November Rain
November breakup3 total reviews
Comment from nor84
I wanted to give you a heads up and a warning about what is automatically contained in the site's template. Unless you delete or change it, your contest will contain these words in a place where they are not easily seen:
Minimum length 700 words. Maximum Length 7,000 words. Recommended length 2,000 - 3,500 words.
Once you post the contest, you can't change its wording Other wording that I always change is the stupid bit that says the writing does not have to be about the topic. I delete that part.
Your problem with this entry is that although there is a 700 word minimum posted in the instructions, the entry is just slightly over 600 words according to Microsoft word. You'll need to add some words. Good luck in the contest.
I wanted to give you a heads up and a warning about what is automatically contained in the site's template. Unless you delete or change it, your contest will contain these words in a place where they are not easily seen:
Minimum length 700 words. Maximum Length 7,000 words. Recommended length 2,000 - 3,500 words.
Once you post the contest, you can't change its wording Other wording that I always change is the stupid bit that says the writing does not have to be about the topic. I delete that part.
Your problem with this entry is that although there is a 700 word minimum posted in the instructions, the entry is just slightly over 600 words according to Microsoft word. You'll need to add some words. Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 26-Aug-2017
Comment from EverInParadise
Well done. Words in-picture this story. There is a lot of action and the stilted conversation reads well. In an early line there is a typo "limned" when I think you mean "lined". I enjoyed this piece.
Well done. Words in-picture this story. There is a lot of action and the stilted conversation reads well. In an early line there is a typo "limned" when I think you mean "lined". I enjoyed this piece.
Comment Written 06-Aug-2017
Comment from Drew Delaney
Yes, breaking up is so very hard to do. You wrote a nice story on one breakup. There's always so much pai to have to deal with, too! Nice writing!
Yes, breaking up is so very hard to do. You wrote a nice story on one breakup. There's always so much pai to have to deal with, too! Nice writing!
Comment Written 06-Aug-2017