Reviews from

Can't Imagine Why I'm Annoyed


29 total reviews 
Comment from catch22
This work has reached the exceptional level

Amen (lol)! I was nodding the whole way through this essay and am pretty sure I know who you're referring to. How could I not? He dominates the front page. I have only reviewed him twice and gave 3-staer ratings to be nice. I try not to review him because I sense exactly what you alluded to in your essay. He's not here to learn but to get accolades and status. Sad but true and there are others on this site who fall in this genre, but he's by far the worst. I couldn't have said this any better. Keep fighting the good fight!

 Comment Written 04-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2013
    As a general rule, I have no issue with self-promoters who believe in their own work and will spend FS or Am/Ex bucks to cultivate a fan base or get their work seen, but if your skill level is so low---and you've been told, then develop some humility and learn from your critics. But no this one. He's all about status, and using this as a pulpit for his incoherent thoughts--using and abusing the name of God.

    Thanks for the generous stars and the support.
reply by catch22 on 04-Aug-2013
    You're very welcome:)
Comment from closetpoetjester
This work has reached the exceptional level

You couldn't have said it better my friend. I'm slowly drifting away because there are very few writers of substance and integrity here'd be one of the rare few.
I like you call things as I see them, for the most part with a bit of tact, but at times the God tirade wears thin with me...especially due to the fact that I wouldn't be able to vent my atheist views here nearly as freely as those at the polar opposite of the scale. The good writers get sick of it and its easier to leave when Tom can't be bothered looking after loyal opinions, or at best taking them into consideration in the slightest. Live and let live is my motto but not at the risk of preaching to others just how to live. Until I meet the maker or writer of life's rule book, I'll be living it how I see fit.
Loved this write and I see NO ONE has had the good sense to report your so called rant and have it removed from the airways that are fast clogging up with a big pile of crap. Unfortunately many opinions differ in regards to what actually is poetry...some have NO idea. LMAO Anyways, thanks for speaking the truth. You make a lot of sense.
Hugs P

 Comment Written 04-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2013
    The interesting reaction to my rant is the discovery that while many people think they know who I'm so pissed at, it looks like everybody's annoying jerk is thought to be 'the one.' It turns out there are two or three different jerks and everybody thinks I'm talking about theirs.

    They can't even give me a warning because I don't name names...learned that on rom experience and a dozen slaps on the knuckles. there's no knowing if I've been reported or not, but if I have, I'm pretty certain the Tom could not find suitable cause. Good to hear from you. Doing anything more for P&S?
Comment from DALLAS01
This work has reached the exceptional level

. More than anything, it has given me a vehicle to practice the discipline of writing regularly.
This above all is the gift that I have received here. Would have never happened anywhere else.
Amen to the general gist of your rant.

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2013
    Probably a waste of time....oh hey...I guess it wasn't. I indulged my annoyance and pounded on the keyboard, not to impress but to release my built up irritation.
Comment from Jumbo J
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Ingrid,
I will pray for your soul and for your writing to soar to the heights of artificial ego boasts... And what! I'm not going to get picked up by a publisher on this site? What the ....! I only joined for that reason. I was sure this was the place to start my new career... Yeah, you know your not going to get anything serious from me, it's all just a game in this thing we call life... Play in it or not, it will never change the outcome.
As you know I came to f/s because I poisoned myself accidentally and here I am one year later, still playing the game... But I've met some really beautiful people, like yourself and that's the true reward... I have learnt from kind folk that help me try to improve and I have laughed at all the bells and whistles that make this site tick... So while I am enjoying what and who I read, I'll be here for a bit longer... And as for your rants, they're the best, you throw more than pigeons into the fray... You throw the whole bird population and I'm sure God's watching you! So be kind to these saintly writer's they're gaining brownie points for their final destination... Never stop being you, I would miss you too much!
Kindest thoughts,
James xx

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2013
    How did you get poisoned?

    Tell me, besides examining your inner soul and letting the emotions spill onto the page, revere and respect Jade, what else to you do down under?

    Are you a pirate, a wizard, a sourcerer or patiently waiting for succession and your turn to return to your roots and join the Royal court?

    I'm very curious about your life on the beach. ingrid
Comment from Rondeno
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You write very eloquently when you're angry! These are fine words, and all underpinned by intelligence and restraint. As for the "culprit", I think I know whom you mean, but we'll refrain from "outing" him. Well done.

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2013
    I was in a snit. some days are diamonds and some days are stone.
Comment from Kiki12
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really don't know what to add here, you said everything perfectly. So, I'll just commend you on having such an eloquent rant and for voicing the annoyance of so many of us. I could much more easily ignore the 'religious' factor on this site if it weren't for the slant in reviews- both for anything that mentions god and against anything that does not fit their mold. And it is not everyone with religious beliefs, it is a very outspoken few that fall like dominoes into line when they are given a cause. I don't even mind that some want to spend all their money for a rank that doesn't exist, but I do find it offensive that the higher the rank, the more they think their work is credible or even literate. As a teacher, there are quite a few of ranking status that would not have progressed to the next grade had they been in my classroom. Well, thanks for listening to my rant. Yours was much appreciated-

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2013
    Here, here, sister.

