Where Is God?
I have to ask ...32 total reviews
Comment from Skyangel02
The photo is heartbreaking but have you seen the pictures of the lost homeless people in the rain lately? Some people treat animals badly enough but the way they treat their fellow humans is far worse.
There is no point in blaming any invisible being for being uncaring when the visible ones don't care either.
God is YOU and me and all the rest of the LIFE on earth which either cares for others or does not. Some do and some don't.
There is no person in the sky taking care of anything. The people who are supposed to care are us.
reply by the author on 10-Jun-2012
The photo is heartbreaking but have you seen the pictures of the lost homeless people in the rain lately? Some people treat animals badly enough but the way they treat their fellow humans is far worse.
There is no point in blaming any invisible being for being uncaring when the visible ones don't care either.
God is YOU and me and all the rest of the LIFE on earth which either cares for others or does not. Some do and some don't.
There is no person in the sky taking care of anything. The people who are supposed to care are us.
Comment Written 10-Jun-2012
reply by the author on 10-Jun-2012
Dear Sky...I realize this. But who really cares for the little animals? They are seen as soul-less, unworthy. And to me, that makes them all the more vulnerable, all the more precious. I've written about the living skeletons, our fellow humans as well. And as far as religion is concerned. I have heard many many versions of what it is supposed to be, how I should be. So I am left with one conclusion. I can only do my best to do right, be nice and share what I can. I can only enjoy this gift of life to the best of my abilities. Baptized a Methodist, I still fear burning in hell for sneezing wrong. But NONE of us will know until the day we die. None of us. Life is a frightening thing most of the time. And so is death. To me. Because I am only human, and cannot know. I love good people. I love animals. And I, as a victim of harassment by certain fellow humans, despise those who are cruel--all powerful and arrogant. Our government is a prime example. Despicable. All that aside, I always appreciate your kind thoughts. Your well meaning aspects and just hope you understand my point of view. I also respect yours. It's important too. xoxo. Susan
Dear Susan...YOU care for the little animals and so do I and so do many other people. We all do what we can and care for any we can when we see they need our help. Sure, some people don't care but some do. That is what makes the world go round. We need opposites in the world. Not everyone sees animals as soul-less or unworthy. All animals are vulnerable, and so are all people. All life is precious to me.
And as far as religion is concerned. It is obvious that there are many versions of it. The problem with it is that it tells people how they are supposed to be as if they were not what they are supposed to be, instead of teaching them that they are exactly what they are supposed to be. Being brainwashed from birth that you are a sinner is not good for the self esteem. No baby is born a sinner. Right and wrong are taught by the parents.
All people can only do their best to do right, etc.
I really hate the way religion fills people with fear in order to try to control them. Heaven and hell are not locations but a state of mind. The only people who burn in hell are those who create their own hell.
You can know the Truth before you die. It is as easy as realizing the truth about Santa Claus. To believe you cannot know till you die is a lie created by religion.
Life is a frightening thing for those who fear it. It is not a frightening thing for those who do not fear it. Life and death are one. They are part of each other. You cannot have life without death and you cannot have death without life. All people are human but we are not ONLY human. We are also spirits which live in human bodies. I have no doubt about that.
All people claim to love good people but not all people can tell the difference between a good and bad person.
In the bible stories the Pharisees mistook Jesus for a bad person. There are still people on the planet today who cannot tell the difference between good and bad people.
I love animals like you do.
I also despise certain people because of certain attitudes. One I despise the most is hypocrisy.
I understand all points of view including those which appear to be opposite to mine. However, I do not respect the points of view which are based on lies and deception. I respect all people enough to tell them when they are being deceived. That comes across as arrogance to those who want to believe none of us can know the truth. Respecting the Truth is more important to me than respecting the deceptions which hold people captive and in fear. Too many people mistake respect for disrespect, especially when it hurts their egos and tends to oppose their beliefs.
It is really sad that so many people are deceived by this world and its religions. Too many live in fear of hell.
Those who live in Love have no fear of hell.
God is Love. Love is not a person. Love is inside all people who love. When you love and care for someone or an animal that is God loving and caring through you. When you live in love you live in God and God lives in you. It is as simple as that. Love does not need anyone to chant prayers to it or bow down to it or light candles to it or sing songs to it. Love just is. You either live in it or you do not.
