False Profit
Insincerity16 total reviews
Comment from Bill Schott
Theologians like Republicans because they keep them in a tax-free status. Religion is the the opiate of the masses, according to Marx. It also keeps the poor from killing the rich. Trump will be the closest thing to an antichrist that we'll see. Hopefully, after him, we'll get act together about governance. Nice post.
reply by the author on 28-Dec-2016
Theologians like Republicans because they keep them in a tax-free status. Religion is the the opiate of the masses, according to Marx. It also keeps the poor from killing the rich. Trump will be the closest thing to an antichrist that we'll see. Hopefully, after him, we'll get act together about governance. Nice post.
Comment Written 28-Dec-2016
reply by the author on 28-Dec-2016
Thanks, Bill, and I'm surprised the media isn't making a bigger thing out of the similarities of Trump to the Anti-Christ. Personally, I don't believe in such things, but if I did, I'd be scared right now. And I love Evangelicals, saying they're satisfied he's found God, because he said so! Come on, I never in a million years thought he stood a chance of winning, and I don't think he did either. He said and did things that should have disqualified him many times over, but too many apparently drank the Kool-Aid. I can sort of understand the rich thinking he was great, but the blue collars?
Comment from Cumbrianlass
Firstly, I love the title! Very clever, my friend. Ah, Mr Trump. What a Vegas Strip Delight he is. LOL! I agree about mixing religion and politics - sparks and gunpowder. Not a good combo.
Enjoyed the outburst, Mike!
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
Firstly, I love the title! Very clever, my friend. Ah, Mr Trump. What a Vegas Strip Delight he is. LOL! I agree about mixing religion and politics - sparks and gunpowder. Not a good combo.
Enjoyed the outburst, Mike!
Comment Written 26-Jun-2016
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
Thanks, CL--and it's what I do best!
Comment from judiverse
Excellent thoughts in this. Trump has so many people fooled. Why people, especially the evangelicals, accept someone like him, it makes you wonder. Yes, he is mostly interested in promoting himself. How he could fool so many so-called common people into supporting him is beyond me. He comes from wealth and luxury and has no idea of what it's like for the ordinary working people. Religious leaders shouldn't be telling people how to vote, anyway. Great write. judi
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
Excellent thoughts in this. Trump has so many people fooled. Why people, especially the evangelicals, accept someone like him, it makes you wonder. Yes, he is mostly interested in promoting himself. How he could fool so many so-called common people into supporting him is beyond me. He comes from wealth and luxury and has no idea of what it's like for the ordinary working people. Religious leaders shouldn't be telling people how to vote, anyway. Great write. judi
Comment Written 26-Jun-2016
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
Thank's, Judi, and it truly amazes and frightens me that even one person believes he's sincere, let alone millions. Maybe they're all drinking bulls**t-laced Kool Aid?
You're welcome. I don't know how these voters can identify with Trump, but apparently he does. He'll be an embarrassment on the world stage if he's elected. judi
Yeah, I've never seen anything like it, and I hope to God people wake up, before they get buyer's remorse, and we get chronic heartburn!
I know, and not many months to go before the election. judi
I really don't know how I'm going to watch the debates this fall, because I literally can't stand even the sight of his bloaviating face!
Things aren't looking good. There were so many other candidates, all of whom were more ready than Trump. judi
Put it this way, I'd vote for a stump before I'll vote for him--neither of them think, true, but a stump doesn't piss me off just looking at it!
Things aren't looking good. There were so many other candidates, all of whom were more ready than Trump. judi
There were several more qualified--I won't say all, because there were also some wack-jobs!
You're very welcome. Trump rails against the establishment and the elites, but for me he's part of them. judi
Comment from Walu Feral
G'day Wandi. (Dick in Nyamal.) Very well done and said mate. Religion and politics certainly don't belong in the same room. It's a bit like mixing fire and gas. Well said buddy. Cheers Fez
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
G'day Wandi. (Dick in Nyamal.) Very well done and said mate. Religion and politics certainly don't belong in the same room. It's a bit like mixing fire and gas. Well said buddy. Cheers Fez
Comment Written 26-Jun-2016
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
Thank you, Fez!
