Reviews from

Thoughtful Poems and Prose

Viewing comments for Chapter 5 "A Happy Home"
Commentary and Philosophy

16 total reviews 
Comment from Liz Dunbee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent rhymes and a beautiful picture, but a sad subject. It is unfortunate that so many people suffer in childhood when it should be a magical time of learning and exploring. This review is from a fellow South African.

 Comment Written 11-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 13-Jul-2013
    Thank you, Liz. SA is a lovely country with a warm climate. We are having snow today.
Comment from Gungalo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a shame and what a sorrow!
You never thought about 'tomorrow.'
The best thing God gave us on earth
Is family - understand its worth.

It's unfortunate that anyone had to go through this but they did. An understanding family is worth it's weight in gold.

 Comment Written 06-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 07-Jul-2013
    Thank you.
reply by Gungalo on 07-Jul-2013
Comment from gazzagodbod
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

so feel for children caught up in these awful break ups childhood should be all about stability love and fun great poem my curly friend xxgazzaxx

 Comment Written 06-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 06-Jul-2013
    Thank you, Gary!
Comment from Titanx9
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You've penned the story of so many children who must look out for themselves because of their parents' indifference. Those old farts always seem to forget when they grow old the type of non-caring parents they were. The emotions and realism come through. It shows passion in every stanza. Good luck in the contest!

 Comment Written 05-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 05-Jul-2013
    Thank you, Dossie! So sad, and so true. No winnners with selfishness.
Comment from zeldasmith
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is so what's happening today and probably since I was growing up. My parents argued and I thought it was about me. My brothers married had kids, divorced, etc. now two of my four have to deal with providing a good atmosphere for their child whose parents are not connected. Nice job.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2013
    Thank you, Zelda. Family is so important, it has been a lonely road without any support mentally and spiritually. I often envy women who go shopping with their mothers and sisters... they have so much! To drop into my parent's house with a nice cake...I have never been able to do it.
    My children don't know any of their cousins or their grandfather. It all became so complicated! Now we live halfway around the world away.
reply by zeldasmith on 05-Jul-2013
    What a sad lament. I'm so sorry. I'd gladly be your spiritual sister if you'd like support. I know it's not like the real thing but at least you'll be able to talk about what's bothering you. We can share pics etc. My estranged cousin married a lovely woman years ago and had two kids...they later divorced and remarried other people then divorced again. Then they connected in Oregon where she lived with her family and son. The daughter lived in Calgary where she sought a degree in nursing and has made her home there. Anyway I had been searching for him for years...he was my only cousin left on my mother's side...we connected on FB. they moved out here to be with me...she did this for him. However he connected with his old buddies who were into drugs and theft to buy their drugs, etc. Did her a bad deal. She had him arrested and moved in with us until she could save up enough $ to go back to Oregon. Well we had bonded whiled she was here. She had brothers as did I but neither of us had we decided from that moment to be sister's in spirit if not by blood. She turned in her practical nursing degree and went to school to be an airline steward. She's in Texas now working as a fill in for SW Airlines....she has lots of lulls because she's only part time but guaranteed 17 hours a week. Point being, she's far from her son and daughter and their family; her father and two brothers; but we have the two of us who share as if we were sisters.
    Are you the one from New Zealand living in Georgia? I lose track. Have you no church family for support? I know it's not like blood but when you get involved it kinda takes your mind off your own misery. At least it did me when I was going through some rough times. IF YOU'D LIKE FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME ANYTIME and we can be friends in spirit. If you do, put in the subject line FANSTORY so I know it's not spam then I can add you to my email. I can't travel but if you ever come north, I'd be glad to welcome you and your family to Jersey. My email is: You have a blessed day I'm an old person almost 66...I'd be glad to adopt your children as part of my line of grandies. There is an least I think it still exists in Jersey....where empty-nesters volunteer to be grand parents to children without any. You have a most wonderful day and I'll keep you and yours in my daily prayers. Peace....
reply by the author on 07-Jul-2013
    Thank you for your care and concern. I'm well and truly over it all now.
    You are unusually kind, alas, I don't think I will be travelling anywhere soon.
    It is important to stay focussed on the Lord and to excercise forgiveness, but the pain of what could have been - well it's those scars which shape us to some degree.
    Thanks again,
reply by zeldasmith on 07-Jul-2013
    I know, I have lots of those scars you talk about.
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

solid rhyming couplets
effective imagery of the kids being pulled like squids by feuding parents
good alliteration in provide and pay
a tragic tale of parents not putting their children first and the legacy that leaves