Hi again Skyangel, What you say makes sense to me. But confusion still reigns in my pea brain over the whole thing. I wish I could express how I feel ... (as you do). But I can't, not without making a total fool of myself. I'm one who loves unconditionally, until I am treated so unfairly that I cannot stand it. Then I hate. And I cannot help it. My life has been ruined by certain human 'elements' and I cannot forgive them. Devastation of ones soul (purposefully)--is to me, unforgivable. I try to move on, try to 'let things go'--but there are those who follow, harass and torture with means that the average person cannot fight. I know this will not make sense...so, all I can say is, I do try. And fail all too often. I admire you. And respect what you're saying too. But I will live in fear the rest of my life because I am ignorant. I guess I have a deeper sense of pity toward animals because they do not hurt my soul/heart, like people do. I don't know if I live in love. All I know is, I love, and rarely is it returned, in my real life. Thank you very much for your kind words, Sky. Susan
Dear Susan, It is refreshing to read your honesty and openness. Very few will admit that they are confused and even fewer will admit they are afraid of making fools out of themselves. Once you understand that you are confused and understand your own fears, it is the beginning of getting rid of them. No person can ever get rid of fears or confusion which they do not even realize or admit is part of them. It takes honesty with yourself to face yourself. That can be scary but since we need to live with ourselves, we really ought not try to hide from ourselves.
Never be afraid of making a fool of yourself. There is a very wise saying in the bible that we need to become fools in order to be wise. To me that means that no person can become wise unless they understand they are fool in the first place. All of us are fools who foolishly listen to the con artists of this world tell us we are sinners (bad people) and need to grovel at the feet of someone who can take away our sins. Sit back and take an objective look at all the people who grovel at the feet of their statues and idols as they beg for mercy daily. Does all that begging get rid of their sinfulness and make them better people? No it does not. Good and bad are inside all humans regardless of whether they are religious or not. The secret to success is to learn to use everything inside us for good instead of evil.
Good gets treated unfairly and is often seen as bad. No person loves unconditionally and neither does Love itself (God). Love can hate and it does hate many things. Hating the wrongs that are done in life is not a bad thing but a good thing. If no one hated them they would never get corrected but simply be accepted and tolerated as they often are by those who really don't care enough to hate them. Being treated unfairly is a common occurrence in life. Get used to it because it never changes. If we expect to be treated fairly we end up being disappointed so the answer is to not set ourselves up for disappointment in the first place. Expect to be treated unfairly and you will never be disappointed.
Human elements destroy many people but those who destroy others end up destroying themselves much more. They need your pity. Often they have no clue what they are doing and do not do what they do on purpose. They truly believe they are doing the right thing instead of the wrong thing. Look at the example of Jesus. He was despised and rejected and treated very unfairly. He understood that his enemies had no clue what they were doing. The reason to forgive them is because they do not know what they are doing. If they do know what they are doing then you have no reason to forgive them for being cruel and heartless on purpose.
Whatever we hand out ends up coming back to us in a greater measure eventually. We do not always see the return right away like Jesus did not see any return of Love for all the Love he handed around. Love forsook him in the end when it came to anyone standing up for him and taking him down off the cross. His own Love destroyed him. That is what true love does to us. It turns us into living sacrifices. We end up being an example which gives love and expects nothing back in return because we understand that those who do not love themselves cannot love anyone else either.
There is nothing wrong with hate so don't beat yourself up about it.
I understand about people who follow harrass and torture others emotionally as well as physically. I have lived through my share of abuse and understand it perfectly. I am just grateful that I figured out I do not need to feel guilty for hating the abusers. Neither do you.
Forgiveness is not about learning to love abusive people but more about learning to understand them. Forgiveness is about setting yourself free from holding grudged toward them It has nothing to do with setting them free from their abuse or the consequence of that abuse to themselves. They also suffer the consequences of their own actions whether you see it or not. They live in the guilt and hell of their own making. They are angry with themselves and just take it out on others. Placing blame on others is the way they try to shift the blame from themselves and refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.
Just stop beating yourself up for hating what you hate. You are not ignorant at all. The truth is within you just as is it within all people and it makes sense. The only way to be ignorant is to reject what makes sense. There are plenty of ignorant people in religion because they want to live by faith rather than by common sense. They do not want to grow up and take responsibility for their own actions but want some Daddy God to save them and clean up all their messes all the time, like an adult would clean up after a small child. It's about time the religious babies in this world grew up and learned to potty train themselves instead of wanting their invisible God to constantly change their diapers and make everything a sweet smelling bed of roses.
