently am working my way back into the financial stratosphere myself due to some unforeseen medical expenses that came out of the blue for myself. But I promise you this, any help non-dollar related I can offer - I will! I hope that you know that if I had the money I would hand it over in an instant. I have been reading like a banshee to get the things posted. Things I knew I had to finalize so that I can try to get some income into my household as well. So I'm here as a friend and willing to help when and where I can. Thank you for the wonderful review. I appreciate the 6 stars you are too kind. I will try to catch up with you more soon. Cheers, Fonda
God bless you my friend
Comment from nomi338
Your remarks are refreshingly funny and honest. From your responses, I believe you to be like the majority of happy members of FS. What I mean by that is, 1. Well adjusted. 2. Not overly proud 3. Not consumed with the pursuit of praise. I don't believe that I have read your work before, but I definitely will in future. I am writing your name on my authors to follow list right now.
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
Your remarks are refreshingly funny and honest. From your responses, I believe you to be like the majority of happy members of FS. What I mean by that is, 1. Well adjusted. 2. Not overly proud 3. Not consumed with the pursuit of praise. I don't believe that I have read your work before, but I definitely will in future. I am writing your name on my authors to follow list right now.
Comment Written 03-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2019
Hi nomi338,
I just read a poem by you that was truly excellent. Thank you for stopping by to read my fluff. I know that I have read one other piece from you in the past. I recognized something on your profile from an up next. I look forward to reading more of your writing and I also am glad that you enjoyed what little here I exposed. You may want to rethink the number 1 after reading more of my stuff. LOL. Thank you for the wonderful review. Cheers, Fonda