Reviews from

Lady Lily

Viewing comments for Chapter 3 "Lady Lily and the Wizard 3"
fantasy poem

25 total reviews 
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Once again, I congratulate your talent in writing this in a specific form. This one spotlight Lady Lily and contrasts her sweetness with the fierceness of Joe.

 Comment Written 24-Feb-2015

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2015
    Thank you for the encouraging comments. Joe isn't very nice, but it can be fun to "boo" the bad guy and Lily just might prove that nice people finish first after all.
Comment from seaglass
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I lover the six line verses and the rhyme and meter the carries this story like a song. it's a perfect style for a fanciful tale of magic, dragons, and romance,

 Comment Written 04-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2015
    Thank you for your encouraging comments. I am sorry for the delayed response, but want you to know I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. Thank you.
Comment from Ridley Williams
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Debi,
Nice delivery in this piece. You do a great job describing this amazing fantasy world with its colorful characters.
I especially liked Lady Lily standing up to Joe on the verge of battle. It was also my favorite rhyming watching the bad guy when he's over confident.
Another solid chapter and entertaining read, well done.
See you in the next one, Bill

 Comment Written 04-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2015
    Hi Bill,
    Thank you for the encouraging comments. That was my favorite part as well. I am sorry for the delay in responding. Life sometimes takes some interesting turns, but I now plan to post the rest of the story soon.
    Thank you, Debi
Comment from K. Gahler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice poem - descriptive, flows well, gets the reader interested in the story, the rhyming worked well. I really enjoyed reading this.

 Comment Written 03-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2015
    Thank you for the encouraging review. I appreciate you taking the time to read and point out what you liked. I apologize for the delay in response, but want you to know I appreciate your feedback.
Comment from madhatter1977
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very good story poem. I will be interested to see how you develop it. The rhyme scheme is excellent and an entrancing fantasy story. Very well done! Pete :)

 Comment Written 03-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 18-Feb-2015
    Thank you for the encouraging comments. I apologize for the delayed response. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review this piece.
Comment from Giddy Nielsen-Sweep
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, I love this very much. How intriguing! It is a wonderful fantasy world created in this poem, a land of imagination and beauty, but beware of the wizard! Lovely and so well-written, Giddy

 Comment Written 03-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 18-Feb-2015
    Thank you for the generous six stars. I appreciate the encouragement. I know this response is a bit delayed but I want you to know how much I appreciate your support. Thank you for taking the time to read and review my work. Debi
Comment from Wendyanne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ooh how exciting now the battle has begun. I enjoyed this chapter of your fantasy tale with its different characters. Excellent alliteration throughout.

 Comment Written 03-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 18-Feb-2015
    Thank you for the encouraging comments. I appreciate you stopping by to read and review.
Comment from Zue65
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The children will surely love this story poem and they shall request from their mothers to read this poem at night again and again. This is a beautiful bedtime story that children will remember and lull them to sleep like a lullaby. Excellent write. Jesus bless you.

 Comment Written 03-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 18-Feb-2015
    Thank you for the generous review. I apologize for the delayed response but I want youTo know I appreciate you taking the time to read and review my work.
Comment from Louise Michelle
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Debi,

This continues to be a fantastic adventure, showcasing your terrific talent. All the rhymes are well chosen (they make sense to the story) and your spot on meter makes this very entertaining. Very well written.


 Comment Written 03-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 19-Feb-2015
    Thank you for the generous stars, Lou. I apologize for the delayed response. I've been away from the site for awhile and am catching up. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review this poem. I especially appreciate the encouraging comments. Hugs right back at you. Debi
Comment from tdragonfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like the way that you have created the fantasy world. Too often we forget how to get in touch with our inner child. We need the lighter side of life to revert back to from time to time. Thanks.

 Comment Written 02-Nov-2014

reply by the author on 19-Feb-2015
    Thank you for your kind comments and encouragement. I apologize for the delayed response. I appreciate you taking the time to read and review. Thank you.