Life is tough and only the strong survive. Be strong.
Real Love is not something you expect to have returned to you. You give it away and never expect a return. It is all about giving not about getting.
Anything we might get is a bonus. Mostly the love I hand out on the internet is perceived as hate and arrogance and disrespect because I stand against the deceptions in religion. The religious hate to be told they are being deceived. They love their deceptions and idolatry more than they love the Truth.
I am still searching for my truth Miss Angel. I'm trying... :) S.
Those who seek Truth find it when they search with all their heart. You need to want it more than the air you breathe. Believe me, I have been where you are. It is a tough road but it is worth it when you see the light.
Night does not last forever.
sincerely Angel.
Comment from Judy Swanson
Oh my, Susan. How could you NOT have written this touching piece when you came across that incredible photo. My heart breaks, like yours. Your words say so much in so little space - just as does the photo.
It is indeed an unfair world. I agree that we are, indeed, on our own. Individually and collectively. There seems to be no one (except the unheard) worrying about the helpless, the hopeless, the truly needy.
Thanks for writing this - and sharing it.
reply by the author on 19-May-2012
Oh my, Susan. How could you NOT have written this touching piece when you came across that incredible photo. My heart breaks, like yours. Your words say so much in so little space - just as does the photo.
It is indeed an unfair world. I agree that we are, indeed, on our own. Individually and collectively. There seems to be no one (except the unheard) worrying about the helpless, the hopeless, the truly needy.
Thanks for writing this - and sharing it.
Comment Written 19-May-2012
reply by the author on 19-May-2012
I know...I have never seen a sadder photo. Ever. And I've run across some. A dog that was sitting in the pouring rain inspired a similar piece...I just can't stand it. Humans are the worst. I watch the lions kill cubs and even a horse stud kill a foal, but we are still the worst. I just don't know...Anyway. Thank you for a lovely note and I am glad you're here again. xoxo! Susan
I'm glad to be here too. And - I just noticed yesterday that you have a new award and are #1! Wow. I am honored to know you and to read your words.
Comment from Gungalo
Sigh it is indeed sad that more cannot be done. The world is in a state of disrepair and doesn't see what's going on. So very sad. So very sad.
reply by the author on 20-May-2012
Sigh it is indeed sad that more cannot be done. The world is in a state of disrepair and doesn't see what's going on. So very sad. So very sad.
Comment Written 19-May-2012
reply by the author on 20-May-2012
Hi there Miss C!! How are you? I hope you're having a nice Sunday. I know, this world is going down as I see it. I try to think Dec. 21st 2012 is a hoax...but! lol! I hope we're still laughing then! xoxo. Susan
Pshaw. We'll be here without a doubt girl. LOL.
Comment from Spitfire
I feel the same as you. I want to grab that kitten or cat and dry him off, feed and groom him, love it to death. There is one belief system that says God made the universe and then left it alone for us to figure out. Also another theory that earth is God's experiment. Lots of thought provoking ideas out there.
reply by the author on 19-May-2012
I feel the same as you. I want to grab that kitten or cat and dry him off, feed and groom him, love it to death. There is one belief system that says God made the universe and then left it alone for us to figure out. Also another theory that earth is God's experiment. Lots of thought provoking ideas out there.
Comment Written 19-May-2012
reply by the author on 19-May-2012
hey there Shari...I know...there are SO many theories...many versions of what God is...what we are even. I give up trying to understand...all we can do is be nice and hope for the best? Thank you too, for reading and a kind note! xoxo. Susan
Comment from Ted T
Hi Susan :)
This piece deserves "Sixer" I don't have, and I'm throwing in one of my virtual "Twelvers" to go with the five.
I type through welling tears and my heart aches for that poor kitten. Like you, I wanted to reach into the picture and rescue the little creature.
Unfortunately, there's a scene like that somewhere in the world every day.
Outstanding piece.
reply by the author on 18-May-2012
Hi Susan :)
This piece deserves "Sixer" I don't have, and I'm throwing in one of my virtual "Twelvers" to go with the five.
I type through welling tears and my heart aches for that poor kitten. Like you, I wanted to reach into the picture and rescue the little creature.
