So, what's Wrong With...?
Serious questions18 total reviews
Comment from Frank Malley
I have to disregard a native dislike for Trump to evaluate this poem. "So, What's Wrong With..." extensively credits Trump for what he did. His accomplishments were indeed minimalized by the left, and Trump stood for something that is disappearing: the idea that your country, our country, comes first. If you're a global teddy bear and want to hug the humanity of the world, you may end up with a lot of disappointments. International cooperation is necessary, but so is well understood and maintained self-interest. It is unfortunate that Trump is so poor a speaker, and so unable to put his political ideas in terms that critical thinkers could respect.
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2022
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I have to disregard a native dislike for Trump to evaluate this poem. "So, What's Wrong With..." extensively credits Trump for what he did. His accomplishments were indeed minimalized by the left, and Trump stood for something that is disappearing: the idea that your country, our country, comes first. If you're a global teddy bear and want to hug the humanity of the world, you may end up with a lot of disappointments. International cooperation is necessary, but so is well understood and maintained self-interest. It is unfortunate that Trump is so poor a speaker, and so unable to put his political ideas in terms that critical thinkers could respect.
Comment Written 02-Jul-2022
reply by the author on 02-Jul-2022
that's true, and although he did great things for this country I am really afraid if he runs, the Republicans will lose and our country is doomed. I am not kidding. We are already on the way and this madness needs to be stopped. People are already being chipped. Privacy is almost gone, as is the freedom to say anything the Left doesn't like. It is very scary.
Comment from GARY MACLEAN
I give you six stars not merely for the subject matter, although that is what perked me up to begin with, but you were able to fit in many of his accomplishments and still make a lilting rhyme.
Even without reason they simply cannot leave the man alone. 2024 baby, 2024!!!
reply by the author on 03-May-2022
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I give you six stars not merely for the subject matter, although that is what perked me up to begin with, but you were able to fit in many of his accomplishments and still make a lilting rhyme.
Even without reason they simply cannot leave the man alone. 2024 baby, 2024!!!
Comment Written 03-May-2022
reply by the author on 03-May-2022
Is this recent, that you read this? I am most appreciative of the lovely 6, I'm just surprised to get it as I wrote this a while back.
At any rate, many, many thanks!
I don't know Fanstory's algorythym for making articles available to rad but, yes, I did JUST read this one. Loved it
thank you so much!!!
Comment from Nancy O'Connor1
While I disagree with you politics, I like your writing and it is intesting to hear from his "base". Thanks for sharing you point of view. Now I think I need to write a rebuttal:)
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reply by the author on 29-Mar-2019
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While I disagree with you politics, I like your writing and it is intesting to hear from his "base". Thanks for sharing you point of view. Now I think I need to write a rebuttal:)
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Comment Written 23-Mar-2019
reply by the author on 29-Mar-2019
ah -3 stars. wonder what I'd rate if you didn't like my writing.
sorry, but I don't understand. I DO understand you don't agree politically.
I welcome your rebuttal.
Comment from CD Richards
You said in your comment when you reviewed my poem that many people would be angry about this piece. I feel a few things, including bewilderment, but anger isn't one of them. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I couldn't agree less with what you've said, particularly in relation to the former and current Presidents, but it's your right to say it. I don't go along with the idea we should censor our ideas to keep the peace -- that's not what writers do. That's why I wrote my little commentary "Don Cacafuego" quite a while back, and it's why you wrote this.
Well done with this piece, and good luck with it in the voting :)
reply by the author on 08-Nov-2018
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You said in your comment when you reviewed my poem that many people would be angry about this piece. I feel a few things, including bewilderment, but anger isn't one of them. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I couldn't agree less with what you've said, particularly in relation to the former and current Presidents, but it's your right to say it. I don't go along with the idea we should censor our ideas to keep the peace -- that's not what writers do. That's why I wrote my little commentary "Don Cacafuego" quite a while back, and it's why you wrote this.
Well done with this piece, and good luck with it in the voting :)
Comment Written 08-Nov-2018
reply by the author on 08-Nov-2018
thank you, Craig.
I would like to ask you why bewilderment, but I think you probably said all you wanted to say.
I do appreciate your good wishes and same to you.
When I make a list of the personal characteristics I would want in the leader of my country, Barack Obama would be at the top of that list, in terms of all the Presidents I have seen in my lifetime (Kennedy onward). Donald Trump would be at the bottom, by a long way. For that reason, I find it hard to understand why people would be attracted to him.
I sometimes wonder to what extent, and I'm speaking for both sides of the political divide, not only conservatives or liberals, people are oblivious to individual failings because of their attachment to a particular party or ideology. That for me would partly explain it.
I could go into detail, of course, but I feel it's better not to. That's how fights start, and animosity begins.
