Reviews from

One Grandma's Reflections

Watching your grandchildren grow

18 total reviews 
Comment from Green_Jello
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Connie! Thanks, your poem made me cry lol! I have a almost 3 year old son and I realize everyday how fast he is growing and how much I will miss this age once he is grown. This was a wonderful little poem, I enjoyed reading it even if my mascara is running now! : )

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2019
    Thank you so much for your wonderful review and six-star rating.
    Sounds you can really relate to watching your baby grow up. If only they could stay three
    years old a little longer than one year.
    Thanks again.
Comment from MissMerri
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Awwwww... they are two of the cutest little people!! I can see why you're so proud of them. Your poem is adorable and written obviously from your loving heart.

I struggled with this verse, and feel pretty sure it could be fixed, but I need your help. ;p

These days it's off to school he goes.
On weekends he's with Mom and Dad
on family outings they have chose. (grammatically, I think this has to be chosen?)
He's happy and for that I'm glad.

I'm thinking it might be okay to say "on family outings that they chose" but not too sure that is any improvement. I'm sure you can word it better and in the meantime, I enjoy this grandmotherly poem and all it shows about you... the kind of mom and grandmother we'd all love to have.

Hugs, Adonna

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2019
    Hi Adonna,
    Thank you, Adonna, for your most thoughtful review. Funny you should mention the line with the word "chose." If you'll recall, I, too, was an English teacher, and I had second thoughts about that line, knowing that it was grammatically incorrect. My husband teases me about being a stickler for proper grammar and punctuation. I had hoped that if you read this poem, you wouldn't notice. :)
    I'm going to use your suggestion that eliminates the word "have."
    Thanks again, my friend.
reply by MissMerri on 26-Feb-2019
    Glad to help. Now you'll get lots of sixes I'm sure. It certainly deserves them. It's precious!
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very good poem about your grandson Jack and his little sister. You used very sweet and heartfelt words. The picture you shared with us is adorable. Very beautiful grandchildren. love and blessings, Teri

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2019
    Thank you so much, Teri, for your very thoughtful review.
Comment from KyColonel Randal
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing this poem. This is a cute pair of grandkids. I have two kids: a 12-year-old and a 4-year-old. I like everything you have done here with the presentation, from the photograph to the changed background and font.

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2019
    Thank you so much for your review and for commenting that I have "a cute pair of grandkids."
    Best wishes to you.
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

They do grow up too fast. My great grandchildren are in high school. Mo will be graduating this spring. Damian is a Sophomore. They are living next door now and we see then very often, almost daily. We will miss them as well. It does seem like last year when you wrote about Jack. Wow! Well done, Connie. Nancy:)

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2019
    Thank you, Nancy, for your review. You are lucky to have your great grandchildren living next door. Being a grandparent is indeed special.
    Hope you have a good day! It is raining here a lot in Sacramento, so I will be staying indoors and perhaps spending some time on FanStory, for a change.
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a sweet poem for a really adorrrable pair of grandkids. You are blessed for sure. I'm still waiting for my first, and it's been three years. I can only hope and pray I get at least one, since I only have one child. Got married at 35 and had her at 39, so we have a small family. But we're happy. :)

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 Comment Written 26-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2019
    Thank you, Phyllis, for your very thoughtful review. I'm like you--got married in my thirties and had just one child, a daughter. We, too, were a small family until she married into a big family. Family events have certainly expanded but in a good way.
    I hope you get those grandchildren soon. The love for a grandchild is so special.
    Thanks again, may friend.
Comment from Irish Rain
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a darling picture!!
This is just too precious!!
What a blessing these two angels must be to
your life!!
I love your beautiful poem,

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 Comment Written 26-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2019
    Thank you so much for your very thoughtful review.
Comment from Michele Harber
This work has reached the exceptional level

What a beautiful poem - sweet, tender, loving, honest, heartfelt, and written with perfect meter and rhyme. Your love for your grandchildren shines through clearly in every word. You come across as the quintessential grandma: loving and caring, but understanding that children have to grow and, in time, you have to let go. I enjoyed reading this very much, and only hope that your grandchildren appreciate you as much as you appreciate them.

 Comment Written 26-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 26-Feb-2019
    Thank you, Michele, for such a wonderfully touching review. It almost made me cry it was so sweet!
    And thank you, also, for the six-star rating. I truly appreciate your encouraging comments and the exceptional rating you gave my poem.
    Best wishes to you.
reply by Michele Harber on 26-Feb-2019
    You're very welcome. I'm extremely stingy with my six-star ratings. If I have even the tiniest hesitation about something, the most I'll give it is a five. I didn't find a single thing wrong with this, but so many things right, and I couldn't, in all good conscience, give it less than a six.
reply by the author on 26-Feb-2019
    Wow! I feel very honored that you are stingy with your six-star ratings. Thank you!! You've made my day!
reply by Michele Harber on 26-Feb-2019
    As you did mine. :-)