Comment from barkingdog
Trump will suck up to anyone who will give him their vote.
He said that he loves the less educated and has them flocking to his events.
He is like a hell and brimstone preacher crossed with a snake oil salesman.
I agree politic and religion are a bad combination, but that card had been played for years. Falwell, Billy Graham and others hit the media and became king makers.
'In God We Trust' was added to our currency and 'under God' inserted in our pledge of allegiance. All in my life time.
The Tea Party took over out Congress ...
We have gridlock, intolerance, on and on and on.
:) e
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
Trump will suck up to anyone who will give him their vote.
He said that he loves the less educated and has them flocking to his events.
He is like a hell and brimstone preacher crossed with a snake oil salesman.
I agree politic and religion are a bad combination, but that card had been played for years. Falwell, Billy Graham and others hit the media and became king makers.
'In God We Trust' was added to our currency and 'under God' inserted in our pledge of allegiance. All in my life time.
The Tea Party took over out Congress ...
We have gridlock, intolerance, on and on and on.
:) e
Comment Written 26-Jun-2016
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
Thanks, bd--you're right, both about what Trump reminds me of, and about religion in politics being mixed for years. It's always scared me, and now with that, and Trump?
Comment from William Ross
Very good, that's why church and state were separated, but then we go to far by ignoring the church all together. have a wonderful day.
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
Very good, that's why church and state were separated, but then we go to far by ignoring the church all together. have a wonderful day.
Comment Written 26-Jun-2016
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
Thanks, William--but I truly feel that there are so many religions, the only way to go is to keep ALL religions out of it. They should be completely separate issues. If you start ruling based on one religion, everybody who doesn't believe in that particular religion are going to freak. We can keep the spirit of religion, but not govern.
Comment from N.K. Wagner
Well, Mr.Trump has said he has a strong Christian faith. Who are we to say otherwise? I think knowing what a public figure believes is helpful in understanding his/her character. That's not mixing religion with politics ... unless you're expected to believe the same way. In any case, you made your point clearly and concisely. Well done. :) Nancy
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
Well, Mr.Trump has said he has a strong Christian faith. Who are we to say otherwise? I think knowing what a public figure believes is helpful in understanding his/her character. That's not mixing religion with politics ... unless you're expected to believe the same way. In any case, you made your point clearly and concisely. Well done. :) Nancy
Comment Written 26-Jun-2016
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
Thanks, Nancy, and you're right, but to me, it's just so obvious what he's doing. Now, if he has a long history of attending a church, that would be different. And I was talking more about what evangelicals want, a government based on one religion, which I think is dangerous.
Comment from Margaret Ford
Your right about this, Mike. No one should mix religion with politics. One of my grandfathers was an old-fashioned kind of Southern Baptist minister, who was so strict that he didn't believe in dancing or going to movies.
But my grandfather knew that when religion and politics meet, it inevitably hurts them both. That's why he was against prayer in public schools. I suspect that, in the USA, religion will ultimately bear the brunt of this messy business.
You took it easy on Mr. Dobson. But I think he knows exactly what Donald Trump is doing. They're both authoritarian leaders who know how to appeal to authoritarian followers.
Thank you, Mike, for being brave enough to take a stand on mixing religion with politics. I agree with you completely. And my very strict, very old-fashioned, very dear Southern Baptist minister grandfather would have agreed with you, too.
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
Your right about this, Mike. No one should mix religion with politics. One of my grandfathers was an old-fashioned kind of Southern Baptist minister, who was so strict that he didn't believe in dancing or going to movies.
But my grandfather knew that when religion and politics meet, it inevitably hurts them both. That's why he was against prayer in public schools. I suspect that, in the USA, religion will ultimately bear the brunt of this messy business.
You took it easy on Mr. Dobson. But I think he knows exactly what Donald Trump is doing. They're both authoritarian leaders who know how to appeal to authoritarian followers.
