Reviews from

The Ride

Where is this cab going?

4 total reviews 
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What drama on the ride of her life which ended up speeding her to her friend's rescue! A supernatural experience perhaps? Whatever the case, it made for an excellent twist at the end of your story. Nicely done dialogue too, particularly from the 'taxi-driver.' Good luck in the contest! Debbie

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2024
    Thank you! I am SO glad that the supernatural part of it came across. You are the only one that mentioned it, so I wasn't sure if I made it clear that the cabbie was a supernatural entity. Thank you very much for your compliment on the dialogue. I wanted him to sound...I guess you would say "interesting" - lol.
Comment from Esther Brown
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing up with the feeling God sent an Angel to rescue Brenda. Definitely the ride of a life, and you have my vote whoever you are. Very well done.

 Comment Written 17-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2024
    Thank you so much for the wonderful review, as well as the beautiful rating. It is greatly appreciated.
Comment from Karen Cherry Threadgill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was amazing. I wish I had a six left, but they were all gone by Sunday night. You wrote this incredibly well. I was enthralled. From start to finish if someone had walked in here and stripped naked, I wouldn't have noticed. You have just oodles of talent.
I want to read more. I have a policy of reviewing one for one. No matter the points.I have a lot of stories on here. So you will not run out for some time. I saw you sign up to write me a birthday card. here are some things about me: I am old, I have a black sense of humor at times, Red hair ( with assist from Clairol), green eyes . 2 big boys 44 and 48 , I am 5 foot 3 inches short. I weigh....nevermind. I have been married 4 times to 3 men, and I love this place.
That ought to get you started, oh, and I need to write like I need to breathe. Karen

 Comment Written 16-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2024
    Thank you so much for your kind words. I am 53 (54 come November). I have two boys, ages 32 and 27. I have two girls, ages 30 and 29. I have two granddaughters, ages 13 and 3 (my youngest daughter stopped speaking to me and will no longer allow me to see the 3 year old). I have many stories and poems about that. I have two grandsons, ages 12 and 7. I am 5'5", brunette, brown eyes. I was married twice, divorced once, widowed once. My second husband was my soul mate and best friend. We were together 22 years. His death, at age 48, devastated me. However, it did lead me to start writing again. After my book was published in 2005, I sort of dried up and stopped writing. Once he passed, my writing became an outlet for my grief. This lead me here. I raised my three oldest grandkids until they were 9, 10, and 3. Then their mothers realized "Oh, wait, I have children" and decided to take them. I went from them being with me constantly (I homeschooled during covid) to not seeing or speaking to the oldest two for 4 months. When they were taken from me, I became even more lonely, and that lead me to seek out pen pals. Between this site and my pen pals, I have managed to keep my depression in check and stay sane. I am disabled, so I don't get out much and don't have any outside friends. Every time I think I have made a friend in person, they sort of drift away. I try to maintain contact for a while, but then I become tired of trying. I have found that my online and snail mail friends are truer than anyone I've tried to befriend in person. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If you would be interested in becoming pen pals, let me know. I am always open to knew pen friends.
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 17-Jul-2024
    go to my fnstory page .after the contest is overh, it the contact button and drop me a line. I do not who you are. :-)
Comment from Michael Ludwinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That was quite the intense and suspenseful story! The buildup of tension as Sammie realizes something is wrong with the cab driver and then finding herself in such a dangerous situation was gripping! It's great how she took action to save her friend, despite the fear and uncertainty. The twist at the end was a bit of a surprise. Very creative and so enjoyable!

 Comment Written 15-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2024
    Thank you. I appreciate your kind words and I am glad that you enjoyed the story.