Reviews from

Seven Sane Sailors

Sail Surprising Seas

18 total reviews 
Comment from Jodi Ann Anderson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is an awesome story using just one letter! It really is a fun challenge. I started writing one for when they have another contest one day. You did a great job with this Jessica!

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    Thank you so much, Jodi.
Comment from Nicki.B
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is excellent. What a challenge to write a poem being stuck on the same letter start for every word. You truly deserved the win, I wrote Tiny Tom for the same competition my first time writing that style poem, and I really enjoyed it. Well done fabulous story.

 Comment Written 07-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2024
    Thank you so much, Nicki! I loved your piece- very well done!!
reply by Nicki.B on 08-Jul-2024
    Thanks Jessica ! Xxx
Comment from Trent Delaney
This work has reached the exceptional level

Very well written. I Truly e joyed the poem and also good luck upon your victory. I hope you continue to share with us the amazing poems and good luck in your future endeavors.

 Comment Written 07-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 07-Jul-2024
    Trent, thank you so much!
reply by the author on 07-Jul-2024
    Trent, thank you so much!
Comment from Steve Foreman
This work has reached the exceptional level

This was a well-deserved win, Jessica! (I came second!).
I thoroughly enjoyed the story all the way through. Well constructed and flowed well. Congratulations!

 Comment Written 07-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 07-Jul-2024
    I'm honored, Steve. What a fun, creative contest- and yours was masterfully written! Congrats, and thank you so much for the wonderful review!
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Stupendous! It was a stretch for me to come up with one word let alone an entire story. I can't believe you were able to compose a story with all S's. What a struggle! But a magnificent one for sure. No wonder you are the well deerving winner.
Well done! and Congrtulations!
Smiles, Carol

 Comment Written 07-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 07-Jul-2024
    Carol, thank you so much!!
reply by the author on 07-Jul-2024
    Carol, thank you so much!!
Comment from tfawcus
This work has reached the exceptional level

I've read many of these in my time but never one executed with such consummate skill. You have managed to create a coherent and exciting story within the contest parameters. Marvellously done! A worthy winner indeed.

 Comment Written 07-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 07-Jul-2024
    Well, you just made my whole day! Thank you for the wonderful review!
reply by the author on 07-Jul-2024
    Well, you just made my whole day! Thank you for the wonderful review!
Comment from Rachelle Allen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Soooo supremely stupendous since summoning s'es so substantially seems stymie-ing. Seriously successful sentence structures suggest supernatural stamina!!


 Comment Written 06-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jul-2024
    Such sweet, sincere support surely sends spirits soaring!

    <3 <3 xoxo
reply by Rachelle Allen on 07-Jul-2024
    Stahhhhhhp!!! (smirk, smile)
Comment from GoWiSt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You're a very good writer, Jess, and this was a most-worthy win--congrats! The 's'tory was gripping and entertaining from start to finish. It made grammatical sense and never lost its high-quality narrative touch. Glad the sailors survived the ordeal and had a swell sea-monster sushi fest at the end. :-)

 Comment Written 06-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 07-Jul-2024
    :) :) Thank you, that truly means so much to me.
reply by the author on 07-Jul-2024
    :) :) Thank you, that truly means so much to me.
Comment from Dawn Munro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Are you KIDDING ME? What skill! Where are my sixes when I need them? This is fabulous. My laughter started with this:
"Sully's sporadic spewing sickened Sparky's strong stomach. Shawny started seeing stuff, sending Sammy's suspicions soaring. Similarly, Sonny spiraled, stability slowly slipping."
It hasn't quit.
"Shipmates simultaneously scarfed surprisingly scrumptious sea serpent sushi. Strange symptoms subsided, seemingly settling silly squabbles."
(*gag* -- excuse me...)

Congratulations on a well-earned win!!!!!!!!

 Comment Written 06-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 07-Jul-2024
    Haha! Dawn, thank you for the smile and amazing review! Xoxo
reply by the author on 07-Jul-2024
    Haha! Dawn, thank you for the smile and amazing review! Xoxo
Comment from BermyBye50
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Congrats on winning the Stuck on One Letter Contest. You've penned an awe-inspiring write of magnificent skill and creativity. I am honored to have attempted to submit an entry in this contest and have lost to a master wordsmith and talented writer who's entries in every Fanstory contest are deserving of 10+++stars. I wish I had another 6 stars to give you for this brilliant write.

All the best,


 Comment Written 06-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 07-Jul-2024
    Eugene, that means the world. Thank you for the HUGE smile. Xoxo
reply by the author on 07-Jul-2024
    Eugene, that means the world. Thank you for the HUGE smile. Xoxo