Reviews from

24 Hours

A lot can change with a phone call.

20 total reviews 
Comment from BeasPeas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a fantastic write. Congratulations on winning the contest. I love it. More tough love is what's needed. Maybe then, things would get better AND mom's would get some much needed rest. Marilyn

 Comment Written 28-Dec-2017

reply by the author on 28-Dec-2017
    You are so right. I'm still working on that with this kid. He's 30, going on 12. When do you ever stop worrying about them??
    Thanks for reading and reviewing, and for the compliment on winning. It's been a long time since I have. lol

    Stay warm.
reply by BeasPeas on 29-Dec-2017
    At some point in time self-preservation kicks in.
Comment from pbomar1115
This work has reached the exceptional level

Now, this was a knee-slapper. To be told that your son was being detained by the police for vandalizing and spraying paint in a toy store would make the average mother rush for her purse to see if she had enough bail money. The ending was loving but suitable.


 Comment Written 18-Dec-2017

reply by the author on 18-Dec-2017
    Thank you for your kind review, and beautiful six stars. It was a fun write, but a little too close to home, if you know what I mean...

    Merry Christmas, Phillip,
reply by pbomar1115 on 18-Dec-2017
    Thanks, Rhonda. And you have a Merry Christmas, too.

Comment from F. Wehr3
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice work on this one, Rhonda! Congrats on your win! We have a saying down south about this. It's called "that'll learn him". I think it fits for this situation.

Take care,

 Comment Written 02-Dec-2017

reply by the author on 02-Dec-2017
    Yes, I'm from the South, too, and I do think it larned him something. He's still rather hard-headed, but he did learn a bit.

    Thanks for the review and comments. I'll have to let Joseph he helped me win one.

    Take care,
Comment from hari anand
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow that's very brave. .we always tend to give up easily even at smallest of pain that our kids face..sometimes they need a lesson.

 Comment Written 02-Dec-2017

reply by the author on 02-Dec-2017
    Thank you for the wonderful review! I appreciate you time and effort.

    Take care,
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written hundred word story. Teenagers have a way to mess up their lives and put us under stress with their actions. If they messed up they must suffer the consequences. That is one way they will learn to do the right things.

Congratulations on winning the contest.

 Comment Written 02-Dec-2017

reply by the author on 02-Dec-2017
    Thank you, Sandra! It was based, loosely, on personal experience. Some kids are easy, others are not!

    Take care,
Comment from Joy Graham
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hahahaha! You got me with this short story :) I don't know what I'd do if Iever got a phone call like that. I'd be mortified and embarrassed. Not this mom lol! Well done in winning this contest. You raised the bar with this one.

 Comment Written 01-Dec-2017

reply by the author on 01-Dec-2017
    Thank you for the six stars. Two in one day. What a gift!!

    My son was taken into custody for vandalism, but they brought him home. However, when he was older, he got arrested for not paying tickets. I let him sit it out a few days. My mother finally caved in and bailed him out. To his credit, he payed her back everything she paid that day. He learned at least that much!!

    Thanks again,
Comment from RodG
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This short-short was amusing and I think many parents will smile when they hear the Speaker's response to the police call. Good, crisp dialog makes the story flow. A most-deserving winner. Congratulations. Rod

 Comment Written 01-Dec-2017

reply by the author on 01-Dec-2017
    Thank you so much, Rod! It's a hard decision to make, sometimes!

    Take care,
Comment from Asem.inspirations
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

hahahahahahahahahahaha, Good morning, Rhonda: It is no wonder that you have won this contest with this entry. I enjoyed reading this short story as it reminded me so much of the days with my oldest son. I remember doing the same thing, too. It never makes sense to go running to pick them up from the precinct. How would the child ever learn his lesson? Besides, I learned that I could always sleep better when I knew exactly where he was. Yes, my oldest son was my monster, never listened and always getting into some kind of trouble. My other children are nothing like him but oh, how I do miss him so much. Thank you for the laugh and the wonderful memories. Your story took me back a little. I wish I had a six to give it but you do have my virtual six.

 Comment Written 01-Dec-2017

reply by the author on 01-Dec-2017
    Thank you for the virtual six. This is based on my oldest son, as well, who thinks he's the Joker. and he's 30. And you're right, I was happy to know where he was. You can sleep better that way.

    Good to know I'm not the only one with a son like Joseph, and I so appreciate your sharing, and for your support on the story. I guess we've all known someone we'd just rather leave in the jail! haha.

    Take care,
Comment from giraffmang
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi there,

Only 24 hours, if only it could have been longer. This is a good entry for the competition and you worked in the required wordage very well.

All the best

 Comment Written 30-Nov-2017

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2017
    Thank you, G-man.

    Yes, 24 hours is a brief respite. I wish I could say he learned his lesson, but he's still a mess. Just grown now!!
Comment from mmonaghan777
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Okay, that's how you write one hundred words and make a point without missing a beat. Loved it. Great wisdom in the face of adversity. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 30-Nov-2017

reply by the author on 30-Nov-2017
    Thank you so much!! Some decisions are really hard to make. What's best?? Depends on the time of day. Lol. Not really, I let my kids pay for their own mistakes.