Reviews from

Save Nifty

I love the word nifty. I don't hear it very often.

11 total reviews 
Comment from smileycloud
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

very good poem
the saved word definitely does all you say it does
hope it gets saved
have a smiley day

 Comment Written 06-Sep-2017

Comment from Unspoken94
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It must be a generational issue, Mary. I say this word
often enough that it won't be obsolete in my sphere of
influence. It really is a terrific word to have in your
BTW, I too went to Cath. Univ. and I studied at the Paulist
Seminary. Long story. But I finished my Masters and PhD at American.

 Comment Written 30-Aug-2017

reply by the author on 31-Aug-2017
    Thank you for the nifty review. I graduated with a degree in English from Catholic U and have learned to appreciate the rigors of the program. I got a Master's in Education from the Univ. of AL in Birmingham and ironically taught middle school for 22 years in a Catholic School in Birmingham. Talk about life being cyclical! I must tell you I read with interest all of the pieces you publish. You have wonderful human interest stories and the telling is as good as the tale.
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Mary Kelly how nifty of you to chose this word to be saved. It is a good one and yet a lot of young people today may have no idea of what it means. Many blessings for a great day. Patricia

 Comment Written 29-Aug-2017

reply by the author on 29-Aug-2017
    Thank you for your nifty support.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lol! I like "nifty," too. I used to say it more often and my kids said it. I remember when my daughter used it, my mother didn't know the word and was impressed by her vocabulary. Yes, hooray for "nifty!"

 Comment Written 27-Aug-2017

reply by the author on 27-Aug-2017
    Thank you for the nifty review.
Comment from emptypage
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Go, Catholic University of America!

I like your poem. The word "nifty" I'm not certain of. I think it has been gone for some time. The last time I heard it was on the TV show of the 70s, Happy Days, which was set in the 1950s! I wasn't born until the next decade, so I really have never heard it used. Your argument for saving it is valiant, though, and your word choices are wonderful. Your cadence is my favorite part. Left me tapping my toe...

Good job.

 Comment Written 27-Aug-2017

reply by the author on 27-Aug-2017
    Love your review. It's nifty.
Comment from robyn corum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


"Nifty" IS a nifty word, by heavens! I would be devastated to think that we might lose it!! Egads! *smile* Thanks for doing your part to keep this wonderful word alive and well. Good luck!

 Comment Written 27-Aug-2017

reply by the author on 27-Aug-2017
    Thank you for your nifty support.
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think the word was popular in the twenties or thirties. New generations have introduced weird replaced as in "That's bad." Makes no sense!
Definition in stanza one, examples in stanza two, argument for its use in three.
A well-constructed nifty poem. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 27-Aug-2017

reply by the author on 27-Aug-2017
    Thank you for a wonderful, nifty, review.
Comment from Brett Matthew West
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nifty is one of those seldom used words that does have a particular meaning and can by used to describe almost anything.

Should make an interesting entry into this contest.

 Comment Written 27-Aug-2017

reply by the author on 27-Aug-2017
    Thank you for your nifty review.
Comment from RodG
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I had forgotten how much I used to like using "nifty" to describe almost everything I liked, especially certain foods and of course all those 50s vintage cars. But your rhythm falters too much in the last stanza. Can you tweak those verses before the voting starts?

 Comment Written 27-Aug-2017

reply by the author on 27-Aug-2017
    Thanks for the heads-up. I'll look again.
Comment from pome lover
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

what a nifty post and nifty poem! I love Nifty - and say it often. Now will say it more often so it won't go the way of "double decker" (meaning bunk beds.) I was talking to a Texas friend (I'm originally from Georgia) and was telling her that a room had a double decker in it and she had no idea what I was talking about.
So... nifty it is. I hope you get lots of positive responses.
Nifty responses!
Pome Lover

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 Comment Written 27-Aug-2017

reply by the author on 27-Aug-2017
    Thank you for your enthusiasm for the word, nifty. We'll have to start a nifty club.
reply by pome lover on 27-Aug-2017
    nifty idea.