Reviews from

In Memory of Nomi's Wife, Yvonne

Viewing comments for Chapter 15 "For Nomi"
Posts to let Nomi know we are here for him

12 total reviews 
Comment from Sanku
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am sorry about Nomis wife.I knew she was serious from Helen. You have written a sincere poem of condolence and this is what we can do .Pray tat God give him strength.
I was away for two weeks and so am behind in my reviews .I will do as much as I can .

 Comment Written 17-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 17-Sep-2024
    I am way behind myself. Thanks for the read. Karen
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Karen,
I've been touched by the many poems and the kindness that has been extended to Nomi in his time of great sorrow. I'm sure in days to come he will review these many expressions of sympathy and be overwhelmed by the love that's been expressed.
Well done gal.

 Comment Written 15-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 15-Sep-2024
    I appreciate the read and nice comments. Karen
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's always hard to sit back and know someone is suffering the loss of their mate. And especially, a softhearted and caring person whose poems tell us he feels things more than most. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 14-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 14-Sep-2024
    He has written me twice to thank me and call me an angel.
    He said he has heard of a mean awful Karen , but it sure can't be me. That ruined my day. Karenia helped me mend the rift with Debi Maquette , we are reviewing each other now. But Rachel the scourge of all mankind that you tried to warn me about pulled another fast one, and I blocked her in email and here. A lot of people are catching on to her. I am afraid that she is up to her tricks again. How is she still on here? This depresses me, and I am probably depressing you.
    Sorry :-( aren
Comment from Neonewman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am saddened to hear of Nomi's loss. Prayers are going out in all directions for Nomi and his family. This is a beautiful chapter you have offered for him.
God bless,

 Comment Written 13-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
    Read begin again's letter. You will cry. It is the best condolence letter I have ever read. Thanks for the read Karen
reply by Neonewman on 13-Sep-2024
    Okay, I will.
    Do you think it will be okay to add this for Nomi?

    you've never endured such pain in this life,

    this unimaginable feeling of losing your wife.

    You know she's in heaven, feeling no pain.

    The ache in your heart is driving you insane.

    Down on your knees, you pray, and you pray.

    You wait, and you listen for someone to say.

    Nomi, my friend, you're in all of our prayers.

    We'll cover your heart with so many layers.

    Lean on your family, call on your friends.

    For we will be with you till all the pain ends.

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
    We will be with you as it lessens, then ends.
    Moments of joy will replace all that sorrow.
    Until it does you have ours to borrow. :-)
reply by Neonewman on 13-Sep-2024
    I can use this? If so, how to I add to the book.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am sure the prayers of comfort Fanstorians have lifted up are a comfort for Nomi and his family. We have been FanStory friends for a few years and he's a special person. I know he will cherish this poem.

 Comment Written 13-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
    Begin Again's was the finest condolence letter I have ever read. It choked me up. I am proud to be a member of this space when we treat our folks right. We are uniquely gifted to raise people up and wrap ourselves around a broken heart.
    Thank you for the read, Karen
Comment from jim vecchio
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is so kind of you and the many FanStory writers who have paid homage to one so memorable. I know what it is to lose a loved one. May Nomi be immeasurably blessed.

 Comment Written 13-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
    Read Begin Agains letter to Nomi. It is hands down the best condolence clears out the sinuses. That is if you are home, and don't have to worry about leaking on someone. I have been sitting next to some big criers in my day. Thanks for the read. Karen
reply by jim vecchio on 13-Sep-2024
    Oh, yes, it is powerful. There are many good souls here on FS.
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well said, Karen! Your little piece is heartfelt and sincere and I'm sure will resonate well with Nomi. You're so right. He has friends and love in abundance here. Take care Debbie

 Comment Written 13-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
    Read Begin Agains post. It is hands down the best condolence letter I have ever read. It is far better than mine. My little note wants to run away and hide behind it's brilliance. I cried and everything. Go read it. Bring Kleenex. Thanks for the read. Karen
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very kind and filled with friendship and wishes to help Nomi through this dark time as he faces his days without Yvonne. He has said that our poems and friendship have helped him. I am glad. Keep up the good work!
Smiles, Carol

 Comment Written 13-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
    Thanks for the read. I have been telling everyone about your letter, you are the Queen of condolences. I have never read anything better. Karen
reply by Begin Again on 14-Sep-2024
    You are so Kind! Thank you again! Have a great day!
reply by the author on 14-Sep-2024
    You are a very good writer. Now, if you want to mention a character in one of you stories with red hair like we used to have" green eyes, and a shiny smile, lots of smarts , and laughing wit, with a figure guys slobber after, I would not be offended in the least......A person can dream. :-)
reply by Begin Again on 14-Sep-2024
    I'll be happy to work on that, Karen. I, too was born with red hair but no green eyes...I have had a few inmy stories, but another one would never hurt.
    Smiles, Carol
reply by the author on 14-Sep-2024
    Well, that's one way to get my name in print! :-)
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a very nice offering of friendship you extended to Nomi. These next few months will be very trying for him. His world had changed forever but I'm sure he has been taking solace with all of the support he has gotten. Gretchen

 Comment Written 13-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
    I hope you sent a message his way too. He will rely on these for strength in the months to come. My momma had dementia for her last eight years, and wasn't really there much, but when she officially left, it was awful.I was four years old and could not find my Momma. We are made to be with others. Read begin again's letter. It is the best condolence letter I have ever read. Love you,Karen
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for your thoughtful note to Nomi. All of our posts mean a lot to him and probably to his family, too. I can't imagine the sudden loss. He does appreciate his family here.

 Comment Written 13-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
    He is knee deep in this and in unbelievable pain. 51 years. amazing. I hope what we share with him will help. Even a tiny bit. Time and us sending him love and care will help, little else will really . Love to you and yours Karen