Unarmed Black Teen
Reason vs Emotion32 total reviews
Comment from Pyrrho
Probably one of the best-content essays posted in the past month. But you are you-know-whating-up-a rope. The looting goes on because they want to loot and this gives them the "right".
If the tow is 70% why aren't they running it? All that takes is voting.
Probably one of the best-content essays posted in the past month. But you are you-know-whating-up-a rope. The looting goes on because they want to loot and this gives them the "right".
If the tow is 70% why aren't they running it? All that takes is voting.
Comment Written 24-Aug-2014
Comment from LIJ Red
Remarkably levelheaded observations. I saw no significant errors in spelling or grammar,and feel that this essay could be described as excellent.
Remarkably levelheaded observations. I saw no significant errors in spelling or grammar,and feel that this essay could be described as excellent.
Comment Written 22-Aug-2014
Comment from Selina Stambi
Very thought-provoking, lance.
You present a good case. A convincing one.
One cannot deny the fact, though, that African Americans are racially profiled, have less access to jobs because of a lack of education ... hence the dissatisfaction, poverty, discontent, that leaps up at the slightest excuse to air itself in the form of looting and violence.
No excuse for looting and violence. I agree - absolutely.
Very thought-provoking, lance.
You present a good case. A convincing one.
One cannot deny the fact, though, that African Americans are racially profiled, have less access to jobs because of a lack of education ... hence the dissatisfaction, poverty, discontent, that leaps up at the slightest excuse to air itself in the form of looting and violence.
No excuse for looting and violence. I agree - absolutely.
Comment Written 22-Aug-2014
Comment from Kenneth Schaal
By now you're surely tired of me even writing a review, but I like your thinking. You are one of the few writers here that is unafraid to see and think, mature. It's a horrible thing for any life to be taken, more so a youthful one where promise is taken from us as well. We have a terrible problem with violence in this country, and while there are some bad apples among the police ranks, the police are not the problem. Kenny
By now you're surely tired of me even writing a review, but I like your thinking. You are one of the few writers here that is unafraid to see and think, mature. It's a horrible thing for any life to be taken, more so a youthful one where promise is taken from us as well. We have a terrible problem with violence in this country, and while there are some bad apples among the police ranks, the police are not the problem. Kenny
Comment Written 22-Aug-2014
Comment from padumachitta
Hi. A thoughtful essay on a terrible plight in our lives.Violence is violence and begets violence. I am not American, so do not feel it my place to comment.
I do wonder how many other people get shot,
unarmed and don't make the news...NAtive Americans, Asians...
just wondering...
I think you essay should go in a Newspaper somewhere...it is well written and better than than the stuff on the news.
Hi. A thoughtful essay on a terrible plight in our lives.Violence is violence and begets violence. I am not American, so do not feel it my place to comment.
I do wonder how many other people get shot,
unarmed and don't make the news...NAtive Americans, Asians...
just wondering...
I think you essay should go in a Newspaper somewhere...it is well written and better than than the stuff on the news.
Comment Written 22-Aug-2014
Comment from BR Raksun
Unarmed Black Teen is a very thought provoking and humanity based question for people to answer forgetting every type of differences. you live on the land where you get naturally all equal facilities, but you have to face problems like racism. The media is powerful, if not partial or losing links of truth. Why we have to face racism agony? Crimes are there, and punishments follow, yet crimes not stopped. why? Changes made on protests are not strong, changes to come from heart.
oppressors are always there, try to have force to stop them.
Unarmed Black Teen is a very thought provoking and humanity based question for people to answer forgetting every type of differences. you live on the land where you get naturally all equal facilities, but you have to face problems like racism. The media is powerful, if not partial or losing links of truth. Why we have to face racism agony? Crimes are there, and punishments follow, yet crimes not stopped. why? Changes made on protests are not strong, changes to come from heart.
oppressors are always there, try to have force to stop them.
