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Viewing comments for Chapter 1 "Truckin"
The left lane is for passing only

7 total reviews 
Comment from Jim Wile
This work has reached the exceptional level

I really enjoyed this great start to a new novel, Wayne. You grabbed my attention right away with the promise of an invention, and then you very nicely gave us the background and the reason for it.

Sounds to me like this is a tinch autobiographical. I enjoyed hearing about Clyde's past and his relationship with Jane Ann. You've certainly given him grounds for revenge against truckers.

Have you written very much of this story yet, or are you pretty much at the beginning?

 Comment Written 15-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 15-Sep-2024
    Thank you for your great comments.
    Yes. It's only 15K words, but basically finished. Any more would be a lot of repetition.
    (Unless I wrote a responsive piece from a trucker's POV) hmmmm
reply by Jim Wile on 15-Sep-2024
    Yeah, that might be fun. I'm sure they have some choice things to say about 4-wheelers too.
reply by the author on 15-Sep-2024
    and maybe thoughts about bad truckers, themselves. Or explanations for certain behaviors.
reply by Anonymous Member on 15-Sep-2024
    and maybe thoughts about bad truckers, themselves. Or explanations for certain behaviors.
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

When did anger and "I'll show you who's boss" become the mentality of anyone behind the wheel of a vehicle, especially a big rig? My husband was a trucker and I always thought they were kind and helpful, honking their horns for children, flickering their lights when they passed. Somewhere anger took first place - but then that might be with anything in the world right now. Your story was well done and enjoyed, except of course for the sadness of Jane Ann.
Smiles, Carol

 Comment Written 15-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 15-Sep-2024
    Than k you for your great review.
    I think that the era of the 'Knights of the road' is over for a number of reasons.
    Trucks now days are so huge a intimidating, but also designed so that children can drive them. In the old days, a trucker had to be a master. Not any more.
    Also, time pressures (read money) get in the way of common courtesies.
    But I think that the elevated position of truckers affords them a sense of dominance - not all, but enough to make road travel unnerving. The American highway system was designed for public transportation, not exclusive to commerce. We suffer the results.
    Thanks again.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm glad that no one was harmed in the writing of your story but the loving couple of this story reminds me too much of you and your beloved, beautiful bride, so I was worried! I think, in general, drivers know less about "driving friendly" (as they say in Texan). Truckers seem to own the road. We had a collision last month when a truck carrying house took up the bridge and an impatient driver ended in the river. Sigh.
So will this story continue with revenge as a plot?

 Comment Written 14-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 14-Sep-2024
    Unfortunately. But hopefully, the ending will be acceptable. As I said, it is neither Ben Persons, nor Ohmie. I have learned that being patient when it comes to bad truckers requires more reserves than is humanly possible if a person is on the road as much as we are.
    Thank you for your kind review.
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, lucky for you, the rant you worked me into with the first half of this post was soon buffered by the last half about Ohmie and taking me back to Ol' Silver and Red. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 14-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 14-Sep-2024
    Thank you. Sorry for the confusion.
    The Clyde story will be about ten chapters.
    The first chapter loaded onto the Ohmie book that I'd finished. Grrrrr.
Comment from jim vecchio
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's good to see you bck agsin. I missed your writings. This was all good, but as bit confusing for my simple mind. Are we to see more of Clyde gin? Or Ohmie? I'll look forward to either.

 Comment Written 14-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 14-Sep-2024
    Thank you. Sorry for the confusion.
    The Clyde story will be about ten chapters.
    The first chapter loaded onto the Ohmie book that I'd finished. Grrrrr.
reply by jim vecchio on 14-Sep-2024
    Thanks for explaining. I thought it was my limited mind.
Comment from Michael Ludwinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really enjoyed the journey you captured here! The way you showed Clyde's grief and his frustration toward truck drivers was well done. THis story kept kept me hooked throughout. I loved the dialogue between Clyde and Jane Ann - it was so warm and made the tragedy hit even harder. Your ability to share his emotions while keeping the dialogue so natural is impressive. Well done!

 Comment Written 14-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 14-Sep-2024
    Thank you!
    I truly appreciate your very kind words.
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was fun to read except for the loss of Jane Ann. I've not taken any road trips lately but having truckers doing all their driving in the passing lane would be enough to make one crazy.

 Comment Written 14-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 14-Sep-2024
    It's horrible. I wish the police would spend just one month teaching truckers with hefty fines and long delays.