Reviews from

April Showers

Enjoy every minute you can

26 total reviews 
Comment from jack silver
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Unforeseen events befall us all. We each day must embrace life and live it to the full. And thank God because everyday above ground is a good one. God loves us and has a laugh sometimes. How could he not with all the cute and funny animals which we love do dippy things.

Look forward to reading more


 Comment Written 09-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2010
    Thank you Jack!! And you know, that's for sure. I pray and wish for you and Maggie and your wife to be okay, and find a new home SOON!! How is Maggie? Gee, I hope she is okay. S.
reply by jack silver on 10-Nov-2010
    One more operation to go. Quite a bit more time in bed recovering. Then she will be fine. I told my wife to take a break I am sitting here on a laptop. Right beside Maggie, my one and only baby girl.
    Home should be built between now and this time next year. Maybe... Still a bit iffy with the after shocks.
Comment from Kathryn Varuzza
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like your story.
Good title.
Good image.
I like your descriptions.
The only suggestion is it would be more interesting if there was some dialogue.
But it was still interesting, and entertaining.

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2010
    Hi Katie! Thank you so much!! I do need to practice more dialogue, I will do more in the next one? Thank you for a great review!! HUG! Susan
reply by Kathryn Varuzza on 09-Nov-2010
    Susan, you're welcome.
Comment from jinxiegal
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! I certainly didn't expect that ending! Great opening, you draw the reader in with the warmth and comfort of the barn scene, then keep them in suspense as the storm strengthens. Excellent job, thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2010
    Hi Jinxie! Thank YOU! I am thrilled that you enjoyed this...also for taking time to review too! Happy writing!! Susan
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The weatherman had called for a chance - called - the past perfect form of a verb is used when the main part of the story is in past tense and you want to indicate the prior of two past actions, but your story is in present tense, so you just need straight past tense to show something that occurred earlier than most of the action. :-)
Wow, what a dramatic shift as the narrator goes from loving life, living in the moment, delighting in those kittens, to seeing a tornado sweep her world away. This is an excellent story, Susan. Brooke

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2010
    Hi Brooke! Thank you, I changed that phrase to "the forcast called for?" Is that present tense? I think? it sounds better. Thank you again, for wonderful help!! I am so glad you liked it Brooke! Sure wish it were April already... ") Susan
Comment from bowls
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great description! The opening with the kittens is a lovely touch and helps to establish a soft, gentle mood which is destined to change abruptly. I like your description of the storm, presented in stages, just as a real storm would approach. I've never heard that expression before - "the devil's top". If it's original, congratulations; it's the perfect name for it. I guess your title shows how much you savor life. This terrible storm is reduced to a trifle with those words. In your last paragraph it's should be its.

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2010
    Hi Fausto! Thank you! I did think that one up! "devil's top". It seemed appropriate. I am hoping this does not become prophetic. I wrote a story a while back about a drought and now we are in one. Oh, and thanks, I fixed the its! It IS great to hear from you Fausto!! ") Susan
Comment from anne1204
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very good story of the wonders of nature. New born kittens, new colts and a thunderstorm are all great ingredients for this story. I loved it. Give me more. Anne 1204

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2010
    Hi Anne! Thank you SO much! I will do my best to do another like this! And I am thrilled that you liked it so. Thank you for your enthusiasm!! ") Susan
Comment from Mary Ann MCPhedran
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi a nice story Susan I do like cats but we have a westie and I don't think he would tolerate a cat, ANY WAY good write has imagery and good flow see no need to edit and Enjoyed reading your story. Mary

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2010
    Hi Mary! A west Highland? They are beautiful! He is probably used to being the only one inside? That is how our cat is. SHe gets jealous and starts buttering me up when I let our labrador come inside! ") JUSt like kids! ") Thank you for another wonderful review! Susan
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love that statement about kittens being God's apology for making spiders. You paint a beautiful picture of life at its best and then show how quickly it can all be spept away. As a child I was spept away in a tornado along with everything we owned so I am quite aware and I quickly the picture can change.

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2010
    Hi Beth! ") Thank yoU!! I can see you really like my work. How I appreciate that. AND I am totally honored to have someone be so enthusiastic Beth. How I love spring, I wish it were April already!! "/ Thank you my friend. Susan
Comment from M. Karol
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nicely put. The daily cozy life and humdrum, the cat and its litter but then who knows about the storm. Well put in words, both sides of nature and life.

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2010
    Hi Madhvi! Thank you!! It happens like this in the midwest, one minute calm, then bang! A storm! It is scary...but so far we have been LUCKY! The tornadoes have gone around far. ") Thank you for this great review! Susan
Comment from ElJGreen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The best creative writing gives one pause for thought. This piece does just that. Well written, interesting. It gave me a hint of what it must be like to live in tornado country. Thank you!

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 10-Nov-2010
    Hi El!! Thank you! I hope you never have to be in a is very frightning. We have been lucky SO FAR, with the ones here just missing us. I sure love spring tho , anyway! Thanks again!! Susan