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ShedMoreTears Fairy Tales@Fables"

Viewing comments for Prologue "The Story of Nim-Niamia!"
A delightful Childen Lesson Book.

2 total reviews 
Comment from EMB
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hmmm. Well, I guess it's nice to see that some things haven't changed a bit on this site. It kind of makes me feel like I haven't been gone at all, actually. :)

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2015

reply by the author on 02-Feb-2015
    Thankz for that.
    "At the time the library was closing so, I cut and pasted the title."
    First chapters now!





     Ricky1024
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    Category: Children Fiction | Posted: January 31, 2015 | Chapters: Prologue -1-


    He is an accomplished novelist and is currently at the #41 spot on the rankings.

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    Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

    She just wants to wed!

    A chapter in the book ShedMoreTears Fairy Tales@Fables"

    The Story of Nim-Niamia!

    by Ricky1024

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    "The Story of Nim-Niami!"
    {The Flower Child}
    {Chapter # One}
    "The Flower, the Sun, and the Bee."

    By Ricky1024
    <><><><><><><><><>Created 11-26-2014<><><><><><><><><><><>
    "One fine day in the month of March but before April and May...
    Nim-Niania {the Flower Child} went out to play!
    "She played with a bee in a tree and always talked in Chinese to 'The River Spirit.'
    "Don't be late for dinner Nim. Said her mother Niomi-Niami.
    I won't mommy-san, I am going to play with the bee in the tree and speak to the 'River Spirit and God "Zin-ZU".
    "Nim played by the river and tended asll of the Gardens in her town of "Shim-Niaminomi" in the southern providence of China."
    "She talked to 'Zin-zu the river god' about many thing in her native Language."
    "Can neechwah!' {Hello and how are you!}
    "Nia-vim-isu, Can-nia-metoo! { I am good and how are you too?}
    "Hello ye-all and welcome back to Story #3 and Chapter #1 of Ricky's amazing second book 'Shed a Tear Again, Fairy tales and Fables!"
    "I am Annie Oakley The Greatest Sharp-shooter west of the Mississippi!"
    {Ricky's Narrarato} and today's story is about a little girl searching deep for love and marriage"
    "See you at the end for the message and lesson to be learned cow-kids!"
    "Thanks Annie and as I progress deeper ...
    "'Zin-zu was always a good listener.'

    "Follows with Chapter #2 "The story of Nim-Niami and God's Garden of Miss-delights!
    Pays one point and 2 member cents.

    Artwork by Dick Lee Shia at

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    In love till death us part.
    A Naani, see foot note

    Pays: 8 points. and 57 member cents

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    "The last tow later today."
Comment from MusingsOfMWH
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow. This is certainly a colorful, if very short, story--a stunning butterfly, I must say. Did you take the photo? It's magnificent.

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2015

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2015
    No I have to start it tomorrow.
    Time was short, thankz..
    . Ricky.