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2013
    Thanks, Brooke. I don't think kids should necessarily be put first, only helped and encouraged to reach their full potential. Families do need to hold together, and parents should set the examples.
Comment from Brenda F. Ring
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is so amazing! You have captured so much of our society today, always searching for gratification right now without considering who might get hurt. I love the last two stanzas. Children are a gift from God, to be nurtured and treasured. Well done!

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2013
    Thank you for your lovely review.
Comment from Bobby Jo
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow, this is a powerful poem and has my vote. You did a great job. I don't know what it is like when parents separate, but I do know what it is like to be a child who is 12 years old and watching your sister get married at the age of 17 and separating at 19. I was completely in love with her husband as well as her. I stayed with them a lot and they lived practically next door. I went into severe depression when they split. So I can't imagine what children go through.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2013
    Thank you, Bobby Jo! For your wonderful review.
    I never saw my father for 14 years and I lost most of my family forever.
    By the time I met up with him again, after 21, we were stranges; but I have tried to stay on 'friendly terms' although it is halfway around the world now.
    Thank you.
Comment from MidnightWriter4U
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A poem that truly speaks of the hard childhood one goes through when parents are more focused on making each others' life miserable rather than on the children born from their union. Yet, no one is without mistakes; and the mere fact that parents kept a roof over one's head and food in their mouth is something that I would return in kind. Not everyone is cut out to be a parent, but society sometimes expects it. A very good 'think about' poem. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2013
    Thanks MW. Sometimes we do not have a choice in these matters.
    It grieves me to this day, that I am limited with my ability to help the remaining parent in old age. It is not what I planned nor desired, but it has worked out like this. If I were to win a fortune, I would do all that I could.
    I have one parent still stranded in Zimbabwe, and it gives me no pleasure to think about it. They do not have running water in Harare anymore, and to flush a toilet is a luxury. To use toilet paper is another luxury which many cannot afford.
    I did not plan this. It just happened, and it makes me feel very, very sad.
    Thanks for your review.
reply by MidnightWriter4U on 04-Jul-2013
    You are welcome. I am left to wonder if what you have said, "If I were to win a fortune, I would do all that I could." is not how some of our parents felt. I do hope the one parent stranded in Zimbabwe can leave. Choices can be hard. God Bless. MN :)
reply by the author on 04-Jul-2013
    My father drank a fair amount of his money. He was an electrician. When my mother left him, he almost murdered her. I never saw him after that. Between the ages of 7 and 21 - no father and no money. He never paid any child support, no matter what the law demanded.
    He saw my stepfather (who was my favourite parent - who actully did the most for me) twice during those years and assulted him in public.
    To the best of my knowlege, although not gay, he remains embittered against women - he more or less told me that, and I'm his daughter!
reply by MidnightWriter4U on 04-Jul-2013
    Makes one wonder about your father's childhood, doesn't it? Where did his feelings about women and his drinking problem start? Such a shame to be embittered against women. He must be very lonely.
reply by the author on 04-Jul-2013
    People need to take responsibility for their own lives. He was one of 5 kids, nobody else in his family drank so much. My granny was not perfect, but we all have issues to get through. We cannot blame our sin and life choices on our childhood - if that were so, I would have been spaced out on drugs and dead by now.
    Those who lean on the Lord, He will help.
    But some don't want Him.
reply by MidnightWriter4U on 04-Jul-2013
    I agree that people must take responsibility for their lives. With some, I don't think it is a matter of 'blaming' childhood. I think some people's childhood was so traumatic the emotional scars are permanent. But, God can heal all--if one's faith is strong enough.
Comment from CR Delport
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I always find it so sad when two people cant get over their hate for each other to celebrate joy for a loved one. Rather petty, but true. Love the rose and the poem.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2013

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2013
    Thank you! Yes, it was petty and sad - embarrassing too!