Reviews from

Some Boys are Chumps


53 total reviews 
Comment from CEO2020
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Truly on point and well delivered. I'm sure you have offended many, but if the truth offend, the truth is not in you.

"I find his answers to direct questions lacking. When asked, what plans he has or policies reflect his convictions, he will not answer directly. "I've got a great plan for that. You'll see when I take office. It's going to be an amazing plan". Gee ... I'd kind of like to know what the plan is, maybe a hint at least. I take it you don't need to know what his plans and policies are going to be. He just has to say he has one and it will be great. That's cutting the mustard for you? Speaking of Weiners ... well, I've only got so many words I can get away with. Weiners can wait."

Point well made

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2016

Comment from Thomas Bowling
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great commentary. I think Trump's actions are deplorable and if were running against anyone but hillary (small h intentional). It would be no contest. But unfortunately, the Democrats picked the one person more reprehensible than Trump.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2016

Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have been fascinated by this election, but I'm a bit puzzled by the primary selection of a candidate for a party, can't anybody run? I know Americans are extremely paranoid by socialism, and consider socialised medicine to be a step towards communism,(as if) but Trump strikes me as being an extreme right winger, who, I think would try to allay elections, if He could, opting for himself as permanent head, but that would put it in the realms of megalomania. Im not advocating Clinton either, although electing Trump would be an incredible turn of events. Well done though, excellent write, your obviously not in favour of Trump. Well done, blessings, Roy

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2016

Comment from dweigt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You lay out your case well, and for that I give you the stars.

And I can't disagree with you. So much of what Trump has said and done is indefensible.

The only problem is the Clinton's are horribly flawed as well. Monica isn't the only scandal in Bill's past, as I'm sure you are aware. Not about Bill you say? Even if I allowed that without argument, Hillary has a long history of legal and ethical challenges. She claims it is the "vast right-wing conspiracy", but you just don't see so much controversy around any other Democrat. There is thirty five years of sleaze and corruption surrounding her.

The sad fact is NEITHER of them is worthy of the office. If "None of the Above" was an option, it would win in a landslide.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2016

Comment from William Ross
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very good write and rant as why one should not vote for trump, Not saying i'm for the man, But seeing he never really had political ambitions, I think a lot more skeletons will be found in his closet, than someone who's trying to cover or hide their past in shadows like a politician life.

Boy will be boys we all know that, the crime was the recording without trump knowing he was being recorded, most likely to be used against him at some point
Hillary Clinton is a known liar on her politics, we don't know about Trump yet.

as rich as trump is , he is still a common man, not someone trimmed and groomed for office

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2016

Comment from Dustybones
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good commentary you've posted. I'm sure we all have dirt under our carpets, and want it to say there. I'd vote for you if you were an option. I think the most important event will be for everyone to vote. Can you imagine 100% turnout?

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2016

Comment from Gloria ....
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a well-written Op-Ed, Mav. You make your opinions known clearly and leave your readers with questions to consider while making their own decisions.

I am incredibly disheartened by the degradation Donald Trump has brought to the US election and indeed democracy itself. Trump is a reckless, irresponsible man who keeps repeating lies as truth over and over and over again. I especially commend your comment on Trump's lack of policy. I agree "an amazing plan" doesn't engender me with confidence in his thought process or knowledge to get anything done. It's quite clear he has no policy ideas at all and has only penciled in "President of the USA" as another item on his bucket list. I wish I could pencil in "Billionaire Bully" on my bucket list. But sadly, unlike Trump, my dad didn't have a cool $30 million to give me as seed money to give me a head start in life. But the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Donald is not a self-made man and neither is he a successful business man.

The person who has bled the US dry is Trump. He is the one who has capitalized on his unfair advantage by shipping jobs and investments overseas. This begs the question, if Trump is such a "caring" man why did he wait until age 70 to even lie about his overseas investments.

The person who has rigged the system is Trump. He is the man who ripped off the American people for billions because he hasn't paid any federal income tax in over 20 years. Those taxes pay for entitlements, veteran's benefits, roads, care workers, etc.

