Reviews from

Me Writer-You Jane

a seasonal Christmas salute

19 total reviews 
Comment from Cumbrianlass
This work has reached the exceptional level

Yes, you are a writer, and a fine one. Love the positive feel to this one, Ingrid. I'm sure it will motivate others to think along the same lines.

Can't wait for your blog to start!


Love av.

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 24-Dec-2014
    As Geoff sat here, I went into total 'I am so stupid' mode and have given myself permission to postpone until after this week.

    How on earth did you find time to log on here? Hope everything goes well and you get those golf games you're looking forward to.
Comment from Jumbo J
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Ingrid,
well, you know me pretty well... don't you? My early sporting life was a lot like the gig we have on here with writing... you get some good write-ups and some knockers... hell, you start to believe the good hype and hopefully think the bad comments to be that of jealousy... when the truth is, the only person you need to convince of your talent, is indeed one's self.

I would believe you have always been a writer... now, honing your skills is a very different animal all together... to have confidence in ones own ability, is a great start, but garnishing the traits that will springboard you to success, well that's is totally different. They say everybody has at least one good story in them... yes, that may be true, but to convey that in print is an entirely different prospect... but you know all this... of course! So maybe I'm just waffling on to make up the space to appear to have written an in-depth review... who me? I don't write reviews... I just write where the writers words take me... so, if the words make no sense, I blame the write-ee,'cause you evoked these responses... didn't you?

Look you know how proud I am of you, don't you? I enjoy your straight-shooting thoughts, I love your quirky stories that come from all directions... you are matter of fact, you are straight to the point... you are a mentor, a friend and one hell of a talented writer... but does that define you as a person? No, it's just another string to an already loaded bow. Can't wait to read your website... who knows what might happen or where it might take you?

With our thoughts we create,
James xx

 Comment Written 22-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 22-Dec-2014
    If you and I lived in the general vicinity, let alone the same continent, we'd 'waste' days yapping to each other and get nothing done. On the other hand, I'd probably be kicking your ass to write more prose. And yes, you're damn good, not because of the technical shit that has improved vastly, but rather because when you put your name on a poem or a story, you include a piece of your heart. Being able to set that tone is an intimacy many writers don't capture. It's what seduces you with my writing. Most aren't aware of the seduction, but when I'm not stirring up shit or amusing myself with my obtuse comedy of errors in the humour stories you like, I cut open a vein and pour blood into the writing.

    Do you know, I can tell the 'lovers' from the 'prudes' based on reviews--regardless of genres. Some people simply become so uncomfortable when their emotions are stirred, they want to push the source of their angst away--unless they are writing or reading about puppies or children--then it's permissible to dab at the tears. Anyway, lover boy, I have a site I don't even know how to load, so I have MY TECHNICAL work cut out for me.

    Thanks for the stars and I hope you and Jade have a wonderful Christmas. ingrid
Comment from Donya Quijote
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, I have always known you are a writer. I enjoy reading, and I will read anything that keeps my attention. I don't read a lot of popular stuff either. I prefer the classics, the 19th century being the period I like most, French, English, Spanish, Russian, etc. The nice thing is that I can read in the original language if written in French and Spanish, all the better.
I like your style, your directness, your humor. That's why I read your work, and why I comment when I can. Time doesn't always allow me to do both. I hope you understand.
I am happy for your transition to the real world of reading and writing. And I hope you continue to post here and share your wisdom with the rest of us. Fanstory, unfortunately, is teaching me that I am neither a poet nor writer and likely never will be, at least not here. And that spending the limited time I have to post and review here is a waste of effort. I have not posted anything in a long while and reviewed sparingly, and after two months I still do not have a enough funny money even buy the cheapest certificate. And for what? Three or four worthless reviews, reviews that tell me nothing nor aid in making my writing better. As a teacher, most of the reviews I receive would be rated unsatisfactorily by my own students. All has left me with little incentive to play the game anymore. Some minor success outside the Fanstory sphere is what fuels the dying embers. I will spend most of my energies there. As I said before, I hope you continue to post here, and given the name of your site I will most certainly pop in there and read....
I am envious. You are very confident in your abilities as a writer. I have not been for most of my life. I had to relearn how to write in high school and still struggle... I wish I had a little bit of your confidence...

 Comment Written 21-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 22-Dec-2014
    As long as you give fair feedback, it's not a bad think to run through the featured story list--12 poems and 12 stories--to earn FS $. All these posts pay more than $1 for a review. In an hour's time you will have earned $24, enough to post anything.

    My ability and confidence grew on this site, and like you, being published outside of FS gave me the incentive and dive to continue. Treat it as a discipline, a practice class that keeps you limber and supports what you want. It's not true that you have no writing ability, you just don't put any time into prose. I do remember the chipmunk story and while it needed work, it was pretty damn good. Poetry, especially Haiku can be scribbled on an envelope and really doesn't require thorough thought. It's either of flash of genius or ho-hum, but who agonizes over 17 syllables?

