Reviews from

Reflections For The New Day

Viewing comments for Chapter 39 "From Beyond"

11 total reviews 
Comment from nutcase
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

WOW where have you been hiding this one, wow I am sure glad I found it you are in your loving deep place and I love it. Now every time it rains I will rember this piece and will think again of you and these beautiful words.... I can only hope that some day I will be able to find some one as special and loving as your self to spend my days of growing older with... Love your heart and word and the way youcan share them with me as if you are writting to me each and every letter... Nutcase MADDLY in love with your heart...

 Comment Written 07-May-2005

Comment from Graceheart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wonderful poem of thelove going on into the hereafter! Very touching, powerful and moving piece of your heartr Jj! The structure, flow and message were awesome! A beautiful gesture from one life to the next. Bravo!

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2005

Comment from Diny
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How is it I see and feel thoughts within these lines so deep and touching ?
How is it I find meanings that are transending all readers and meant to touch each one individually
How is it I read such love and gentlness with every line and break
It is because I have opened my heart I find so much
Thank you for helping me see


 Comment Written 24-Apr-2005

Comment from Marillion
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a great reply to Sengwriter, Jewell, and I'm sure that he appreciates it very much. This is exactly what I'd want to hear as a widower missing his beloved. Nice one.

 Comment Written 24-Apr-2005

Comment from shelley kaye
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

beautifully written

and could be so very true

if the loved one hasn't already began her next life

for they could already be right next to them :-)

great job!

thanx for sharing :-)

 Comment Written 24-Apr-2005

Comment from Mastery
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! You have a masterpiece here. It has so much fantastic imagery, I don't know which is my favorite. Here for instance: "the dewdrops of your love have fallen." and "pitter patter of rain falls upon your face" Good writing...Bob

 Comment Written 24-Apr-2005

Comment from Lainee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Meditation is certainly inspiring some wonderful writing from you lately JJ. This is such an inspiring piece of writing and flows so well with wonderful, yet sad imagery throughout. I think Gautam will love this very much. A lovely dedication of understanding.

You continue to amaze me,
Lainee :O)

 Comment Written 24-Apr-2005

Comment from Louanne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A lovely poem rising out of a
beautiful sentiment feel in sympathy
for a friend.
A unique and clever viewpoint to
inspire and soothe the bereaved
and the lonely.
Thank you, dear, for the gift which
arose out of such genuine empathy.

 Comment Written 24-Apr-2005

Comment from spades1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Damn, thats one fine poem.Thanks for sharing, this is an excellent piece, the imagery is beautiful and the flow is tight as ever. I love this poem, it is sad but uplifting at the same time, beautiful. Thanks again, Tim.

 Comment Written 24-Apr-2005

Comment from sengwriter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Me as a reader got engulfed with the emotion punched in the threads of sentiment that you've woven here. I know every bit of your highness of thoughts expressed here has come from your some divine power of inner self. I would suggest to give some note to relate the reality behind this poem. God bless you my friend. Gautam

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 Comment Written 24-Apr-2005