Reviews from

God is Good, but to whom?

Religeon versus Sanity

36 total reviews 
Comment from Donovan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well written, which I always think is irrelevant. So I read you think small thinkers always remain small which is probably the reason my anatomical appendage is as it my youth, circa Warren Harding's reign, another big time small thinker, I should have pursue more lofty conquests than just common trollops...but I digress.

So back to your work here posted for which I am getting 57 cents in coinage that is not redeemable at any story I have ever been at, though I religiously...ooops...have asked.

We are strangers not in Paradise but in Paradox. Life is built on the foundation of the paradoxical. God and all of organized, as well as the disorganized religions are prime examples. Nature is a paradox. We give Mother Nature human personification, as we do God, and neither respond as we think they should, though we do not even respond as we think we should, but somehow that is OK.

I read here on the Reader Digest wannabe site all of the religious a few, do they really believe what they write? Do they ever ask any questions? I am not opposed to belief in God, frankly I choose to believe in a supreme helps maintain my sanity...but I am OK with the finite not understanding the infinite. The problem with most humans is we continually try and find human characteristics in God when we should concentrate on finding and developing Godlike characteristics in ourselves.

So anyway...I just got the waning age of life when the sun is setting on my body, I have to get up a lot during the night...the worse nights are when I should have gotten up but I did not....but this is way too much information for someone I do not know.....where was I...oh yeah....I think today poached eggs on toast...stewed prunes....did you know they no longer call them prunes but dried who are these people that make up this stuff. My dad never called it manure...though my mother wished he had....but nothing sacred to this generation of neer do wells. What daughter in of them...asked if I would "watch the grand kids"...I have too many of them...can't stand it...I said sure I will baby sit them...and was reproved for the word babysit. We watch our children...not child likes to be baby sat, after all they are seven and eight.....I said...I will babysit the brats and they better behave because I am not going to put up with the ungodlike behavior you have taught them. Hopefully she will not ask again...but there are a gaggle of for the poached eggs.

 Comment Written 11-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2010
    I love poached eggs. I'm not much for prunes or dried plums. But I love men who cook breakfast. I love men who cook, steam, press, and shuck. (but not in that order.) Nice to see such an interesting review. I wish all were so humorous. Thanks, oodles and noodles. Zee
Comment from Mastery
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Zee.. As usual,you make pure sense...nothing but. I can't blame you for being far as the "thou shalt not kill thing" Check it out....In the old testament God tells various tribes to go against one another and tells them to "slay this tribe and that tribe" Guess that's okay though.. So my point is....don't ever think these assholes will get their way...take care and....pray. Bob

 Comment Written 10-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2010
    HI Bob. I'm sort of over wanting to bash religious zealots in the head. Sort of. Thanks for the review. Zee
Comment from Oatmeal
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


OMG! I agree with you all the If there was a God then infants would not die. You are very brave to post this. The Christians here tried to crucify me a couple of years ago.

The theme is good. The flow is smooth. Write on!

Love you,


 Comment Written 10-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2010
    This is a sad state when Christians crucify. I thought that was reserved for the Romans. Thanks for the review and if anyone wants to start a bashing party.. let me know. I can bash with the best. Zee
Comment from Nicky B
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I dig your words here ZeeZee and understand your disgust with religion or what I see as blind indoctrination based on fear and ignorance. Having said that I have a metaphysical philosophy about who we really are. Having also said that I think it is up to everybody to follow their own path based on their own feelings as opposed to what they are told by so-called experts. God bless. Nick.

 Comment Written 10-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 12-Mar-2010
    How strange, Nicky. If I post a story, I get a decent review number. But .. If I post an anti-anything, the reviews come pouring in. Hmmm. I must give good rant. Zee
Comment from missy98writer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I hate religion. Its a bunch of crap designed to brainwash the believers. God and Jesus has nothing to do with religion. I feel evil hide in religion. Me and my mom argue about my view point she's a Jehovah's Witness. Talk about slamming your head up against a brick wall talking to people in that religion. I'm told I'm an Agnostic or someone who doesn't believe in organized religion. I loved your essay. Your rants speaks for me and others. Most wars are over religion. Look at all the crap going on with Priests molesting and hypocrites' in many religions. I love your line:
It is to follow in the footsteps of dogma spewed by a person ... not a God. Man wrote the books of religion. God did not. He has better things to do.

Although I'm not an atheist, I can see your side of the coin too. Every time some religious so and so tells me I'm going to hell for not being in a religion, I say, my hand-basket is pact for my one-way trip to hell, sweetheart. Outstanding essay, it riled me up!

 Comment Written 09-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2010
    Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. I appreciate your support. Zee
Comment from Helen Tan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I've always enjoyed your strong tone in your writing and convictions, this short piece was no exception.

Many evils in the present world are carried out in the name of religion and Ican identify with your thoughts. I guess at the end of the day, religion is a comfort but once people go overboard, become extremists then we're into the blind danger zone. Thanks for bringing this up.

I especially love the last two paragraphs.

We have no hard, fast rules. We bestow benevolence to all. We are sort of like Jesus. You remember Jesus? Nice guy ... I liked him.
Very thought provoking and refreshing.

 Comment Written 09-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 13-Mar-2010
    Thank you, Helen Tan. I thought I would get beat about the head with my rant, but I see many agree with my feelings. Zee
Comment from penelope
This work has reached the exceptional level

You're absolutely right, ZeeZee. Your powerful rant definitly hits a chord with me. The things people do and have done under the mantel of organized religion make me shudder. Sometimes I think God has created mankind and left us to our own devices. I simple cannot fathom what this life is all about. Your writing is always worth reading. You should read Shantaram - I think you'd like it, lots of philosophical questions packed into a great, action-packed adventure. Penelope

 Comment Written 09-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 09-Mar-2010
    Thanks much for reviewing my rant. I guess I need to get over my disgust of mankind. But he just keeps kicking me in the face with his ignorance. Thanks much. Zee
Comment from phaedra
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great rant. Have had the same questions myself. Yes I believe in a creator. Someting must of caused everything to be. Smile, what caused the creator? Makes my head spin.
Think something my be lost in the translation of religious writings.

 Comment Written 09-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 09-Mar-2010
    Hi phaedra. I think you are correct.. something is missing in the translation. Thanks for reviewing and reading. Zee Zee
Comment from Shirley B
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Zee Zee I am not as hard core as you are, but I agree. religion has caused more problems in this world than anything eles. Wars have been fought forever in the name of "God". Your story was excellent and the manner in which you told it was pure Zee Zee. Excellent!

 Comment Written 09-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 09-Mar-2010
    Ahh shucks, Shirley B... I am most flattered. I think I am over being so mad I want to kick the cat. Thanks for reviewing and reading. Zee Zee
Comment from lola29
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Zee, most of us are devout believers in something; i.e., my grandmother believes God hung the moon, but I don't think it makes her feel superior.
I do believe that orgainized religion, like any other orgainzed group, contains hypocrisy at some level, but there are good people who come together and do wonderful things for others.
After reading Victor Frankl's book, I don't believe anyone has to ever give up their freedom of thought. If you can think it, see it, believe it, then you can be it.
I understand your frustration as it saturates all of us at one time or another. We wonder how a loving God could allow such atrocities to happen to innocent people, but what are we doing about it?

 Comment Written 09-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 09-Mar-2010
    Hi Lola29.. you present a good counter to my frustration. Thanks for reading and reviewing.. now when you figure out how we can make this world a better place.. please let me know. Zee Zee