Reviews from

A Part of Me

Love Poem Contest

9 total reviews 
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, babies have a way of always remaining in our hearts, even when we can't be with them. Thank you for sharing this contest entry with us and good luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 19-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 22-Jul-2024
    Dear Barbara, thank you for your comments and review. Dove
Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An excellent entry for the Love Poem Poetry contest. Such a heartfelt love poem about the child you gave up but never stopped loving. It must be so difficult. You did a very nice job putting your feelings into words. I only saw one typo:

Though his is someone I no longer can see,

(I'm not sure but did you mean to type the word "he" instead of "his"?)

thank you for sharing. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 06-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2024
    Hi Marilyn, thank you for your comments and review. Just one thing I wanted to clarify: I didn't give him up, he was taken at 3 weeks, then at the age of two years, both times dispensing with my consent. Thank you for pointing out the typo. I corrected it Dove
reply by Marilyn Hamilton on 08-Jul-2024
    Oh my apologies. I'm so sorry. That is so awful
Comment from Shanbreen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

DOVEMARIE, I always wondered what a mother had to go through to give her child up for adoption. I have an adopted child (a woman, now) and find it hard to identify from the other side of the fence. Thanks for sharing a very poignant experience. You must feel proud for making his life better through adoption.

Thank you so much for sharing. All the best for the contest.

 Comment Written 06-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2024
    Dear Shanbreen, I did not give him up for adoption, he was taken at first at 3 weeks, without my consent, then at age 2, again in an adoption trial without my consent. But I did go through hell. I don't feel proud, only of what I said in the poem that I'm glad he has a writing talent like me. Dove Thanks for wishing me the bestfor the contest.
reply by Shanbreen on 08-Jul-2024
    I am sorry to hear that. It must be awful to have your kid taken away without your consent. But I am so glad you are looking at the bright side and finding happiness in his being a writer like you.
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem, A Part of Me, reaches out to that adopted son with the love and admiration that laws and distance cannot come between. Even at a distance, love surrounds him. Nice.

 Comment Written 06-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2024
    Hi Bill, thank you for understanding my poem. Other reviewers think I gave him up of my own free will. Thanks for your comments and review. Dove
Comment from lynglyng
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a great poem. The rhyme and flow of your words are direct and to the point. The story you convey in so few lines is heartfelt and full of emotion. I am sorry for the loss of your child. I cannot imagine your pain. But, I am glad that you have a positive attitude and also that your son shares your love and passion for writing.

 Comment Written 05-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2024
    Hi lynglyng, thank you for your comments and review. Dove
Comment from Michael Ludwinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem is beautifully heartfelt. Your poem captures the depth of a mother's love and the pain of separation with such clarity. The emotions resonate deeply, and the rhymes flow seamlessly, which adds to the poem. Great job!

 Comment Written 05-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2024
    Hi Michael, thank you for your comments and review. Dove
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Donna, This is a very lovely and very well penned poem about love for this child. You used great descriptive words and beautiful imagery from the art work you chose to use. What a nice thing to find out about him - that he writes like his real mother! Thank you for sharing. love and blessings, Teri

 Comment Written 05-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2024
    Hi Teri, thank you for your comments and review. Blessings, Donna
    Hope you had a Happy Birthday.
reply by Teri7 on 08-Jul-2024
    You are so welcome Donna! I did have a blessed birthday! love and blessings, teri
Comment from patcelaw
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is beautifully written and I definitely to the poem completely. You see I gave up a son when I was only 19 because my family did not want me to have him. I had to fight for his right to have life. Thankfully, I today have a relationship with that son as he and I met When he was 35 years of age and he is a very nice young man. Patricia.

 Comment Written 05-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2024
    Dear Patricia, I was 30-32 when I had to fight for my son. I had no support, and I suffered from mental illness and legal problems. My son just turned 38, I still hope I get to meet him. Thank you for your "exceptional" rating! Dove
Comment from Pamusart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, dovemarie

This looks like a good entry for the contest. Good luck with that!!

How sad, dovemari. But uplifting at the same time because you and he share a love of the written word

That is a very uplifting poem at the end. Of course you'll always love him. You're his mother. Maybe he'll try to find you assuming he knows he's adopted.

For now, there are memories and hopes

Here I think new heights is a bit better

" My heart soared to the heights"

Here he is someone

" Though his is someone I no longer can see,"

I enjoyed reading your poem

Good job. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 05-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2024
    Hi Pamusmart Thank you for your comments and review. I will go in and edit. Dove