Reviews from

I Survived

Viewing comments for Prologue "I Survived!"
A book for people to share stories of survival.

18 total reviews 
Comment from Sally Law
This work has reached the exceptional level

I need to stop crying so I can review this!!!! You've told me bits and pieces of this but not all. You're amazing and agift to all who know you. You lived to more than tell but help others in their sickness and suffering, pointing them to the Lord, our Healer. You're a tremendous gift to me, my friend!!!! I love you and appreciate you sharing your story and miracle.

I will try to add to this book as soon as possible. These meds are giving me grief but I must finish them. I'm posting stuff I've had in edit this week because I'm having trouble writing new stuff, but I will come ASAP!
Love &'Blessings across the bridge.
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2024
    Hi Sally, sweet lady. I knew you sensitive heart would be moved. I don't talk about what happened often because I'd rather focus on the present, but I thought it time. There are some on this site who wondered where I disappeared for a few years, and others that just need to know they aren't alone.

    The experience did guide me to help others and to truly understand suffering. The kind no medicine can help, and I know you understand that!!!

    Take care of yourself right now. It's smart to fall back on your other posts you've held back for such times as these.

    I can't write when I'm down, which is why I was off the site for 2 years. You take care of you!!

    Love you much!!!
Comment from Jacob1395
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is an inspiring piece, Rhonda, I could feel the pressure and the strain that you must've been under in this time and I can only imagine what you must've been feeling. I am glad that you do feel ready to talk about what happened. An excellent piece.

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2024
    Thank you so very much for the six stars and for the review. I'm not one to talk about my issues, but if it will help others, there it is!! I prefer writing fiction so I can escape, lol, science fiction and fantasy to be more specific. I have a few other stories, several weather related, one a farm injury. One cult related I won't ever share, but I really wanted to give people a forum for discussing their own stories of survival.
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An amazing story, and you definitely are a survivor. So many surgeries, and to lose your mother in the midst of everything, how very terrible. This book will be a fascinating one, and I am sure there will be many evidences of God at work in the lives of His precious children.

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2024
    Hi Wendy,
    It is definitely my hope that the book will be an inspiration to others as they face whatever is ahead for them. I don't believe I've suffered more than others. There are some incredible stories out there, but I do hope to get the ball rolling where people feel there's a place to tell their stories.
    Yeah, I think losing my mother was the worst part of it all!!!
Comment from lyenochka
This work has reached the exceptional level

Thanks for starting this book, Rhonda! You are an amazing survivor and here you show us that God sent you that angel at the right time! And you've survived so much more than this as I remember the accident that caused your brain injury. You're an amazing masterpiece of God!

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2024
    Thank you so much for your lovely six star review.

    I do hope the book is a good source of comfort for people facing challenges knowing there is hope on the other side.

    You're right on the brain injury, and I plan to write that chapter as well, lol. I'm glad you remember. That actually happened the year before my marathon surgery. I still kept writing after that incident, but fell away during the other.
Comment from DonandVicki
This work has reached the exceptional level

A story that quickly caught my attention, I could have written the first part of your story, as I delayed my first colonoscopy and after the procedure, I was told I had a mass. Long story...but good outcome. Mass removed and benign to boot.

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 12-Oct-2024
    Oh wow!! Another survivor of the dreaded colon mess!!!

    Thank you for the six stars, my friend, especially on a Saturday!!
Comment from Brenda Strauser
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, what a story. Your story is well written and describe the entire ordeal very well. I had an operation on my colon. It was for diverticulitis. I lost 20 lbs. Worst surgery I ever had. I was dying too for ice chips. I'm glad everything worked out for you. God is there for us in everything. Great job.

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 12-Oct-2024
    Hi Brenda!! Thank you so much for the review.

    My husband had surgery on his intestines for diverticulitis. It was weird that we had some of the same experiences, he and I, and now you as well.

    I told myself at the time that I would never take ice water for granted again. I try to remind myself of that.
Comment from gramalot8
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really loved reading about your survival. I have lost several family and friends who were not so lucky ... yet today a friend stricken with cancer has been declared cancer free.
It is easy to become complacent when others keep suffering but hopefully we can in there with them throughout it all.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 12-Oct-2024
    Hi gramalot!! Thank you so much for your compassionate review!! Praise the Lord for your friend who is cancer free!!! What a beautiful feeling, and I'm sure they went through a lot before this day came!!

