Reviews from

To Last Forever

Viewing comments for Chapter 35 "Guilty as ..."
Poems by Michael

14 total reviews 
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I had to peruse reviews to get a field for this. I try to avoid the news anymore. It's too depressing. Hubby says the fault is all in the corruption of those running the city. I did catch on to the reference of the auto industry.

 Comment Written 06-Jun-2016

reply by the author on 07-Jun-2016
    ah its old news...that's why so incomprehensible.
    nothing running that City anymore. I think the Casino's are their prime source of income anymore. Any how go to see you on the other side...-smile-...keep windows rolled up, doors locked and senses about to you ...michael
reply by Spitfire on 07-Jun-2016
    Trust me. I don't ever plan to travel there. I love a place with grass and trees. No more concrete cities for me.
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You did a great job with the challenge prompt. Your words describe exactly what I have read/seen about your home city of Detroit. It is really sad to see/read about the demise of a once grand place Your artwork choice draws in readers. Once they start reading, they cannot stop.

Good job and thanks for sharing a well written sad poem. Jan.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2016

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2016
    Hi Janny...-smile-
    yes indeed its pathetic...that this once great metropolis lies in ruins. and our government convinces us its better to run around the world playing superman for the disenfranchised elsewhere. Crazy. thank you to you. Michael.
Comment from Pearl Edwards
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

city of ruins - Detroit. We have had the same problems over here with the car industry, factories shut down people laid off as you say -by corporate sins -
A very dramatic and passionate octogram and a great read.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2016

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2016
    Hi Pearl...-smile-
    Amen...its a contagious disease...evil. thank you Dear for to you...Michael
Comment from Warren Rodgers
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Michael,
You have the octogram format down pat and very well done. I know you usually write free verse and I applaud you for taking on the octogram! This form is very difficult, even for many rhyme and meter poets. Your rhymes are very creative, combining both true rhymes and near rhymes, but it all works for me. Too often I read rhymed and metered poems with forced rhymes for the sake of following the form thus watering the whole thing out. I'm sure i am guilty of that as well!
Your meter is off in some places but I know you're new to meter and you are improving each time I've read your poems. The octogram does not require any certain type of meter and I find yours is closer to Trochiac, which starts with a stressed syllable, than the most common meter, meter. Regardless of what name I give it, your syllable counts are correct and your poem reads smoothly.
But the most important ingredient in any type of poetry is the message that comes across to the reader. I've been hearing a lot over the past few years about the problems created by the auto industry moving out and leaving the city, as you so aptly write "in ruins"! It's sad to see a once thriving city go down this far. I can't understand why our govt ever bailed them out! I like how you worked "Chevrolet's into your poem" . I hope my review encourages you to keep writing, no matter what!
all the best,

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2016

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2016
    Hey Warren...-smile-
    exactly...I absolutely agree that forced "anything" sounds off putting. I know...I didn't even try the ah "meter" thing. I don't um...I can be "natural"....when I have to worry about syllables and ba dumps...its not me. I can do it but its a chore...not easy. I'm not against it...or them who cherish it. I just feel more relaxed in a free style or whatever they want to fingerprint it...its should be like breathing if you ask me....-smile- Yes sir, its disgraceful what corporation have done in sacrificing their own Country and men for more money. They bailed them out because their on the same team. simple as that. Thank you to you Michael
Comment from His Grayness
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very abstract but gripping and compelling work to draw stark attention to the crumbling auto industry of Detroit. It is presented in the typically unique and rare dialog of this gifted writer and I enjoyed it very much! HIS GRAYNESS: Vance

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2016

reply by the author on 07-Jun-2016
    How are you...? yea there is no more industry. they moved can even see em' across the river employing Canadians now. yea on this side of the river if you aint Mexican aint got a shot the dark. Brave new world....-smile- love to you...michael
Comment from Joy Graham
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm pleased to see your octogram for this potlatch fun :) I know you're a free verser by heart, and appreciate you posting a form poem for this occasion.

- meter is just not there, but I can accept that. it's nice to have you participating :)

- "a" rhymes - stays, blase, Chevrolet's appraise - not bad. I love that you got Chevrolet's in there. I like seeing more challenging words used to add depth and interest to the poem.

- "b" rhymes - ruins, Bedouins, harlequins, ruins, sequins, mannequins, sins, ruins - all good, and I love Bedouins as your rhyme word :)

- "c" rhymes - reason, common - interesting but they have the right ending.

- "d" rhymes - memory, envy - yup, near or slant rhymes but they work for me.

- nice repeating line that carries the feel of your theme throughout.

You have a nice feel for the octogram and give it your own personal style. I like that. We'll make a form poet out of you yet lol!

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2016

reply by the author on 07-Jun-2016
    Hi Joy...-smile-
    ah well I'm a me verser after reading this weeks potlatch I'm afraid...of what I mostly read. ahaha Maam...meter and me have issues....again I'm my own meter maid...haha...well I'm getting better at the syllable thing...but I'm gonna another ten years or so to get the dumb dumbs down. thank you Sweet to you...Michael
Comment from brenda bickers
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Michael,
this is unique. A great poem of dereliction. what a shame these once marvellous places are abandoned and left to fall into disrepair. What a waste.
I like your presentation and the extra clip. For someone who was trying to get to grips with the metering, you have done a grand job.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2016

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2016
    Hey you...-smile-
    its unbelievable...some places have no life at all now...not even a bird. very eerie when you've seen it pretty. love to you...Michael
Comment from Galactia
This work has reached the exceptional level

What a wonderfuly written rhyming poem, your message is so strong and so sad.

I loved the ending of....slain victim to corperate sins, memory of once upon a time. .quite sad.

Great job

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2016

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2016
    Hey T...-smile-
    ah yea...very sad indeed. If "WE" aren't careful this could be normal. Why doesn't are Government force them to come back...or God bless it renounce their citizenship loud and clear and complete their treason. its disgusting...sorry. thank you Dear. love to you...Michael
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A well-written Octogram poem. It is heartbreaking to see our once proud city buildings crumbling under abuse and neglect over time.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2016

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2016
    Hi Sandra...-smile-
    thank you Maam. Yes it is, some very majestic. anyway thanks agaon. love to you....Michael
Comment from l.raven
This work has reached the exceptional level

HI Michael, I know this has to break you heart coming from Detroit...I see all these abandoned buildings...once happy people living there...and your words spoke true...victims of corporate's so very sad...

truly a brilliant so mastered this form...your picture speaks for itself...and the video tears at you Linda xxoo

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2016

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2016
    Hey you...-smile-
    I was born in Detroit General July fourth right around midnight....I remember...-smile-...screaming my head off there's been a mistake....ahaha....We moved with wilderbeast migration...when I was still young. yes Maam...very sad. incomprehensible how our government runs around the whole world playing Christ...while who they represent are slowly crucified in sacrifice. ah no not me ....I wing it. love to you....Michael
reply by l.raven on 05-Jun-2016
    I do know when you were born baby...but for you to remember that day is amazing...LOL...and was glad you moved my way...God are always in my prayers...we have no true government...just a bunch of greedys who do anything for money...include ruin our to you too...xxoo Linda