Maybe, one day, if I'm long on time and short on ideas, I'll do an opinion piece looking at all of that. Then people can either read it or not; no one is holding a gun to their head.
thanks for your response. I would just like to say that I think Trump could phrase things differently at times and refrain from some remarks - I understand that, but it works both ways as I would put Obama at the bottom. I will stop there.
Thanks for explaining.
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
A very well-written and praising poem for a President that deserves each praising word you give him in your poem. From my point of view from another country, usa have the best president in many years.
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2018
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A very well-written and praising poem for a President that deserves each praising word you give him in your poem. From my point of view from another country, usa have the best president in many years.
Comment Written 10-Oct-2018
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2018
Sandra, my computer is showing that I did not respond to your review. Actually I did - a pretty long one, but if you didn't receive it, I will thank you again. I agree with you - of course :) but it does my heart good to know others feel the same - see our president's good points and all the good things - as a businessman - that he is able to do for this country. Frankly, I don't see - at his age - where he gets the stamina, the fortitude to combat the media and others who are so vocal in their opposition to him.
Thank you again for your great response.
Katharine - pome lover
Comment from nancyjam
Good for you. Your poem makes lot of sense.
The left will never accept his win or give him credit
for all the good he has accomplished so far.
I hope things change and the criticism stops but
not holding my breath.
Thanks for posting.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2018
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Good for you. Your poem makes lot of sense.
The left will never accept his win or give him credit
for all the good he has accomplished so far.
I hope things change and the criticism stops but
not holding my breath.
Thanks for posting.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2018
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2018
not holding my breath, either. thanks for your comments. Looked you up and couldn't believe you were from LA!
Bet you are in the minority there. good for you!
Katharine - pomelover
Comment from WalkerMan
These well-expressed questions are all reasonable, unlike those who would never even consider -- much less, answer -- them with any real thought.
Trump is a president who actually does what he promised to do in support of our nation's traditional values, including rule of law (not by mob), and especially the principle of "innocent until proven guilty" through due process in a court of law, as well as the long list of improvements, several of which you mention, to undo much that lying O foisted on us by Executive Order when Congress wisely did not legislate in his favor.
Whether paid troublemakers or unpaid fools who simply are too indoctrinated to recognize truth, the leftist protestors and obstructors cannot be reasoned with and will continue in their ways. However, sensible posts like yours can help maintain the will of good people of sound mind to vote out as many of them as possible in November, to reduce their power to do legislative or other harm.
The Six is not because I agree with you (which is true), but because you speak out both clearly and boldly amid an atmosphere -- even to some extent here at FS -- of individuals wanting to shout down opposing views rather than respectfully consider their real or potential merits. Superb.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2018
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These well-expressed questions are all reasonable, unlike those who would never even consider -- much less, answer -- them with any real thought.
Trump is a president who actually does what he promised to do in support of our nation's traditional values, including rule of law (not by mob), and especially the principle of "innocent until proven guilty" through due process in a court of law, as well as the long list of improvements, several of which you mention, to undo much that lying O foisted on us by Executive Order when Congress wisely did not legislate in his favor.
Whether paid troublemakers or unpaid fools who simply are too indoctrinated to recognize truth, the leftist protestors and obstructors cannot be reasoned with and will continue in their ways. However, sensible posts like yours can help maintain the will of good people of sound mind to vote out as many of them as possible in November, to reduce their power to do legislative or other harm.
The Six is not because I agree with you (which is true), but because you speak out both clearly and boldly amid an atmosphere -- even to some extent here at FS -- of individuals wanting to shout down opposing views rather than respectfully consider their real or potential merits. Superb.
Comment Written 08-Oct-2018
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2018
I am very pleased and honored by your lovely comments, and truly appreciate them. Yes, there was much more that I would love to have addressed, but my "rhymer" fizzled out. I may later write a "and then there's..."
I thought the President's introduction speech before Kavanaugh's swearing in was just right and very needed. K's was very good, too, I thought.
Thank you very much, too, for the 6!!!
Katharine - pome lover
You are most welcome, Katherine. You are right about the speeches at Justice Kavanaugh's swearing in ceremony too. Yet it is clear that the Democrats intend to persist in their nefarious attempts to
discredit him or even the entire court while he's there. -- Mike
yep. I've heard that, too.
I think the man is the biggest boy scout I've ever seen - he practically squeaks he's so clean.