Comment Written 22-Aug-2014
Comment from royowen
It's true that there is inverted racism, it's the same all over the world, I think they call it fashionable, it's like in Australia, although racism is very covert, it's not obvious, nor are a there race riots,we're pretty easygoing really, there's lots of mixed marriages!
If you watch all the TV shows, black dept. heads. And anyway, it's the question of justice for all really, black, white or purple! Well written. Good word, articulate, well expressed and absorbingly! Blessings, Roy.
It's true that there is inverted racism, it's the same all over the world, I think they call it fashionable, it's like in Australia, although racism is very covert, it's not obvious, nor are a there race riots,we're pretty easygoing really, there's lots of mixed marriages!
If you watch all the TV shows, black dept. heads. And anyway, it's the question of justice for all really, black, white or purple! Well written. Good word, articulate, well expressed and absorbingly! Blessings, Roy.
Comment Written 22-Aug-2014
Comment from madhatter1977
A very passionate treatise about the Brown case (I am from the UK and have not heard of it before). Media double standards are a difficult thing to get into on a writing site that is accessible to the public but I agree with your author notes. A friend of mine says we should only report good and feel-good stories that never make the news. I think he jests but I agree about the negativity that pervades the news. Yet this is where the problems of the world surface and need to be faced I have also tried to argue back. Your author note cements your opinion and it is well expressed - well done!
A very passionate treatise about the Brown case (I am from the UK and have not heard of it before). Media double standards are a difficult thing to get into on a writing site that is accessible to the public but I agree with your author notes. A friend of mine says we should only report good and feel-good stories that never make the news. I think he jests but I agree about the negativity that pervades the news. Yet this is where the problems of the world surface and need to be faced I have also tried to argue back. Your author note cements your opinion and it is well expressed - well done!
Comment Written 22-Aug-2014
Comment from desire333
Unfortunately, this very sad ordeal, isn't the first and its not going to be the last. Until something happens, or whether its in the justice department or the law itself, we will see more and more of this ignorance. No more blood shed! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Unfortunately, this very sad ordeal, isn't the first and its not going to be the last. Until something happens, or whether its in the justice department or the law itself, we will see more and more of this ignorance. No more blood shed! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Comment Written 22-Aug-2014
Comment from Muffins
As always your writing is robust, precise, organized and lively. I found no spelling or grammar errors. The thoughts expressed were supported by facts and your own detailed observations. I wished I had a six to give because this piece deserves it.
When you live in an area where daily you, your friends, your family are subjected to police harassment; when you live in a community where there is a documented history of policy lying, getting away with beatings, when you live in an area where a boy is executed(shot 6 times and unarmed) for jay walking, you don't sit on your hands. You are tired, fed up and you speak your frustrations, loudly if necessary. This type of racism is not a Ferguson problem. It an American problem. I can understand why white people are baffle by the anger and protest. White people, better yet, white communities have never experienced daily harassment by the police. How many young white youths are stopped by police to make sure they have ID ,or they fit the description? The numbers don't lie. This is a disease that requires immediate treatment.
As always your writing is robust, precise, organized and lively. I found no spelling or grammar errors. The thoughts expressed were supported by facts and your own detailed observations. I wished I had a six to give because this piece deserves it.
When you live in an area where daily you, your friends, your family are subjected to police harassment; when you live in a community where there is a documented history of policy lying, getting away with beatings, when you live in an area where a boy is executed(shot 6 times and unarmed) for jay walking, you don't sit on your hands. You are tired, fed up and you speak your frustrations, loudly if necessary. This type of racism is not a Ferguson problem. It an American problem. I can understand why white people are baffle by the anger and protest. White people, better yet, white communities have never experienced daily harassment by the police. How many young white youths are stopped by police to make sure they have ID ,or they fit the description? The numbers don't lie. This is a disease that requires immediate treatment.
Comment Written 21-Aug-2014