Thank you, Mike, for being brave enough to take a stand on mixing religion with politics. I agree with you completely. And my very strict, very old-fashioned, very dear Southern Baptist minister grandfather would have agreed with you, too.
Comment Written 26-Jun-2016
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
Thank you, Margaret--and thank you for the six rating. I also think Mr. Dobson knows exactly what he's doing, but I was trying to be fair. People get funny when you talk about religion. This wasn't meant as anti-religion--it's more about the mixing of the two, and about how fake Trump is.
About the six rating. You're quite welcome. It was partly for your writing, and partly for your courage.
Like you, I wasn't talking about religion, either?just the mix of the two: politics and religion.
I have observed that many well-known writers, journalists, professors, etc., clearly think they have to continually and relentlessly assure the reader, or the listener, that they're not criticizing them or their religions, when they say that fusing religion with politics is a bad idea. The intimidation that some of our finest minds clearly feel is very telling of how much political power certain religions already have in this country.
About Donald Trump, Mr. Dobson, et al: you might find Bob Altemeyer's "The Authoritarians" a good read. He was a fine researcher and, even though he's retired, he's still the go-to guy about authoritarian followers and their leaders. You can download a free copy from the his website, or purchase one from Lulu for under $10, as I recall. He gives the proceeds to a worthy cause that I can't remember.
I'll never write such a long reply to you, again. I promise. And you don't need to respond to this one.
Save your strength. You're going to need it, if you write any more short shorts like this last one.
Comment from Spiritual Echo
I'm on record and have taken a fair number of right hooks for my disgust with Trump and my disappointment in those people who have and will vote for Trump. However, regardless of which side of the political aisle I might sit, I have to comment on the literary aspects of this post. I think you were writing through emotion and not paying attention to format and technical detail--easy for all of us to do when we feel strongly on a subject. You're using a lot of run-on sentence.
Below is my suggestions for editing your first paragraph.
(DELETE--So,) I saw the story on Facebook screaming, "James Dobson: Evangelical Christian Author Says Donald Trump Has Accepted Jesus Christ".(END OF STATEMENT/OPENING PARAGRAPH)
Please--(WHEN USING THE EM DASH, COMMAS ARE NOT NECESSARY)he's obviously only saying that so his followers will support a man who is (REPEATED WORD--DELETE-obviously) not religious, unless you count worshiping at 'The Alter Of Me.' If you truly believe that nonsense, you have my sympathy, Sir.
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
I'm on record and have taken a fair number of right hooks for my disgust with Trump and my disappointment in those people who have and will vote for Trump. However, regardless of which side of the political aisle I might sit, I have to comment on the literary aspects of this post. I think you were writing through emotion and not paying attention to format and technical detail--easy for all of us to do when we feel strongly on a subject. You're using a lot of run-on sentence.
Below is my suggestions for editing your first paragraph.
(DELETE--So,) I saw the story on Facebook screaming, "James Dobson: Evangelical Christian Author Says Donald Trump Has Accepted Jesus Christ".(END OF STATEMENT/OPENING PARAGRAPH)
Please--(WHEN USING THE EM DASH, COMMAS ARE NOT NECESSARY)he's obviously only saying that so his followers will support a man who is (REPEATED WORD--DELETE-obviously) not religious, unless you count worshiping at 'The Alter Of Me.' If you truly believe that nonsense, you have my sympathy, Sir.
Comment Written 25-Jun-2016
reply by the author on 26-Jun-2016
Thank you, SE!
Comment from Barb Hensongispsaca
If he has accepted Christ, my ex is coming to me on his knees begging my forgiveness and allowing me to beat the hell out of him.
Aint happening
reply by the author on 25-Jun-2016
If he has accepted Christ, my ex is coming to me on his knees begging my forgiveness and allowing me to beat the hell out of him.
Aint happening
Comment Written 25-Jun-2016
reply by the author on 25-Jun-2016
Thanks, Barb, and I watch with disgusted amazement, as they all bend over backwards to kiss his ass--and as he turns the other way, "since you're you're down there anyway...!"