Unfortunately, there's a scene like that somewhere in the world every day.
Outstanding piece.
Comment Written 18-May-2012
reply by the author on 18-May-2012
Hi Ted! Thank you! Just so you approve. That's what counts! I always appreciate and feel encouraged by your notes...I wish the world could somehow right itself...sigh. Oh well. Thanks again my friend...Susan
You're welcome :)
Get the piece published.
Comment from pattipac
Your poignant writing is backed up by your excellent picture selection. I agree with you that it seems that the rich just keep getting richer and the poor get poorer. In times of fear, desolation and depression, we all cry out to God. I have been there and done that, but believing He is a loving and caring God, I cling to my faith. I feel we are here to serve God by helping those in need. His purpose is not to serve us, but ours is to serve Him.
reply by the author on 19-May-2012
Your poignant writing is backed up by your excellent picture selection. I agree with you that it seems that the rich just keep getting richer and the poor get poorer. In times of fear, desolation and depression, we all cry out to God. I have been there and done that, but believing He is a loving and caring God, I cling to my faith. I feel we are here to serve God by helping those in need. His purpose is not to serve us, but ours is to serve Him.
Comment Written 18-May-2012
reply by the author on 19-May-2012
Thank you Patricia! I admire you...and anyone who can hold onto faith. I lose mine. If I ever had it to start with. I do try...But the world is such a mess. I don't know. This photo is just astounding to me. Blessings my friend. Susan
Susan, there have been times that I have lost hold of God, but have found that He has never lost hold of me. So I rise to meet another day. I read somewhere that faith is not about how we feel for sometimes we don't feel God's presence. It is about believing He is with us no matter what.
Comment from cheyennewy
Hi Susan,
This story is well written but bleak. I think the picture is heartbreaking. We hear a lot about hungry children but no one worries about the little creatures. I think God wants us to learn how to stop all this sadness and suffering but if so it has gone on way to long and we don't seem to know what to do about it. He did say it is not ours to wonder why..but we do just the same. Well done...blessings, chey
reply by the author on 19-May-2012
Hi Susan,
This story is well written but bleak. I think the picture is heartbreaking. We hear a lot about hungry children but no one worries about the little creatures. I think God wants us to learn how to stop all this sadness and suffering but if so it has gone on way to long and we don't seem to know what to do about it. He did say it is not ours to wonder why..but we do just the same. Well done...blessings, chey
Comment Written 18-May-2012
reply by the author on 19-May-2012
Hi again Chey...It's such a mess, our world. How I want to fix it. I'm told, one person at a time. One act of kindness at a time. But it never seems to help when I am able. I admire your faith. Your ability to keep it close. That's strength. I'm weak. Thank you again my friend and I believe you are an angel. Susan
You are so welcome!
Comment from LancsLass
A good question that I have never, yet, heard a satisfactory answer to.
To be honest, I didn't even recognize this poor little chap as a cat until I looked again, I thought it was a scrawny squirrel.
It's a sad truth that we humans have as great a capacity for cruelty and neglect as we have for kindness and compassion.
Thanks for a heartfelt, honest and well written piece. I'm glad to have read it. Anna
reply by the author on 19-May-2012
A good question that I have never, yet, heard a satisfactory answer to.
To be honest, I didn't even recognize this poor little chap as a cat until I looked again, I thought it was a scrawny squirrel.
It's a sad truth that we humans have as great a capacity for cruelty and neglect as we have for kindness and compassion.
Thanks for a heartfelt, honest and well written piece. I'm glad to have read it. Anna
Comment Written 18-May-2012
reply by the author on 19-May-2012
Hi Anna. I can barely look at this photo. IF only I knew what happened to this cat. And the person standing there..why aren't they picking it up? It's killing me. I should find this again and see whose in it? hmmm. Well, I worry too much and sure can't save the world. Hugs to you for this kind note Anna. Susan
Comment from manicblue
It broke my heart, Realist. All my cats have been rescue cats. I give to the Humane Society of the US on my small income because I can't bear to think I didn't play at least some small part in saving a desperate animal in need.
I know there are starving children too, but the creatures are left to overpopulate, they are ignored, dumped off to starve to death, and worse.
For some reason there is unbelievable suffering in this world. I'm trying to understand it; what is it for? What do we need to learn to stop it? Do we need to learn compassion, love and caring? To stop being self-serving? To learn how to open our hearts to stop all this - to pick up that precious cat with suffering on her face as she tries to reach out for help? What will it take?
