The Heir Apparent
Viewing comments for Chapter 19 "The Press Conference"A family learns their father is a serial killer
22 total reviews
Comment from bob cullen
I have just completed chapter 20. My previous comment was I now realize an understatement. You are indeed the REAL thing when it comes to writing.
In reading your work I understand the shortcomings in my own writing and it inspires my to go back and rework what I've written.
Have you yet attempted top secure an agent? I believe you are ready for publication.
I will keep reading,
Regards Bob
reply by the author on 07-Mar-2012
I have just completed chapter 20. My previous comment was I now realize an understatement. You are indeed the REAL thing when it comes to writing.
In reading your work I understand the shortcomings in my own writing and it inspires my to go back and rework what I've written.
Have you yet attempted top secure an agent? I believe you are ready for publication.
I will keep reading,
Regards Bob
Comment Written 07-Mar-2012
reply by the author on 07-Mar-2012
My, you are just full of marvelous compliments. No, I have not secured an agent but do hope to publish this. I have one book already published. I am thrilled you liked this.
Liked it, I loved it. Do you model your writing style on any particular author. Though I've not read Mary Higgins Clarke in a long time, I sense similarities. She too is a great writer
No. I don't read much mystery but I do watch a lot of forensic files, Criminal Intent, and a few of the CSI programs. I am not much of a blood and gore person but am fascinated with the mind. what makes people do what they do and so on.
Comment from Alaskastory
'The Press Conference' is a chapter that gives James a truly marvelous speech that shows his feelings for public view. Of course, his words spell out what an incredible mind he possesses. Very well written, Sasha.
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2012
'The Press Conference' is a chapter that gives James a truly marvelous speech that shows his feelings for public view. Of course, his words spell out what an incredible mind he possesses. Very well written, Sasha.
Comment Written 03-Mar-2012
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2012
Thanks. I am thrilled you liked this chapter.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
I applaud the words James had to say. You have, once again, done a great job with this post. I enjoy the story and can't wait for more.
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2012
I applaud the words James had to say. You have, once again, done a great job with this post. I enjoy the story and can't wait for more.
Comment Written 03-Mar-2012
reply by the author on 03-Mar-2012
Thank you very much.
Comment from Giddy Nielsen-Sweep
Indeed, James made a sterling speech, which makes you wish you could think of clever things to say at times, (especially to reporters when they ask grieving people stupid questions!) A great chapter. The speech alone is worthy of a 6. Giddy
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2012
Indeed, James made a sterling speech, which makes you wish you could think of clever things to say at times, (especially to reporters when they ask grieving people stupid questions!) A great chapter. The speech alone is worthy of a 6. Giddy
Comment Written 02-Mar-2012
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2012
Thanks so much. I am so happy you enjoyed this one.
Comment from bookishfabler
Thanks for another interesting chapter. I'm sorry I don't have time to go back and read the whole book. I wonder if you could put a brief background for those of us caught in the middle?
few extra minutes to think about what I was going to say and Mom way too much time to panic ( did you mean 'say to Mom?)
and I want to make it clear that when they finish they will not be taking any questions."
( you really don't need 'that' in this sentence.)
catch you soon
hugs Heidi
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2012
Thanks for another interesting chapter. I'm sorry I don't have time to go back and read the whole book. I wonder if you could put a brief background for those of us caught in the middle?
few extra minutes to think about what I was going to say and Mom way too much time to panic ( did you mean 'say to Mom?)
and I want to make it clear that when they finish they will not be taking any questions."
( you really don't need 'that' in this sentence.)
catch you soon
hugs Heidi
Comment Written 02-Mar-2012
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2012
Thanks for catching the spag. Yes, I did mean to say Mom. And it is a good idea about providing a brief background.
Comment from hyway94
Now this is the way a story should go.Having you put the strongest up front. The rest in the back of him. The question is, What do if it was your father or husband?
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2012
Now this is the way a story should go.Having you put the strongest up front. The rest in the back of him. The question is, What do if it was your father or husband?
Comment Written 02-Mar-2012
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2012
That is a great question...personally, I would turn him in and let the system decide what to do with him. Obviously not everyone feels the same way. Denial and love have a way of getting in the way.
Comment from psalmist
Bravo James! I would like to believe that deep down inside, most reporters have a heart and integrity. Terrific words you put in James' mouth. I felt like cheering and crying myself. I know there have been times I have been guilty of assuming guilt and knowledge by association. thanks for making such a strong point. Linda
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2012
Bravo James! I would like to believe that deep down inside, most reporters have a heart and integrity. Terrific words you put in James' mouth. I felt like cheering and crying myself. I know there have been times I have been guilty of assuming guilt and knowledge by association. thanks for making such a strong point. Linda
Comment Written 02-Mar-2012
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2012
I have no doubt there are many good reporters. I just haven't had much experience with them. I am so pleased you liked this chapter.
Comment from Showboat
Good for James. Being just a teen, and in such an emotional place, I feared that he might just blow a gasket, which many would do, and further reinforce the media attention. You did a great job here, Sasha. His delivery might be a bit tight for a teenager, but the reader knows James, so it sounds just right.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2012
Good for James. Being just a teen, and in such an emotional place, I feared that he might just blow a gasket, which many would do, and further reinforce the media attention. You did a great job here, Sasha. His delivery might be a bit tight for a teenager, but the reader knows James, so it sounds just right.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
Comment Written 02-Mar-2012
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2012
He does have a 180 IQ and not your ordinary teenager. My concern was that his emotions might get in the way of his delivery.
Comment from Margaret Snowdon
I wish I had a six for this chapter, Sasha, as it so deserves one. Your words brought tears to my eyes.
Suddenly(,) a voice I recognized
Wiping a single tear from her eye, [Mom](she) kissed me - since you've mentioned "Mom "in the line before, you can afford to lose this one.
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2012
I wish I had a six for this chapter, Sasha, as it so deserves one. Your words brought tears to my eyes.
Suddenly(,) a voice I recognized
Wiping a single tear from her eye, [Mom](she) kissed me - since you've mentioned "Mom "in the line before, you can afford to lose this one.
Comment Written 02-Mar-2012
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2012
Thanks for the awesome review and offer of 6 stars. I am thrilled you liked this one. How are you doing? I've been thinking a lot about you and your family the past few days.
Comment from Halfree
Two little things. First paragraph....exhaustion I felt."
Maybe drop "I felt"
and paragraph,"Too tired to talk...maybe drop that and go to "I took...."
This is possibly the best written of all the chapters. I thought I had a six but it does not show. The speech, right on with the right tone. You hit your full stride with this chapter.Excellent writing.
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2012
Two little things. First paragraph....exhaustion I felt."
Maybe drop "I felt"
and paragraph,"Too tired to talk...maybe drop that and go to "I took...."
This is possibly the best written of all the chapters. I thought I had a six but it does not show. The speech, right on with the right tone. You hit your full stride with this chapter.Excellent writing.
Comment Written 02-Mar-2012
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2012
Thanks. I am so pleased you liked this chapter. Thanks for catching the spags too.