Reviews from

My Erroneous Journey

Viewing comments for Chapter 2 "My Erroneous Journey ~~ Part 2"
how i came to join Fanstory

28 total reviews 
Comment from Mteske
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great word choice- reacts, swells, apnea, concerned, disrespect, ingested etc. Your organization makes it easy to follow and read. Congratulations on being recognized!

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 14-Oct-2013
    Hi Mteske45,
    thank you for your review and rating of part 2 of my story, I appreciate it very much.
    Kindest thoughts,
    James xx
Comment from mermaids
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Writing is healing and what better medicine to cope with your recovery. I enjoyed reading your essays and through your ingesting of the pool poison, you found your niche. Keep writing.

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 14-Oct-2013
    Hi Mermaids,
    yeah, life is a true mystery, you never know in what direction you are going to end up... Not in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd be on a social media site, let alone writing... Oh yeah, life is wonderful, if you can learn to embrace the 'change' and not fight it.

    I thank you for this wonderful review and kind comments.
    Kindest thoughts,
    James xx
Comment from Jade Lawson
This work has reached the exceptional level

This was an excellent continuation from the previous chapter. I understand that those questions from your wife led you to chose not tell. You were very worried about the possible damage the accident could have had in you, and she seemed quite anxious already to not have seen you for so long. So you chose not to say anything. You wanted to protect her from having further issues with her anxiety problem but I can imagine your stress when you found out of the possible effects that could occur with the acid poisoning.
And yeah I get what you saying about why you chose to not be hospitalized to protect your wife. Through the years I did many things that people couldn't see as logical, but sometimes we just don't think. Good that you realized you needed medical help and it was great to see that your wife's condition wasn't affected by it, in fact it helped her. People who suffer from anxiety usually it helps when they are busy doing something and have pleasure by doing it.
So that was how you came in contact with Fanstory, your wife was responsible for it, good :) I really hope that the effects of the poisoning will fade away completely in time, and yes, there is always a reason for everything in life. My heartbreaks have a reason, become an expert of writing about love and understand it well.
Excellent story.

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 12-Oct-2013
    Hi Angel,
    a six! Why thank you, you are an angel, for real!
    I knew that you would connect with this on a much deeper level, being someone that has had a life full of incident. I know my life is richer from having met you through fanstory... I have drifted away though your brilliant stories... So yes you are another writer on here that has helped me get through the worst of it... Thank you!

    Thank you so much Tania, for your wonderful review and exceptional rating it is, and will always be appreciated!
    Kindest thoughts,
    James xx
reply by Jade Lawson on 12-Oct-2013
    You're welcome. It was well deserved. Sorry I didn't reply to your messages yet. I may reply through your email instead.
Comment from Cookie333
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I felt right at home reading your story. I must go back and read the first part. Your wife was right to encourage your writing. I am lucky to also have the support of my family- they see things in me I may never see.
I have read much of Maureen's work and you're right, it pops up at just the right time. I hope you continue your story, I shall look forward to more of your work
Thank you

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 12-Oct-2013
    Hi Karen,
    thank you so much for coming in and reviewing my story, I hope you do go back and see the start of the journey into fanstory... It's only 1000 words of so and will make sense of it all a bit better.

    We are indeed very fortunate to be on a site that offers so much in the way of interaction, I think that for me, it has been the key to self assessment and growth as a writer.

    Take care, and have a wonderful weekend.
    Kindest thoughts,
    James xx
Comment from dejohnsrld (Debbie)
This work has reached the exceptional level

James, I had no idea what you have been going through. I wish you the best, dear friend. I am glad you shared this. It is so true that bad things often result in positive life changes. I was surprised you have just recently learned poetry. It is the same with me. I somehow missed poetry during my school years and had really no knowledge and little interest in it. I joined FS to write non-fiction, but fell head over heels in love with poetry and as I rarely get out of the house anymore, Fanstorians have become my closest friends and support system. You are the greatest, my friend~Debbie xx

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 12-Oct-2013
    Hi Debbie,
    now I am officially blown off my seat!

    How was it possible you could give me three of your sixes all on the same day?

    Well as you know now, I didn't come here to do anything in particular... But like you I too have fell in love with poetry... To get lost in words... Life's never going to be the same... Ever.

    You know, I've always been a bit of a loner, not that I didn't have friends, but I was never one of the boys. I think... No, I know that I have found more friends of genuine origin on fanstory than in any other part of my life, you included... I love reading your poetry and your stories... And while I am saddened by your isolation through mobility, I am enlightened that you have found a support system through your friends here.

    I was telling someone the other day about f/s and the friends I had made... And their comment was, but it's not real, they're online... I told them, no you're totally wrong, I think through reading and writing you actually get to know a person on a much deeper level... And I never thought I would ever say that, but there you have it, it's true... My friends her, are my friends, and I have never had this many friends, ever!

    Thank you for another stunning review my dear friend, you are truly appreciated by me, and I know a lot of other writers on here to... You are special!
    Kindest thoughts,
    James xx
reply by dejohnsrld (Debbie) on 12-Oct-2013
    Somehow, I ended up with starss left on Saturday which never happens. Your work was quite deserving of them. I understand what you mean about people thinking Fanstory friends aren't real. When I need to talk, I grab the computer, not the phone. My so-called "real" friends aren't very supportive. Have a blessed night~Debbie xx
Comment from lindalcreel
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

While many of us have not had physical ailments like yourself, we too have found a family here at Fanstory. We are not judged, but instead are offered advice that will hopefully make us into the writers that we want to become. I joined this site a few months ago, and feel like I have made quite a few friends here. It's like having your own cheer-leading section, with everyone wanting you to succeed. Thanks so much for sharing your story. It was beautiful and heart-felt. God Bless and I wish you a full recovery with your health:)

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 12-Oct-2013
    Hi Linda,
    we all have a story, that's for sure, but this community of writers here on f/s have not only become friends, some are family.
    And you are so right about the help and encouragement that is offered so freely... I think that part has made me a bit mushy...i've Had more people here willing to help, nurture and improve than every before... That does warm the soul!