    You have had many stumbling blocks in your life that have stolen your self confidence. Me too, but I've reached a different post and one that I wish for you. Enough belief in myself to really want my own opinion be more valuable than anyone else's. That doesn't mean I don't like or appreciate approval, stars or accolades--both in writing and in life. I have a F**K it attitude that really comes down to this. 'I hope you like it, but if not, I'll still continue and not dwell on your opinion.' Do you know, I've written some real crap, technically correct, but in my mind a pathetic plot? And wouldn't you know it the stories that I slave over, feel connected to get lousy feedback while the crap gets the 6stars. Enjoy what you do and move to your own symphony.
Comment from ExperiencingLiphe
This work has reached the exceptional level

Truth is we're all writers here and sometimes I think we forget it because it's just something I, we, do. I'll write something and maybe a six star rating or two, that reviewer who says you brought them to tears and you think, "Hmmm, maybe they're onto something and I really am a writer". LOL. I've done that a couple times. I'm glad you're able to showcase your work. And don't worry about coughing up money for the site, to publish a book it takes money. You're just going about it a different way. nothing wrong with that. I hope you post a link when it's finished so we can all check it out. I bet your super excited! :)

 Comment Written 21-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 22-Dec-2014
    First let me thank you for the stars and extend my appreciation for you taking the time to respond at a very busy time of year.

    My book, 'Measuring Time' has been on 'Page and' for almost a year. When that commitment--a chapter a week--is complete I will publish traditionally. From my mentor who self-publishes all her books, I'm told it's not as expensive as everyone would like to believe.

    The site, the help and friendships here have meant everything. It's time to do more Merry Christmas, ingrid
Comment from DALLAS01
This work has reached the exceptional level

What a dynamic transition, from the very talented insecure writer I first met on FanStory four years ago, to the self assured successful writer today. You were a writer back then, you just didn't know it. This is what arriving is all about. You go, girl.

 Comment Written 21-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 21-Dec-2014
    You were a huge springboard--a cheerleader as I've never had, and will always remain grateful for. Your encouragement and inspirational influence made all the difference in the world. Big hugs, ingrid
reply by DALLAS01 on 21-Dec-2014
    The truth takes little effort to convey. :-0
Comment from boxergirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have laid out some important facts in your essay, Ingrid. A good writer should always consider their audience. Kudos for you starting your own site. 8-)

 Comment Written 21-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 21-Dec-2014
    Thanks so much. It was time to do more.
Comment from Chrisfiore
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Greetings SE,

I guess we all have that wrestling at times, a justification perhaps, but me... well, after a lifetime of putting words together it really comes down to this:

It gives me great pleasure to sit at my keyboard, at my truck's steering wheel or at some library table. There is inspiration out there if a person merely would take the time to look. That's why I've never understood writer's block because to me a writer writes regardless. On screen, on paper or in my head, words are always forming, fitting together or set aside in favor of another but still counted in the process.

A writer loves to write and the audience is secondary. Finding an appreciative audience is a great reward, but a writer writes for his own satisfaction and pleasure. When he is finished and can sit back to evaluate his work, he is priming himself for his next great adventure... he never lives in the past, finds joy in the present and eagerly anticipates his future.

;) Chrisfiore

 Comment Written 21-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 21-Dec-2014
    You and me both, we write on demand. Thanks for a great review. Happy, happy...ingrid
Comment from giraffmang
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow. That really is a bit of a 'wake-up' call for writers.

I am new on here and I am first and foremost a reader. I love books and I love to read. My reviews come from this place.

I have a small body of work here and I was hoping to 'test the waters' on FanStory. I also want to venture to the real world and have taken the first tentative steps myself.

As I newbie I find your words encouraging but also take them as a warning about complacency in the work.
Thank you for sharing and Good Luck.


 Comment Written 21-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 21-Dec-2014
    FS is a great place to be. In the few years I've been posting, I've received--and continue--to get excellent feedback. You'll find there are people who will give you fluff reviews and then there will be others that want to help on the journey.

    To be a big fish in a small pond makes some people very secure, but trust me, there are no editors trolling theses hallowed halls. You won't be 'discovered' but you may see an enormous improvement in your work.

    If I survive X-Mas, I will be more than happy to read your work--poetry is not my thing. With advance apologies--as I think I am having a holiday meltdown--please send me a PM after the 25th and I'll give you really 'brutal' feedback.

    Thanks for the stars and the visit. Ingrid.
Comment from country ranch writer
This work has reached the exceptional level


 Comment Written 21-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 21-Dec-2014
    I swear girl, and you should digest--not just read--its there if you if you decide to take the reins, and take charge of your own destiny.
reply by country ranch writer on 21-Dec-2014
    S M I L E
Comment from Annette Gulliver
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Ingrid - I enjoyed your self analysis and the self confidence you have in your work. I'm just a novice in the writing world, but like you, one day I hope to have confidence in myself. I have been a "Closet" author for nigh on 20 years, but each day I get older & I think = hey get on with it and dive in head first - and that's what I am doing with my gave me inspiration


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 Comment Written 21-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 21-Dec-2014
    I'm glad my words meant something to you and I have no doubt you'll reach your goals.
reply by Annette Gulliver on 21-Dec-2014
    thanks - I will do my best