Reviews from

A Schoolmarm's Valentine

I Found Him Where the West Begins

32 total reviews 
Comment from words
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a charming poem, I can see why this one won first prize.

Texas boys are full of charm,
And one left me so disarmed
I packed up and ran away,
Chasing after western days.

I once ALMOST dated a bull rider.

Your poem makes me regret my choice NOT to date him. LOL

Hugs, d

 Comment Written 10-May-2013

reply by the author on 13-May-2013
    Hello D.

    Sorry I've been remiss in responding, but I've been ill. Please accept my apology.
    What a lovely review. You made me smile. I recommend dating a cowboy at least once in this lifetime; it's gonna be interesting, I must tell you. lol
    Thanks for the wonderful stars and the kind words. I'm so glad you liked Schoolmarm. Have a wonderful week!
    Vista Kay
Comment from cheyennewy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi vk,

I love this poem and wish I had written it as it tells the same story as my life. Your rhyme is lyrical, the flow is easy, your well chosen words are expressive and of course, I love the theme. I wish I had a six for you. Well done.....blessings, chey

 Comment Written 08-May-2013

reply by the author on 13-May-2013
    Hello Cheyennewy! I'm so sorry it's taken so long to respond, but I've been ill. Please accept my apology!
    What a wonderful review! Thanks so much for the kind words and for the stars. Love you comment about the story of your life; every girl should have her own cowboy at some point in time. I'm so glad that you liked Schoolmarm and that you found it "lyrical" and the flow "easy." Your comments are always constructive and so appreciated.
    Have a great week ahead.
    Vista Kay
Comment from Zinnia48
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Really fun poem! I especially like the line:
"did things twice I shouldn't do once"

I only wish I had limited them to twice! You have a great sense of humor and the rhythm/rhyme did this theme justice. thanks for making me smile! Caroline

 Comment Written 07-May-2013

reply by the author on 07-May-2013
    Hello Caroline! You are so welcome. Thanks for the kind words, the wonderful review, and the fabulous stars. I'm thrilled that you like the humor in Schoolmarm. That's what gets us through! I so appreciate your time and consideration.
    Have a great night.
    Vista Kay
Comment from kiwijenny
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think it is an awesome love poem that can have the words cow manure in it.
I had a problem with the word concurred which I have only heard in an active sense rather than the passive you used: ie the doctors concurred that I need surgery rather than ,we two were still concurred. Maybe I am wrong about that and I realize poetry and the constraints of rhyme makes us stretch.
Overall it obviously is a winner.

 Comment Written 07-May-2013

reply by the author on 07-May-2013
    Hi there. I am so glad that you like Schoolmarm and the free-wheeling use of some "cowboy lingo" there. It wouldn't be a cowboy poem without a mention of manure! lol
    Well, the definition of concur as a verb is agree, as in "You and I concur on this, don't we?" As a verb, it can be active or passive.
    Thanks so much for the wonderful review and the fabulous stars. I'll take awesome any day, my friend!
    Have a wonderful night.
Comment from Martin Chan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A wonderful cowboy poem matching with the picture. Noises of dance halls and cheap, noisy night clubs and sight and smell of cow manure all described well.The heat and the climate was also felt while reading it.It can expose the character of the violent woman of the town and use of slang words are also appropriately used. The only thing I could suggest is to use better rhymes than use of half rhymes in some lines.
Martin Chan

 Comment Written 07-May-2013

reply by the author on 07-May-2013
    Hello Martin, I'm glad that you like Schoolmarm and found it wonderful! I'll take that any day. And thank you for the wonderful stars and the suggestions. What "half rhymes" do you refer to? Can you give me an example so I can work on this?
    Have a wonderful night, my friend.
reply by Martin Chan on 07-May-2013
    Hello my friend VKmack,
    what I am referring is the honkytonks and once. But it can be allowed, I think, but I only refer it in my opinion, not a big deal. But I need to give some suggestions you know.Your is an excellent poem.
reply by the author on 07-May-2013
    Thanks, Martin. I was using those as interior rhymes, though they aren't always the easiest. I'll keep working on them. Thanks again. All constructive suggestions are appreciated!
    Have a wonderful tomorrow.
Comment from Cindy Warren
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Congratulations on your win. It must have been difficult to write a love poem without using any of those words. I love the part where cowboys always ride away.

 Comment Written 07-May-2013

reply by the author on 07-May-2013
    Hello Cindy,
    Thanks for the kind words, the congrats, and all those stars. I really appreciate your kindness and consideration.
    Have a great night.
Comment from c_lucas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Congratulations on your win. This is very well written with a smooth flow of words, making for a very romantic read. You did a good job in giving it a western flavor.

 Comment Written 07-May-2013

reply by the author on 07-May-2013
    Thanks so much for the great review and the kind words. I do appreciate the congrats, and I'm so glad you like the western theme.
    Have a great night, my friend.
reply by c_lucas on 08-May-2013
    You're welcome, VK. Charlie
Comment from bichonfrisegirl
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Vista Kay,

I have returned from vacation and see that your poem won the Love Poem Contest. Congrats! ..... so well deserved .... I can certainly see why it won.

Fantastic images conveyed to the reader. Very clever writing with some great lines. My fave ...."He made me hum like a tuning fork; he blew my mind, he popped my cork" .... brilliant!

I think many women readers, especially, will CONNECT well with this poem.

Great job, Vista Kay!

bichonfrisegirl aka Connie

 Comment Written 07-May-2013

reply by the author on 07-May-2013
    Hello Connie!
    I had wondered about you. So glad that you had a vaca and have returned, rested I hope.
    Thanks for the wonderful six! Wow! You made my week with those magical stars. I'm thrilled that you like Schoolmarm and have such kind things to say about the phrasing and images there. I loved that challenge, and I was hoping that it all came together. Funny how some just feel right, isn't it? I do hope that others can connect with it! That would be terrific.
    Thanks again for the wonderfully kind words, Connie. Your opinion is so important to me.
    Have a great night, and welcome back!
    Vista Kay
reply by bichonfrisegirl on 08-May-2013
    You have a great night too Vista Kay! :)

reply by bichonfrisegirl on 08-May-2013
    You have a great night too Vista Kay! :)

Comment from Joan E.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow--another winner--double congratulations! I enjoyed your love poem with cowboy vernacular and use of the first person to add to the immediacy. Your rhymed quatrains and "tuning fork" simile are quite effective. You go gal! Cheers- Joan

 Comment Written 05-May-2013

reply by the author on 06-May-2013
    Hello Joan E.
    You are so sweet. Thanks so much for the congrats and the you go gal! That made my day! I'm so glad you like Schoolmarm and the cowboy lingo. Thanks, too, for sharing the stars.
    Hope all is well. Have a great day, Joan.
    Vista Kay
Comment from nancyjam
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Congratulations on the win. I can see why.
It is a delightful read full of great images,
human frailty, western lore, romance
and those things "you did twice that you shouldn't
have done once!" Love that line.
great rhyming couplets, vivid images and
fun. Nancy

 Comment Written 04-May-2013

reply by the author on 04-May-2013
    Hi Nancy. I'm thrilled that you like Schoolmarm. Thanks for the wonderful comments and compliments. I appreciate the kudos, too. Love the stars.
    Have a great weekend.
    Vista Kay