    Thank you so much for your wonderful review, it is appreciated.
    I am truly grateful for you well-wishes for my health... Bless you.
    Kindest thoughts,
    James xx
reply by lindalcreel on 12-Oct-2013
    I am one of many who have been adopted by the wonderful group of writers here. I wish you nothing but success in your writing endeavors. When one of us wins; we all win:)
reply by the author on 12-Oct-2013
    Beautifully said Linda, now if we could only get the rest of the world on board with that way of thinking... Yeah what a place it would be. xx
reply by lindalcreel on 12-Oct-2013
    Good things come to those who wait:)
Comment from RGstar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Jumbo 1

Terry asked me to take a look in on you, regarding your apprehension and indecision in going on to your next story.
Well my friend, I am here to inform you, I have read both your chapters.

What I look for is the air between your words, the oxygen that it formulates and the carbon dioxide that it spits out, or does not need.

In other words, I look at the natural flow in your language, the ease of which it is administered, and any wastage in regards to phrases and sentences which do not sit well but placed there to convince, both the reader and yourself, of your ability to write.

Jumbo, let us not beat around the bush. Your wife is perfectly correct. You should write.

Your flow is as natural as the story you tell. There are no forced paragraphs or sentences placed there to show off any of the contents of your armoury.

It is written with ease, which convinces me, and anyone reading it, not just of your control regarding the story, but also the ownership of the verbs, adjectives and nouns that you incorporate, in the structure of the story.

Ok, some may say it is slightly easier as this is a true story you write which make you comfortable enough as you know what comes next. But!....... I would beg to differ, because truth or fiction, the positive ingredients and the structure of your writing, whilst telling your story, must be evident.

The harmony that your words cling to must be evident.

The continuation of one sentence after another, filled with nouns adjectives and other ingredients of language, must be present in a manner that relaxes the reader knowing that something is definitely right and gives no indication of having to study your sentences and paragraphs, word by word, in order to experience the emotion you create for that particular scene.

Every emotion you have presented, you have done so, naturally. We feel these emotions as you have laid them down. If they were forced or falsified, you would not have the positive and endearing reactions you do from the many talented writers here who have read your work.

There are no words formed especially just to get a reaction. If you did that, your text would be bumpy, uneven. It would be weak sometimes, strong other times. You have just followed your red thread, and relied on your sense of truth and direction. We, the reader, do the rest.

The imagery within your story is great, and creates the emotions as it should without feeling forced.

Your poetry is very strong, and well structured, even though at times you may claim not to know. I have read a couple, and was quietly surprised after the fact you made the statement concerning schooling.

Jumbo, you are in command of your writing, by miles. Your writing is not in command of you.

With that said. I say you this day: Go forth my friend; there is a place for you in this market. There are many who believe in you, perhaps even more than they may believe in themselves, or as much as.

I say this with all sincerity. You are a writer and a good one too. A good writer can write anything. That includes you. You may need to develop a technique or find your comfort zone when creating stories, but that should come naturally as time goes by.

Take my word for it. And trust me, I know a good writer when I see one. Develop your own style, your own technique, and then add a little bit of inspiration from us all.

Now get going.

We are all with you, and can't wait to read it. •??

My best wishes to you today. So glad you survived the incident. Perhaps something has come good from it: Your writing.

Don't tempt fate; it has given you an opening. Take it.

Best wishes,


 Comment Written 12-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 12-Oct-2013
    Hi RGstar,
    man, what just happened? Never before have I had such a comprehensive review without it being filled with suggestions and improvements... My friend you are so good for my ego... I'm pretty sure your review rivals my story... I don't even know where to begin thanking you for such a wonderful review like this... Other than what is at my disposal.

    Thank you so much my friend, yeah, I'm still blown away! Maybe a little shell-shocked... I have a feeling I will be seeing a lot more of you in the future.

    How to make friends and influence people! Yeah man, you have a gift!
    Kindest thoughts,
reply by RGstar on 13-Oct-2013
    You are right where you should be, my friend.
    To rite, perhaps, is your destiny. Where it leads, is up to you.

Comment from Tina McKala
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a very original tribute to fanstory and several its writers, also very strong personal life story. Very captivating write.

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 12-Oct-2013
    Hi Tina,
    thank you so much for this review, it is indeed appreciated.
    Kindest thoughts,
    James xx
Comment from sweetwoodjax
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is very well written, jumbo j, you did an excellent job writing this chapter where you discuss the way your body reacted to the chemicals you ingested and the way it helped your wife reach out of her anxiety to help you. and the writers you mentioned are wonderful writers.

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 12-Oct-2013
    Hi Sweet WJ,
    thank you for your wonderful review and comments... I appreciate it very much.
    Kindest thoughts,
    James xx
Comment from gaangel62
This work has reached the exceptional level

James, I'm glad that your recovering from the poisoning and getting stronger by the day. Your story was very well written. The love of your wife is a beautiful addition to your story.....Hugs.....Angie

 Comment Written 11-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 11-Oct-2013
    Hi Angelina,
    my story will always contain a portion where the love of my wife and best friend shines through... it's just a part of who i am.

    thank you so much for the honor you have given me with the exceptional rating and your exceptional review... you are truly a special gem.
    kindest thoughts,
    James xx