    You latched onto thevery qualities that send me over a wall.
Comment from ravenblack
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you thank you thank you. Don't normally make it to the prose side, but I've been reading your reviews of " the second coming of crap" to cheer me up. I too was a voice in the wilderness railing against his garbage until he blocked me. It really annoys me, all the 5's and 6's he gets for foaming at the mouth, some awarded by folks who are reviewing this very essay. Why is his gibberish rated well? Because he mentions Jesus or God which is sure to guarantee a few extra stars. I sure wish work on this site was rated on technique and content. Again, thank you.

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2013
    That was a major point I made. The sheer mention of God somehow makes true believers feel that by treating all religious themed missives with reverence is expected or a blasphemy will haunt them

    I am bewildered by the fact that these reviewers lose sight of what FS is about and dish those fives and sixes out just by discovering another 'Christian.' I suppose anyone with a fervent belief system. I spent well ver an hour editing the first essay he posted and then started to develop a slow burn when I realized that this was all about elevating his rating. The whole thing made me nauseous as if I was witnessing a whore feign passion for her fee. And frankly, Id have had more fun reading that kind of post. This guy has a right to learn and develop, but buying his way to an artificial pedestal to support some part of a bruised ego. It's simply very bad writing. Thanks for reading and affording me some more 'rant' time.
Comment from Mastery
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

LOL...LOL..I know who you are referring to, Ingrid. Unfortunately he is not the first, last or only one either. I don't get it?? Why not boast of your love for God elsewhere. Are these the same people I used to see in New York City and Los Angeles...wailing In the park for my redemption "or else"

I, too am on here to learn and share my writing with my friends...not go to Bible school...If This makes me a be it.

Your piece is well written and has much merit ...Bob

 Comment Written 02-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 02-Aug-2013
    This boy is buying a trophy. He's at 25 in reviewing---no doubt to pay for his attest carnage---but hasn't bothered to answer a single review. Watch Hump so ballistic if he buys himself to a neighbouring slot in the top that would be great comic relief.
reply by Mastery on 02-Aug-2013
    Found this on his page just now: "God's Writer: Hi everybody. I am leaving fanstory today My e-mail address is if anyone cares to keep in touch. Not many friendly people left. I hope to see you all in heaven.
reply by the author on 02-Aug-2013
    Well, may it be so. But so many of these farewells are bids for attention. They always hope people will talk them out of it.

    Well Bob, I guess I can add site bully to my resume now. Thanks for letting me know.

reply by Mastery on 02-Aug-2013
    LOL....LOL...I don't think you had anything to do with it...Someone else pissed him off. Not enough followers here. I wonder what happens to Mrs Writer now? Bob
Comment from reconciled
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hungry publishers are-ar-aren't recruiting from Fan-Fan-story...? wh-wh-what ya saying...? Hello dream smasher...-smile- Well...aint this a bitch...all this time chasing wind...suddenly... I'm very very tired. Ahh yes Elvis...I've read a few of his songs....hmm...yea...well...practice perfected is a possibility some pray for....let's shall we....-wink- Alright...Ingrid don't hurt you Michael

 Comment Written 02-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 02-Aug-2013
    Michael, it is with deep regret that I have cause you, dear boy, such disillusionment. It grieves me to think of you in some corner, sobbing and reaching for Linda for solace.

    No, publishers aren't looking in these caves and you know what? Well, I may just as well shatter some of your other fantasies.

    It grieves me to inform you there is no Santa Claus and the tooth fairy is really an urban legend conjure up by a textile manufacturer after discovering an over stock of red velvet.

    While we're at it....the tooth fairy isn't real either, though some perfectly sane adults have claimed the hygienist in their dental office has an uncanny resemblance to the way patients imagined the nocturnal visitor might look.

    Please try not to be too hurt by these revelations. I think it's time you learned the truth.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you as you mourn, ingrid
reply by reconciled on 02-Aug-2013
    My God you work for the devil don't you....please somebody make her stop.......before she takes out the Easter bunny Ingrid...bad.....K...let's try and play nice be gentle on the rest of the boy's and girl's okay sweetie...? ahhh you are missile'mere gimmie a kiss...-love-
reply by the author on 02-Aug-2013
Comment from lancellot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sometime you have to rant. You have get it off your chest before it becomes a cancer that eats at your soul and your writing. FS provides a venue for this and a lot more. Yes, it cost, but in this what in this world is free. I know what you mean about the zealot writers. Because you can not have a real discourse with them I usually skip on by.

 Comment Written 02-Aug-2013

reply by the author on 02-Aug-2013
    Well sorry to hear you've been there. In my case I went to the party on my own volition and choice, but I was still stunned by the poor writing. Worse, the reviewers, I suppose in gratitude for the big pay-out for a review, all wimped out and fluffed over some very, very week literary skills.