Comment from
Walu Feral
G'day Ricky.
"Yes, I took My own Life but...
"Why but?"
"Coffons Lid" now Closed... (Should be coffin not coffon)
It's sad to hear that life treated her so badly that she had to end it. I have to admit that I used to feel that way as well.
Well done.
Cheers Fez
Comment Written 14-Oct-2017
reply by the author on 14-Oct-2017
So very true I actually back in 2006 took a knife twice to my chest / my next 3 times going for the jugular and then took a bottle of Depakote to just be with my son unfortunately all that did not work it just gave me a lot more grief I had to deal with later on suicide is not the answer thanks dr. Ricky 1024
Comment from
Barb Hensongispsaca
I hope you are helping others know that there is hope in despair and life in death as you are hoping to do. Very well done
Comment Written 14-Oct-2017
reply by the author on 14-Oct-2017
As a representative of the gift of Life of Philadelphia Pennsylvania I am redesigning their bumper stickers i've already put in three proposals I'm also going to contact on their website Kelly and Ryan Seacrest on their morning talk show and asked permission to come on the show to promote my gift of Life Book and also come on the show and Lara s Meridian osw to Gift of Life Philadelphia Pennsylvania to promote organ tissue donations thanks dr. Ricky 1024 the next Palm just posted as much more powerful