Reviews from

Reflections For The New Day

Viewing comments for Chapter 78 "Truest Love"

17 total reviews 
Comment from anonymity
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Inner Sanctum,
The love of motherhood is expressed so well in your gentle words.
The inspiration from a mother who remembers the unconditional love of her once memories of her baby lives forever waiting to be rekindled by more grandchildren.
Love that radiates through each word that you display in your work.
Happy Holidays!

 Comment Written 23-Dec-2006

reply by the author on 23-Dec-2006
    THank you whoever you are. :)
Comment from sharon fallis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very sweet and simple poem that could have come from anyone who has ever been a mother. You have voiced it for all of us. Wonderfully written in good free form and with good word choices and usage. Simple to the point that it doesn't have to say much, yet has said it all!! Thank you for sharing. Sharon

 Comment Written 22-Dec-2006

reply by the author on 22-Dec-2006
    Hi Sharon. Thank you for the review!
Comment from Mitchell Allen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The joy of motherhood captured in pink!
I'm a dad, but I know the warm and cuddly feeling of which you speak.
This poem is Special!


 Comment Written 17-Dec-2006

reply by the author on 17-Dec-2006
    Thank you so much!
Comment from authorauthor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

sweet innocence...the continuation of life...the thread of powerful connection...and it wears a paint for me a picture of the babe at the mother's breast..this is an intregal work...weaving fragments into the most powerful expression of motherhood

 Comment Written 17-Dec-2006

reply by the author on 17-Dec-2006
    I am surprised THIS even came close to be nominated. Proof that sentiment goes far! Thanks for stopping by.
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow. We are in the same boat except I don't have any yet. Great poem my friend. Wording was great. The imagery was so pretty. Everything fit so well. May God bless and good luck. Hugs, Teri

 Comment Written 16-Dec-2006

Comment from vanillatte
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How sweet and truly magical this is. You've captured the essence of those precious days, which slip by all too quickly.

It is very beautiful and brought back some memories.

Thank you and best of luck in the contest!


 Comment Written 16-Dec-2006

Comment from sengwriter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jewel,

Before I step forward which is much advance than reading the poem first, I thought it better to view the poem, and I read it and got no other way but to send you my review too. Much delayed I know, but I believe it is always better to be late than never.

How sweet the tune of your sweet heart is played here through the strings of your mind that showers a great amount of love to your loving offshoot - love for your grandchildren. Womenfolk symbolizes motherhood, love the inherent part of it; it is highly emphasizing when you told -Your voice
So gentle
Complete dependence
On my care
Your love
May I hold you forever?

Great! Jewell you've really placed glittering glow of a jewel through your words wisely assembled here resulting a fine composition from your heart.

Enjoyed the tender touch of your loving care shown to a baby's soft attachment.


 Comment Written 16-Dec-2006

Comment from volunteer angel
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Just as a baby is so soft and delicate, your words about motherhood are too. In comparison to the rose which is also tender and needs care, the baby depend on us for its care too. Lovely color chosen for this poem and beautiful words to describe motherhood. Great job! V.A.

 Comment Written 09-Nov-2006

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2006
Comment from librarygal2go
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The picture only adds to the imagery your words provide here. The words you've chosen are so apt that I can almost feel the peachfuzz and smell the Johnson's baby powder. Lovely poem friend.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2006

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2006
    Thanks dearie.
Comment from G.B. Smith
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

May I hold you forever?
My innocent baby
In my arms
I am reminded of my grandchildren when they were babies and how i love them and still long for the day that they were so small and innocent

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2006