Tears From the Sky
Variations of tears from Mother Natures POV13 total reviews
Comment from barbara.wilkey
You're very brave to attempt a contest with your very first milestone post. Congratulations!!!! I enjoyed reading this post and am from Texas, so I completely understand. As I read, I lost track of the rhyming scheme. Maybe it's just me. Good luck with the contest.
reply by the author on 15-Sep-2024
You're very brave to attempt a contest with your very first milestone post. Congratulations!!!! I enjoyed reading this post and am from Texas, so I completely understand. As I read, I lost track of the rhyming scheme. Maybe it's just me. Good luck with the contest.
Comment Written 14-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 15-Sep-2024
I appreciate your input. Thank you
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Congrats on your first milestone, Devon! This is an interesting free verse in which there is some rhyming but no apparent pattern. It expresses a longing for the rain which becomes more and more urgent as the poem evolves. I like some of the imagery you use e.g. Comfort across the land like a warm kiss. Also, the idea of wringing out the clouds. No errors found. The only suggestion I'd make is to break your verse into stanzas and use larger font, all of which helps readability for members who might have sight issues. But all in all an excellent entry. Good luck! Debbie
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
Congrats on your first milestone, Devon! This is an interesting free verse in which there is some rhyming but no apparent pattern. It expresses a longing for the rain which becomes more and more urgent as the poem evolves. I like some of the imagery you use e.g. Comfort across the land like a warm kiss. Also, the idea of wringing out the clouds. No errors found. The only suggestion I'd make is to break your verse into stanzas and use larger font, all of which helps readability for members who might have sight issues. But all in all an excellent entry. Good luck! Debbie
Comment Written 12-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
Thank you
Thank you
Comment from royowen
Part of our song here in Australia has both extremes, 'A land of drought and flooding rains' is so true here, but nevertheless it's still a broad, beautiful land. Beautifully written, good luck, welcime to fanstory, you did know it was a rhyming poetry contest? Well Done, blessings Roy
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
Part of our song here in Australia has both extremes, 'A land of drought and flooding rains' is so true here, but nevertheless it's still a broad, beautiful land. Beautifully written, good luck, welcime to fanstory, you did know it was a rhyming poetry contest? Well Done, blessings Roy
Comment Written 12-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
I appreciate your input
I appreciate your input
Comment from Jacob1395
I love it when there's a storm after a long dry hot spell. It doesn't get too hot here in the UK, although in the last couple of years there have been a few record breaking temperatures, but nothing quite like what the rest of Europe has experienced. A well written piece, I enjoyed reading it.
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
I love it when there's a storm after a long dry hot spell. It doesn't get too hot here in the UK, although in the last couple of years there have been a few record breaking temperatures, but nothing quite like what the rest of Europe has experienced. A well written piece, I enjoyed reading it.
Comment Written 03-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
Thank you
Comment from gansach
Congratulations on your First Post Milestone and welcome! You have started out with a nice entry for the Rhyming poem competition. Your poem has great descriptive language, looks like a free verse poem with an uneven rhyming scheme but works to put the images across. Best wishes for the contest!
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
Congratulations on your First Post Milestone and welcome! You have started out with a nice entry for the Rhyming poem competition. Your poem has great descriptive language, looks like a free verse poem with an uneven rhyming scheme but works to put the images across. Best wishes for the contest!
Comment Written 03-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Comment from Harry Craft
Nice rhyming poem about rain or lack of it. I wish we had a lack of it here in Orlando. It rains everyday and we got 7 inches the other day and it creates flooding all the time. It would be nice to be dry for a while. So, I can relate to this poem. I thought it was very good. Thank you for sharing!
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
Nice rhyming poem about rain or lack of it. I wish we had a lack of it here in Orlando. It rains everyday and we got 7 inches the other day and it creates flooding all the time. It would be nice to be dry for a while. So, I can relate to this poem. I thought it was very good. Thank you for sharing!
Comment Written 03-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
Than you
Than you
You are very welcome.
Comment from Wendy G
Congratulations on your excellent first post. A skilfully written poem which I can identify with, being an Australian. We seem to lurch between severe and heartbreaking droughts and flooding rains. I enjoyed your thoughts on the different types of rain, and that the clouds are stubborn, refusing to release their contents. Well done.
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
Congratulations on your excellent first post. A skilfully written poem which I can identify with, being an Australian. We seem to lurch between severe and heartbreaking droughts and flooding rains. I enjoyed your thoughts on the different types of rain, and that the clouds are stubborn, refusing to release their contents. Well done.
Comment Written 03-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
Thank you
Thank you
Comment from Begin Again
Welcome to FanStory and congratulations of posting your first poem. It reminded me of our military days in Kansas where it never rained or never stopped. Your words treat Mother Nature as if she is alive and the rain has so many emotions. Great job and good luck!
Smiles, Carol
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
Welcome to FanStory and congratulations of posting your first poem. It reminded me of our military days in Kansas where it never rained or never stopped. Your words treat Mother Nature as if she is alive and the rain has so many emotions. Great job and good luck!
Smiles, Carol
Comment Written 02-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 13-Sep-2024
Thank you for your service. I appreciate your support
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Hi Devon,
Welcome to FanStory! You'll love it here, and what a great first post!! I love your nature poem, and boy can I relate. I live in North Texas and wow can we relate to the long days without rain and then when they come, they just flood everything, then disappear for a long time again.
Big hugs for your first post,
reply by the author on 02-Sep-2024
Hi Devon,
Welcome to FanStory! You'll love it here, and what a great first post!! I love your nature poem, and boy can I relate. I live in North Texas and wow can we relate to the long days without rain and then when they come, they just flood everything, then disappear for a long time again.
Big hugs for your first post,
Comment Written 02-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 02-Sep-2024
Thank you so much. I appreciate your input.
Comment from papa55mike
The drought in Tennessee continues in Tennessee also. We finally got a little rain yesterday and the promise of some later. What a wonderfully written poem. Good luck in the contest! Have a great day, and God bless.
reply by the author on 02-Sep-2024
The drought in Tennessee continues in Tennessee also. We finally got a little rain yesterday and the promise of some later. What a wonderfully written poem. Good luck in the contest! Have a great day, and God bless.
Comment Written 02-Sep-2024
reply by the author on 02-Sep-2024
Im so glad to have been able to connect with others through my work. Thank you, you have a great day as well