Reviews from

Reflections For The New Day

Viewing comments for Chapter 68 "Reflections Of Gratitude"

33 total reviews 
Comment from Helvi2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jewel,

I am honored you think of me as a loyal friend. I have always loved reading your poems because you put your heart and soul into everyone you write. I feel as if I am the lucky one in knowing you. This is my favorite verse!
You lift my spirits with your words.

I am honestly appreciative of
friends who have grown with every adversity,
moved ahead after each detour;
who teach the next generation
the importance of loving sacrificially,
shedding light to diminish darkness
in a world where hatred is popular
and death can mean victory or defeat.

You deserve six stars for this but Fan Story won't allow me to give you one. I want you to know that, because that is how much I like this and you deserve to know it!

You are a wonder! :o) Nancy

 Comment Written 15-Oct-2011

reply by the author on 15-Oct-2011
    See? YOU are a treasure. Thanks luv.
Comment from Gungalo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

To each their own in a world not heartily appreciated. Your write is one that delineates such and will persevere. It's tough in today's society but when you find someone as sweet as you, who can help it??

 Comment Written 10-Oct-2011

reply by the author on 10-Oct-2011
    You are too kind...thanks for stopping by. I've missed you...
reply by Gungalo on 10-Oct-2011
    And I you!!!
Comment from Graceheart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This one beutiful dedication...loved every word. No ones puts friendship on a pedistal the way that you do! I am honored by your loyalty, friendship, grace, and love! You have the biggest, softest, kindest, most thoughtful and loving heart anyone could ever hope for...I am happy and blessed to know you!

 Comment Written 10-Oct-2011

reply by the author on 10-Oct-2011
    Aaaw. Glad you enjoyed this.
Comment from writerwish
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love this and it is such a positive spin on things. I love the way you say that children are still untainted and see beauty and love others can't. I love the last stanza about having a freedom to believe and express it. You've expressed yours well. Thanks for sharing this encouragement.

 Comment Written 09-Oct-2011

reply by the author on 10-Oct-2011
    I'm so glad this was enjoyable. Surprises me.
    Thank you for the nice review.
Comment from DALLAS01
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The same value holds true
in each precious child who has yet
to be hindered by opinion and can see
in spiritual realms deeper than my dreams.
The revelation in this stanza is so on target.
Enjoyed the entire poem. Also like the reference to old friends and wisdom. Have come to believe over the years that wisdom develops as a result of learning from ones mistakes: And the longer we live, the more opportunities we get make and correct.

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2011

reply by the author on 09-Oct-2011
    Amen, DALLAS! Thanks so much for reviewing!
reply by DALLAS01 on 09-Oct-2011
    you're welcome.
Comment from Jean Lutz
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Both your painting and your words show the world that you are God's precious jewell. And I did think this before reading the dedication. Thank you again and may He continue to bless you.

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2011

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2011
    Jean, I kept trying to recall your n
    ame spelling! Hugsz! Love u.
Comment from juliaSjames
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"to realize peace reigns
in hearts that choose to forgive" -

I like these lines. Simple perhaps, some may even call them cliche. But how complex is this truth. How challenging. We may forgive those who hurt us ... but how do we react to those who hurt our loved ones without cause? To the teacher who makes a child of ours weep in shamed anguish? To the bullies who terrify and leave behind psychological scars on those dear to us? And the list goes on. Yet forgiveness is not conditional. Either one forgives or one does not.

The construction of your free verse is as excellent as its content. You share with your readers truths that lift and inspire.

I hesitate to suggest changes because this poem speaks with such free-flowing and hertfelt eloquence. But I offer two suggestions for your consideration:

In the first stanza, you use the poetic device of alliteration to wonderful effect as you list the values that give you joy. So perhaps the fourth line could read - "love, loyalty and liberty" to enhance its power?

And in the final stanza, I want to propose a stronger verb with regard to diversity. What do you think of "where diversity should be welcome"?

Best of luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2011

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2011
    Thanks so much for the suggestions!
Comment from Piggies Grandma
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed reading your poem very much, VisionaryPoet. It is cleverly written and very well thought out. I don't think I've read much of your work but I look forward to reading more.

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2011

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2011
    Thanks so much!
Comment from Loyd C. Taylor, Sr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello there Jewell and what a great tribute to so many good friends. I agree with you and think we have so much to be thankful for. I enjoyed, the best in the contest! Loyd

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2011

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2011
    hi bro! Thanks !
reply by Loyd C. Taylor, Sr on 10-Oct-2011
    My pleasure, sis. Loyd
Comment from melyuki
This work has reached the exceptional level

Jj, just love the message that you have so beautifully delivered in your words that come from your heart. Each and every stanza emphasises your loving soul, caring and kind heart and depth of wisdom amid this hectic world we all live in. and thank you sincerely my sweet friend for the honour of being mentioned in your dedication to friends here on fs... you really made me smile. thanks heaps... that means so much...
as always your poem is a wealth of wonderful reflections. thanks for sharing such an awesome ride... take care and best of luck in this contest Jj..
sending loads of happy smiles and hugs , luv from melxxxxxx

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2011

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2011
    Thank YOU!! What a blessing~