Reviews from

The Land of Freedom

to the tune of Dixie

10 total reviews 
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I've always questioned what in fact freedom is and actually believe it's just some political ploy to make us feel better. But I don't blame anyone shouting...or singing for it and this would fit beautifully with your music. So well done, Katherine, and good luck! Debbie

 Comment Written 11-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 11-Sep-2024
    thank you so much, Debbie.
    I think sometimes people don't realize or truly appreciate their freedom until it is taken away from them or curtailed in some way.
    I appreciate your kind words very much!
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Katharine,
A virtual six for this one gal. The poem rhymed perfectly, and to set it to the tune was exactly what it needed. Well done gal. I don't know what to expect for our future. It seems that most of the folks in the country are in agreement that we're not going in the right direction, we just can't agree on who can right it. I hate all the division that we have now. We need to remember that we're all Americans, and the infighting only serves our enemies. Well done gal. Good luck in the contest.
Have a blessed evening.

 Comment Written 11-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 11-Sep-2024
    Thanks, Tom! Did you watch the debate? I haven't been that angry in I don't know when. She was never "fact checked" or called down for her ugliness and blatant lies. And that smirking face. I see no way the two parties will ever get together when one side refuses to tell the truth. but not only that, what the two sides want for this country are totally opposite things.
    well, thanks for reading my stuff, I truly appreciate it! You are a loyal friend and as I've said before, a good man!
reply by T B Botts on 11-Sep-2024
    Hello Katharine,
    I watched part of the debate. We didn't get started until the first half hour was over. She did appear smug much of the time, but I was a bit disappointed that Trump didn't have more self control. I think the best thing he said was in his closing argument, which I think he should have been pushing the whole time. I don't see how she can separate herself from her past performance. People have to decide if they're going to believe a lie or believe the facts as they are.
reply by the author on 11-Sep-2024
    well, let's hope they remember their pocket books under Trump as compared to now.
Comment from way2gokevs
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I thought the ole USA was the land of the free. I guess not. Like us here in the land of OZ. Our future is in the hands of those who wish to control our future ambitions. A lively song to the tune of Dixie. Well done, keep them coming. Cheers, Kev. I have a feeling that you are not a trump fan.

 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 10-Sep-2024
    au contrair ( or however you say it :) I don't like some of his ways, but he did a terrific job for this country and will do it again if given the chance.
Comment from Cindy Decker 3
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your song is a wake up call for Americans. I served in the Army in the 70's, and am disheartened that there isn't much respect for laws and order in our country. As a soldier my ultimate boss was the President of the United States, and whether or not we believed in his philosophy, we really weren't allowed to diss him. Jimmy Carter was President during my tours, and I know he did so much for our country After he left office.
I think people on both sides of the political aisle should unite and serve the PEOPLE, and not their own agendas.
Great poem.
Best wishes,

 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 10-Sep-2024
    thanks, Cindy. You're right, we need to wake up!
    I'm going to rant a bit because I am so upset and angry at Kamalahaha. But first, thank you for your opinion although I don't know what Jimmy Carter did that was good for this country. But you're talking about no respect for the laws in this country. Well, it is the Harris and Biden's cabinet and their lack not only of respect for our laws, but lack of enforcing them that is causing so much trouble, among other things. It's on the news all the time how they let criminals go, never prosecute them. Look at what the Haitians are doing now, and does Harris do anything about it? No. She won't even take responsibility for the border debacle, saying she isn't the Border czar! Biden is always on vacation, He's not running this country. If anybody is running it, it is Obama, who has been behind the scenes for these past 4 years.
    We're at a huge cross roads at present. You may or may not like Donald Trump, but he was a great President and patriot. Our country not only prospered under him but he was respected by friends and feared by enemies, our economy was good, border secure, oil independent instead of depleting ours, and giving it away to our enemies. Every single thing they do is to the detriment of this country. They have turned our military into a pitiful WOKE thing nobody wants to join, and a another very important thing, our kid's education used to be number 1 in the world, and now, it is rock bottom. Kamala, besides being brainless is a died in the wool Marxist, like her father, and like Tim Walz. If they win the election America is lost, and that is the truth. The Russians, Chinese, HAMAS, for heaven's sake are getting more and more powerful while Kamala wants all the illegals to be citizens so they will always have the vote, and to have free healthcare -on our dime, free education - on our dime, they are taking jobs from the people who crossed the border legally. They want to take away our health care and make everybody have govt. healthcare - in fact They want the govt to have totally control over us.
    Cindy, I cannot believe that is what the majority of Americans want. In fact if by hook and crook they win, I think there will be an uprising like this country has never seen.
    I apologize for going on and on, and I didn't mean to be rude to you. I just truly fear for America because the radical Left will stop at nothing to Keep Trump from becoming President. They already tried to assassinate him, but do you hear the media ever talk about it? No, and that is ominous.
Comment from judiverse
This work has reached the exceptional level