Agreed, which is part of why the law-ignoring Dems hate him so. -- Mike
Comment from l.raven
HI Katherine, you are awesome sweet girl...I am as sick as most people are in this country of the paid off fools tearing our President and his family up all the time...his son doesn't even want to come out of the White House because every time he does the paid off media...and the fools that are paid off out there knock every thing he does...his wife has just learned to ignore them...and he is doing a awesome job...stand up and take a bow my sweet friend...this is wonderful...I am going to email it to my friends and family...all who have a great respect for our President Trump...soooooooooo very well written you...and I love the you...Linda xxoo
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2018
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HI Katherine, you are awesome sweet girl...I am as sick as most people are in this country of the paid off fools tearing our President and his family up all the time...his son doesn't even want to come out of the White House because every time he does the paid off media...and the fools that are paid off out there knock every thing he does...his wife has just learned to ignore them...and he is doing a awesome job...stand up and take a bow my sweet friend...this is wonderful...I am going to email it to my friends and family...all who have a great respect for our President Trump...soooooooooo very well written you...and I love the you...Linda xxoo
Comment Written 08-Oct-2018
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2018
Linda, you are a jewel!! and I am sick that I don't have any more critique recommendations, for I would certainly recommend you! I truly do appreciate all you said. I am very touched. thank you so much dear friend!!!
you are so welcome sweet's and awesome poem...well you...xxoo
Comment from Irish Rain
Good for you Miss Katherine!! I agree 100 percent.
If you read the political forum here, nothing but bashing. I read it for amusement. Because it just can't be taken seriously.
I agree too, he makes quite a few remarks he shouldn't, but I still don't think he's a racist.
I don't think he's any more a 'liar' than Obama. (you can keep your insurance) Biggest lie ever told.
This country is being torn apart, and we're being blamed, republicans, Trump supporters.
But just look at who's doing all the damage. Yep, always the same people.
Like children throwing temper tantrums.
And they don't like Trump, because he supports the NRA. Because guns kill children. I get that.
But they hate Kavanaugh (that's spelled wrong) because he might reverse Roe VS Wade...that would limit abortions..that kill children.
Convoluted logic. Okay to kill millions and millions intentionally.
I'll never understand their reasoning or justifications.
Kudos to you. Loved this,
PS...I read a lot, and hear a lot about how 'unchristian' he is.
I don't think anyone voted for him, thinking him to be a great Christian. We knew him to be a fallen man, like the rest of us.
We voted for him because he's a wildcard. A man in Washington at last who can't be bought. He's an 'in-your-face' man.
He'll never be the smooth operator that Obama was, who gave billions of American dollars to Iran, while they chanted 'death to America.'
Yay Trump!!
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2018
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Good for you Miss Katherine!! I agree 100 percent.
If you read the political forum here, nothing but bashing. I read it for amusement. Because it just can't be taken seriously.
I agree too, he makes quite a few remarks he shouldn't, but I still don't think he's a racist.
I don't think he's any more a 'liar' than Obama. (you can keep your insurance) Biggest lie ever told.
This country is being torn apart, and we're being blamed, republicans, Trump supporters.
But just look at who's doing all the damage. Yep, always the same people.
Like children throwing temper tantrums.
And they don't like Trump, because he supports the NRA. Because guns kill children. I get that.
But they hate Kavanaugh (that's spelled wrong) because he might reverse Roe VS Wade...that would limit abortions..that kill children.
Convoluted logic. Okay to kill millions and millions intentionally.
I'll never understand their reasoning or justifications.
Kudos to you. Loved this,
PS...I read a lot, and hear a lot about how 'unchristian' he is.
I don't think anyone voted for him, thinking him to be a great Christian. We knew him to be a fallen man, like the rest of us.
We voted for him because he's a wildcard. A man in Washington at last who can't be bought. He's an 'in-your-face' man.
He'll never be the smooth operator that Obama was, who gave billions of American dollars to Iran, while they chanted 'death to America.'
Yay Trump!!
Comment Written 08-Oct-2018
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2018
Bless you for this wonderful review!!! I truly appreciate it and hate that I don't have a critique recommendation left for I surely would recommend yours. I agree with the examples you gave. I would like to have mentioned more, but the old "rhymer" fizzled out.
You know, one of the FS writers whom I really like - he can be so funny and is such a good writer I always follow, had a really bad post yesterday, and I got so angry, it prompted my post.
At any rate, please know how much I appreciate your very kind words!! and the 6!!!! (Did I really misspell Kavanaugh - after his being all over the telly. apparently I still am.) :)
Thanks again!
No, you didn't misspell...I thought I did...but I didn't either, ha ha.
You are so welcome. I don't agree with everything Trump does.
I wish all the refugees could become legal...the ones working, building America.
BUT...I will definitely vote for him again compared to the competition.
Don't they know that THEY are the reason Trump is in there?
We've had enough.
This was wonderful!
I just hope EVERYBODY gets out and votes - conservatives, that is - :)
many thanks again!
Many thanks to YOU for writing this!!
Comment from Teri7
I think this is a very well said poem about our President. He has done a lot of good things for our country. He makes mistakes, but we all do. Especially those that put him down all the time. The best thing we can do is pray for him, family and all those in charge! Blessings, Teri
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2018
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I think this is a very well said poem about our President. He has done a lot of good things for our country. He makes mistakes, but we all do. Especially those that put him down all the time. The best thing we can do is pray for him, family and all those in charge! Blessings, Teri
Comment Written 08-Oct-2018
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2018
You're right, pray, and vote.
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Katharine - pome lover