Comment from Wayne Fowler
This work has reached the exceptional level

You did an excellent job telling your story. Bless you.
...which no longer worked one me. - (on me)
I, also, learned - You don't need these commas.
I'm going with Peter being an angel. Bless you some more!

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 12-Oct-2024
    Thank you so much for the six stars, Wayne!! Thank you, as well, for the advice on the commas. That was one of those situations where I kept staring at it trying to figure out where to put them, lol. Looks better now!!
    I agree on Peter, even down to the name, which I remembered in spite of my situation.
Comment from Debi Pick Marquette
This work has reached the exceptional level

Well, sweetheart, I thank God for getting you through this horrible event in your life. As someone who has polyps removed yearly I understand how it is a pain in the butt to go thru the procedure itself. Haha,

But that is one thing, what you had to go thru after is the true test of endurance. And you did it. It was horrendous, and if I had known you I would have never left you or gotten tired of visiting or start to ignore you. What kind of friends do that?

I know what it is like to feel that peace that God gives you when you are the closest to death. I love that Peter sat with you and the nurses prayed for you and I also love the touching of the Lord's garment for healing.

After so many procedures and then towards the end not even able to take anything stronger than novocaine for a major surgery is amazing. Your stomach must look like someone carved you up completely. Now, please take care of yourself. We don't want you going in for more any time too soon.

I only say those things to tell you how I understand how horrible much of what you went thru is. Plus go thru it when your mom is dying is so hard. You are such a brave lady and you are to be given a medal for all you have been through. God bless you and I am so happy I saved a six this week just for you. You certainly deserve it.
I will try to write something in the next week. Way to go Rhonda!! Love, Debi

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 12-Oct-2024
    Awww, Debi, you made we tear up. That was so entirely sweet!! Your empathetic nature surely came through in your precious review!! Now, how you had a six left on a Saturday is beyond me, but I'll gladly take it!!!

    It's funny you mentioned not wanting me to go back in. For months, I wouldn't make any plans ahead of time, because they would release me only for me to start running fever again, and having to go back in. Sometimes I would be home for 2 weeks before it would tear loose again. It was 7 weeks total in hospital, with interspersed time home.

    My dear, I'm completely convinced you wouldn't have left me. The only two who hung in were Wayne and my sister. My mother had dementia and we couldn't tell her much about what was going on because she would get so upset.

    I'm not glad I went through all of that, but it did make me a better person for it. I have a friend at work going through a lot of the same, but his was malignant, so he still has to do chemo. Two weeks ago, he came out of remission. They said there is nothing but experimental drugs left to try. He, his wife and I stay in contact, because there are some stories he can only share with someone who has been there.

    Again, my dear, thank you for the stars, support and review.

    Much love,
Comment from royowen
This work has reached the exceptional level

I have a close pastor friend, who has been my closest Christian friend ever since I met him in a miraculous meeting, just after I had an experience of knowing the love that services Heaven, I didn't know what happened to me, and even though we were both babies in God, but guided my first faltering steps into knowing Christ. A coincidence? I don't think so. Your simple act and prayer hit me Rhonda, everyone knows the story of the woman with the issue of blood, but you actually apprehended the vision. My prayers lately have become simple, stripped away of clever words, desperate for the revival He promises, simple faith is all one requires...and persistence, well done Rhonda, you reassure me. My poems are generally simple, but I hope carry the simplicity that is in Christ. We are called to this moment in time, beautifully written Rhonda. Blessings Roy
Typo : Which no longer worked on(e) me.

 Comment Written 12-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 12-Oct-2024
    I am deeply honored by the six stars and for the compassionate review. Jesus was a simple man, you're so very right. A simple carpenter, with a simple message. Mankind has made it hard, just like the Pharisees at the time. The enemy tries to throw complicated rules to trip us up. When I needed Him most, it was as simple as reaching out and touching His hem.
    Thank you for getting the message I was trying to relay and for your comments. From you, that is a most welcome blessing!

    Also, thanks for finding the grammar issue.

    Take care,
reply by royowen on 12-Oct-2024
    Amen Rhonda