What great sentiments, and you chose an excellent illustration. I looked up the song, titled "Dixie's Land" on which you based your lyrics. Your tune fit perfectly. Excellent rhyme and flow in this. Your repetitions work perfectly. Yes, we're losing many of our freedoms, thanks to government control. A Northerner wrote the song, but it was a favorite in the Southern states and is now considered, naturally, as racist. However, President Lincoln liked it so it can't all bad. I think you should have mentioned the song you based your lyrics on in your notes. Best of luck. judi

 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 09-Sep-2024
    thanks, Judi, for the suggestion and for the lovely 6. I wrote it in such a hurry, I thought I'd put Dixie somewhere. Will have to go add it.
    If Dixie is considered racist, so be it, I'm not, but I AM anti Marxism, but the radical Left just thinks they're great. Although, I don't think they think. Do they not know that we ( I'll say I, in case you didn't) hated Obama and Biden. We didn't make up lies about them, or ban them from the ballot. I'll stop, but I am really afraid of the biased media. They are tricking the stupids who don't have a clue about what would happen to them if the two Marxists won.
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Katharine,
Virtual six, my sister! Our ancestors sung this tune and were the founders of our nation and framers of our Constitution. Why is considered a sin to stand for freedom? It's ridiculous and so sad to me.

Our nation erodes by the day and if Harris/Walz get elected, that's it for us. Don't be thinking our enemies don't see this. A weak president and vice president. I'm done with that combo coming on four years now. Over this!

The Taliban just had a parade with all the weapons and arms left behind in Afghanistan in the botched withdrawal--tanks and Humvees included. Billions of dollars in weaponry just left behind for them. How kind of us to reward terrorists. I'm not sure if this was stupidity or just plain evil.

Not to mention what the Taliban has done to the women and children of Afghanistan. It's now a law that a women may not speak on sing in public. Is that horrific or what?!? All of this is on Biden and Harris to our national disgrace!! No, the MSM doesn't mention this. They are trying to erase it from our memory. I'll not forget it. Ever!! I'm sure not gonna vote for folks like that or another democrat as long as the sun shines.

Drawing a paycheck and doing absolutely nothing for We The People. Harming us and soooooo many as they go too. NO! THANK! YOU!

Thanks for sharing and my best for the contest, my friend.
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 09-Sep-2024
    you know, Sally, the press is truly our main American enemy. They SHAPE THE OPINION of the gullible, stupid or lazy populace who either don't care or they ARE socialists. I am really worried. I just hope Trump gets to refer to Haha's record, in the debate, but you know that will never come up if they have anything to do with it - which they do!
    Thank you so much for you friendship and encouragement!!
    all fingers crossed tomorrow.
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I remember a time when I trusted our government. Not anymore. I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. Neither party cares about us. It's a scary thought that our government doesn't care about the people. I loved your creativity in this. Gretchen

 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 09-Sep-2024
    I don't trust either party either, but as much as I don't like his bragging and name calling, I think Trump loves this country and is the only candidate who does, and he did a great job before, and I don't see anybody else trying to save us. If we lose to the jackal and the Marxist, we've had it.
    Thanks, Gretchen
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Let's all sing it like the birdie does!
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!

Well done! And a pleasure to read.... I hope everyone understands what this election can mean to all of us and what America was and should always be.

Smiles, Carol

 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 09-Sep-2024
    thanks, Carol. I am really scared. Just had a review by someone who says she doesn't like either party, so she probably won't vote. This upcoming election will either make us or break us. I think it's not the party, but the person who will save us or two Marxists who will totally destroy us.
reply by Begin Again on 09-Sep-2024
    I don't like discussing my political views because it tends to led to heated discussion, hurt feelings, or wasted time. In this case, the America I know and love is crumbling around us and if we, as a country, don't stand up and bring the respect back into our foundation, it won't be America any more. Personally, I don't like one at all and feel I need to learn more about the other, but I do know that we need someone who will stand for One for All and All for One and truly mean it. Miracles happen and I pray we get one. thant's all for my soap box today!!! Smiles, Carol
reply by the author on 09-Sep-2024
    thanks, Carol!
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, I got to sing right out loud as the tune was so familiar and Lord knows Freedom is in the ballot come November! Nice job with this...

I bet it is in the winner's circle!


 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 09-Sep-2024
    thank you ma'am! and bless your heart! :)
    that would be nice!
reply by karenina on 09-Sep-2024
    Go get 'em!
Comment from Claire Tennant
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your freestyle poetry is excellent. Your mastery in expressing what I would imagine is the country's need for freedom, has 'bounce' and emotion. It is not much better where I reside! I wish you well in the contest.

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 09-Sep-2024
    thank you, Claire!
    Where do you live, if I may ask?
    our election coming up in November will determine whether we will be a free country or live under socialism - the most important election this country has ever had. Serious business!!!
reply by Claire Tennant on 09-Sep-2024
    Katherine, it is similar here in Australia. My parents emigrated from Glasgow in the sixties. Someone once referred to me as a "Scaussie" the name stuck
reply by the author on 09-Sep-2024
    catchy, I guess :)