Reviews from

Everybody's Eva


12 total reviews 
Comment from WryWriter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Uniqueness! That's what I really like about this poem. "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" is hummed often in my mind...especially these days. LOL! If only we could fly! The idealistic place is definitely not on planet earth. Paradise. Yep, I'd say Dorothy died. Enjoyed this poem very much!

 Comment Written 26-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2019
    Why hi poetry is arriving at the same party or life experience, in unique modes of interpretation. Ah what do i know. The song, more the singer inspired my repainting the same ole picture. Yea i hear you heaven seems far away from home these days. But the saying home is where the heart is...kept .keeps me even keeled. Thanks michael
Comment from Ricky1024
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Michael.
This was well written with great theme and imagery.
It flowed well and read well with no grammar issues as well.
Adjective Content was aligned well with Objective Content and Descriptive Measures aligned perfectly.
Good luck with this and have a blessed day!
Dr Ricky 1024

 Comment Written 13-Apr-2018

Comment from MattieV
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi poet,

I find your poem to be different from others here.
I am not sure what to make if it except I like it because it is different. I can't decide if it's happy or sad or a combo of both.

You are the first I have read which has a song tied to it. The song is beautiful.
The Wizard of Oz will always bring up memories of childhood and my kids who love the show.

This is a slow and melancholy rendition of the song.

Mattie V

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2018

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2018
    its a combo of both of course...
    it came from me. yes, all my poems for four and a half years
    have been supported by a music video. more often than not the motivating fuel.
    Eva is high octane. appreciate the view, I'm Michael
Comment from Joan E.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am glad to see the glitch was resolved. I particularly enjoyed your images of the "milky-way," "candy heart" and "tin men," plus your references to Columbus and the Wizard of Oz. You know I always like your use of circularity for emphasis. Cheers- Joan

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2018

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2018
    well....were still in negotiations....
    Everybody's Eva was reviewed or "tried" too be 36 times before the "glitch"
    was resolved. We, the wronged contend at least half of these undoubtedly six star salutes
    therefore, we feel a inclination to be made whole. now we, in light of darkness naturally...
    would be willing to accept a trophy or a recognized writer badge at last...least for compensation.
    reasonable...? I'm always Michael
reply by Joan E. on 06-Feb-2018
    Yes, indeed--you deserve at least a recognized writer badge! Among the 36, was l raven, who also wrote me to tell me the glitch had been resolved. I am glad your fans take good care of you. Smiles- Joan
Comment from MissMerri
This work has reached the exceptional level

There are some lines in this poem that shine with brilliance. You have held consistently throughout, to the theme of the Wizard of Oz story and shined a bright spotlight on the beautiful and unique rendition of Eva Cassidy's Over the Rainbow. There is nothing like it, just as there is nothing like your unique style of creating poetry with words chosen and arranged in a most original and creative way. One of my favorite lines in this poem is, "Where tin men and cowards roar a rusted quiet." Wow, Michael! I have to wonder what makes you think of these things. I had to type type this on my phone, so if it is riddled with question marks in all the wrong places, please don't take it personally. Smile. Keep writing.

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2018

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2018
    smile....I just read your poem...and
    I'm only Michael...-bow-.....but probably gonna grow a beard or something if you stick around...-smile-
    I know that Songbird haunts me now.
    cant believe she wasnt recognized by main stream music media. I was stopped in time first time I heard her....
    thanks for the introduction. see you-
Comment from James H. Oldfield
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Apologies, I'd tried to review this last night, but for so,e reason my browser was refusing to load the review box.

Very nice, a lovely read.

'A Valentine in every port' is a very good line indeed.

Stanza four, line one, should it be 'passion's', or am I just misinterpreting the meaning?

Great job, I liked this one.

Take care.


 Comment Written 06-Feb-2018

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2018
    yes well I hear from expert advice I need to unload my cache and reload my browser....-headtilt-
    you wouldnt happen to know what foreign language that is.would you..? ah forget it, I'll live with it....-smile-
    yea I suppose youre right about passion's being plural...been dating a narcissist lately... forgot. Anyway, we all face God someday...take care, I'm Michael
Comment from Lloyd T. Okoko
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The work reminisces the exploratory tendencies of lovers for their Mr. Right or Miss Right that most often than not end up in a mismatch.

The work highlights and likens it to a voyage of discovery which is often fraught with disappointments but would one day hoist a place of paradise for the prospectors.

Excellent work! Keep the flag flying!

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2018

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2018
    hm...yea, but all are lovers or would be, thats why the songs timeless...the story truth...the road not yellow but golden short. good to see you Loyd. I'm Michael
reply by Lloyd T. Okoko on 08-Feb-2018
reply by Lloyd T. Okoko on 08-Feb-2018
    Remain Blessed!
Comment from Lakieshae
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nicely, written, it does put me in the mind of this other song " somewhere over the rainbow."...... I love the song it's beautiful... The song sounds like Dorothy needs to get to the rainbow instead of Oz...

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 Comment Written 06-Feb-2018

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2018
    same song...just sung like youd first heard it.
    yes...I love the songs sentiment too...i
    ts timeless truth for human longing...need to touch, feel first loved.
    no...Dorothy is the rainbow. alway's Michael

Comment from Sherman541
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The Wizard of OZ has always been a favorite of mine. Somewhere, sometime and over the rainbow. A mystic poem of mystery and fun. Interesting picture. It looks like a cross, between Dorothy, Alice from Wonderland and one of the Disney Princesses. Very nicely written. Sherman541

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2018

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2018
    and thanks...I'm awful glad you liked it...I'm Michael
reply by Sherman541 on 07-Feb-2018
    Hello and you are welcome - I liked the the subtle hints of other characters. I am Sarah
reply by the author on 07-Feb-2018
    pleasure to meet you...-smile-
reply by Sherman541 on 07-Feb-2018
    And you as well ! Will look forward to reading more of work. You may or may not care for my work, I am in a sense a realist and an artist too. Again, nice to you meet you.
Comment from Kathy Allmon
This work has reached the exceptional level

You can tell you really thought how you would craft each line. I really appreciate that in a writer. I love the artwork you chose. It was as beautiful as your words. Cant wait to read more of your writing.

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2018

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2018
    -smile-....well hello there.
    I thank you very much...for your ego boost, its better than any energy drink on the a red bull cut loose...-smile-....I'm Michael