The person who is crooked and hasn't made any charitable donations even with his billions is Trump. But that didn't stop him from sitting at head tables at charity events claiming he gave millions in donations when records show he didn't donate a single penny. Who would be so immoral as to do such a thing?

Trump likes to tout himself as a common, "say it like it is, honest" guy. That's just another lie. Trump isn't telling anyone the truth. He is only telling angry people what they want to hear and knowing what people want to hear came to Trump from all the tens of thousands of "average" Americans he has stiffed over the course of his entire life. Believe it! Trump hasn't once told his supporters what he really thinks about them. The truth would be as shocking and offensive as that seen and heard from Trump himself on the Access Hollywood tapes. Those tapes reveal the "real" Donald Trump. And let's not forget Donald was fifty-nine years old married man when he made his predatory comments about women. He wasn't sixteen which is the boys will be boys age.

I am a Conservative which is the Canadian equivalent of a Republican and I can assure you Donald Trump does not embody Conservative values. He is a cunning 70 years old shyster, liar and fraud.

Great job and thank you for sharing.


 Comment Written 07-Nov-2016

Comment from nor84
This work has reached the exceptional level

Amen! I used to say I'd never vote for Hilary because she didn't kick old Bill to the gutter where he belonged. I definitely would have. It's inexcusable to subject your wife and daughter to public embarrassment.

As for Trump, I never considered him. His facial expressions remind me of Hitler, and so does his bigotry. My husband agrees with kicking out the Mexicans, but he'd sure miss going our favorite Mexican restaurant - not a deep thinker, so I forgive him. But to his credit, he was sickened by the assaults on women and he voted for Hilary.

I don't like her, but at least she's experienced and diplomatic. I cannot imagine The Donald with the power of the Presidency. He says whatever comes into his head, and he'd insult the wives of foreign dignitaries.

Great essay.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2016

Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I admit, some men are pigs. I've known many a man who lied about an encounter with a woman. That starts in high school with some men. I thought they were pigs then and I still do. That still doesn't compare to sexual assault and treating women like slabs of meat who are so far beneath your grandeur you can do anything you want to them. Do you not feel women are of higher value than that? Or, is that just fine with you and no deterrent whatsoever in your support of Trump? ... I hate Donald Trump's guts and wouldn't vote for him if he were the only candidate running on the ballot, Michael. His low opinion of women is just one of the many reasons I feel this way. His comments concerning the sacrifices our veterans have made for this country are another.
I happen to BE one of those veterans he's besmirched time and time again, and I do not take my or my fellow veterans' service to our nation lightly!

He's a narcissist; a dangerous demagogue wanna be of the worst, most despicable kind.

To be truthful, it scares me that such a man has become the nominee of a major party. I recall him being a national joke for years with his shady business dealings, outrageous comments and his T.V. show displaying what a huge bully he can be. But, I guess the way he treated people on his show is right in the wheelhouse of what you seek as a President of our country. ... Don't include me in that group, Michael. I've already mailed my ballot in early, and Hillary Clinton is clearly checked as my reluctant choice.

The main reason I even voted at all are;
1) I take voting as the highest of privileges and have not failed to do so in over forty years.
2) As much as I distrust and dislike Mrs. Clinton and her lying pertaining to the Benghazi attacks which left four good men dead and their families without them, I loathe Donald Trump even more and consider him to be far more dangerous than Hillary could ever be.
and--3) With Hillary we get Bill.
What do we get as a first lady if Trump is elected?
A nude model from a communist nation who can't be very intelligent simply because she married Donald Trump.

You were merely preaching to the choir here with me, my boy...
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 Comment Written 07-Nov-2016

Comment from dejohnsrld (Debbie)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wise words, my friend. I was having this exact (so almost word for word up to, and including the part about Bill Clinton) conversation with someone this morning. I turned in my absentee ballot this morning.

I have found this whole election to be a mockery of everything America and democracy stand for. It was so upsetting, I turned off my TV before New Year's and haven't had it on since.

I blame the media for this. They were so busy covering Trump, we never heard about the other, more suitable, candidates running, and therefore never had a chance to make an informed choice.

Scary how much we think alike. Excellent write, my friend and thank you for posting this~Debbie

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2016