Everywhere there is save the polar bears, save the whales, save the chimps, save the wolves etc. etc. Have we become so uncaring we simply let them die of hunger? We're going to slowly destroy this wonderful planet if we don't wake up.
Please excuse my thoughts. I'll be saying extra prayers tonight so there won't be more pictures like this one.
My animals have all taught me so much about love. I think if they could talk, they wouldn't be allowed to suffer. Is this what we need to learn - to listen with our heart?
Thank you so much for having the love in your heart to post this. Please take care.
"God, please help this creature that you have created - please allow her to meet someone who will feed her and give her a good home. Amen"
mb xx
reply by the author on 18-May-2012
It broke my heart, Realist. All my cats have been rescue cats. I give to the Humane Society of the US on my small income because I can't bear to think I didn't play at least some small part in saving a desperate animal in need.
I know there are starving children too, but the creatures are left to overpopulate, they are ignored, dumped off to starve to death, and worse.
For some reason there is unbelievable suffering in this world. I'm trying to understand it; what is it for? What do we need to learn to stop it? Do we need to learn compassion, love and caring? To stop being self-serving? To learn how to open our hearts to stop all this - to pick up that precious cat with suffering on her face as she tries to reach out for help? What will it take?
Everywhere there is save the polar bears, save the whales, save the chimps, save the wolves etc. etc. Have we become so uncaring we simply let them die of hunger? We're going to slowly destroy this wonderful planet if we don't wake up.
Please excuse my thoughts. I'll be saying extra prayers tonight so there won't be more pictures like this one.
My animals have all taught me so much about love. I think if they could talk, they wouldn't be allowed to suffer. Is this what we need to learn - to listen with our heart?
Thank you so much for having the love in your heart to post this. Please take care.
"God, please help this creature that you have created - please allow her to meet someone who will feed her and give her a good home. Amen"
mb xx
Comment Written 17-May-2012
reply by the author on 18-May-2012
Hello and a special thank you for a kind sharing of some of your life MB...Sometimes I can't sleep when I start to worry over the whole of the ills of this world. From kittens, to babies and all the elderly who are in need...to the starving skeletons of human beings that few care about, I sometimes just can't take it. And I toss and turn, cry...pray. And ask God, "Where ARE YOU??????" And no answer. I beg and plead too. HOW I long for these things to cease...this picture deserves some award. But, it's 'just a cat'...if it were a child in Africa...well. I'll stop. I love this review and you, for caring. AND doing. Thank you with all my heart. xoxo. Susan
I've been reading lately about brokenness, and pondering the way life throws huge hurdles at us. There has to be a reason. For now, I can only surmise that we must hit bottom (different for each living being) before we reach out to Him for help - when all else has failed. Within that, somewhere, lies the blessings He will bestow when we simply ask for help and turn it all over to Him.
...but I'm a work in progress, as we all are.
Blessings, Susan.
Lucretia xx
Thank you Lucretia...I really am so grateful for all the truly wonderful notes this post has generated...I do feel less alone now. Thank you again...what a kind person you are. HUG! Suse
Comment from JW
In reading this story, I can understand your feelings. It is unfortunate situations like this does exist in life. However, personally I cannot blame God, or deny his existence just because things like this occurs.
God never promised that suffering would not exist in this life. However, he does provide an eternal home where pain and suffering will be no more.
I do believe there is a Heaven for ALL creatures - both large and small.
Thanks for sharing this. JW
reply by the author on 18-May-2012
In reading this story, I can understand your feelings. It is unfortunate situations like this does exist in life. However, personally I cannot blame God, or deny his existence just because things like this occurs.
God never promised that suffering would not exist in this life. However, he does provide an eternal home where pain and suffering will be no more.
I do believe there is a Heaven for ALL creatures - both large and small.
Thanks for sharing this. JW
Comment Written 17-May-2012
reply by the author on 18-May-2012
Hi Jonathon...Oh how I hope you are right...sometimes I can't bear the suffering I see. I can't bear what little I have to take. I feel as if I'm about to be smashed into the ground with worry. And fear for us all. I'm SO glad you know/believe, that even the little creatures have a place in Heaven...Thank you so very much dear Jonathon...hugs! Susan