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Substance Or Style?

Your Take On The Debate contest entry

5 total reviews 
Comment from tempeste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

With all due respect you can't be serious?

Most 82 years olds I know don't need a cocktail of drugs to keep them tethered to reality.

They don't need to memorise sentences.

Nor do they need assistance to walk around.

Your major issues like America s 3 trillion dollar debt , inflation have been caused by

A. the war in Ukraine
B. the war in The Middle East both started under Biden's office.

C. the 7 million illegals who crossed your border due to Biden's open border policy.

Such a drastic influx has caused chaos , and brought crime and degrade up drastically in your country.

Living in a bubble is not going to change the grim reality.

Most of these illegals don't have a job, no place to live nor medical aid so how do you think they get along?

Working for organised crime etc

By the way I heard a senator in a hearing last week who reveal that only 30% of these illegals are Mexicans, the other 70% come from across the globe.. I dread to think how many terrorists have entered your country undetected.

Trump will get those borders closed and he will end the war in Ukraine but the war in the Middle East is a problem.. Israel will drag America into a war against Hezbollah and we will all suffer.

God help us all.

 Comment Written 30-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 30-Jun-2024
    Dear tempeste, thank you very much for your gracious review and thoughtful comments. But let's civily agree to disagree.
    How many of the 82-year-olds you know have been in politics/Congress for the vast majority of their lives, with all the knowledge and mental rigmarole that goes with the job? Biden is an 82-year-old not only with American issues on his mind for well over half a century, but world affairs as well. Most 82-year-olds don't have to retain one-tenth of what he does.
    I'm not saying he's an ideal candidate, by any means, but compared to that egolomaniac, Trump, he's eons better.

    Biden didn't start or encourage either the Ukraine or Gaza wars. Those could have begun under the administration of Jesus Christ, for all we know. Russian social media/tech tried to intervene in our electoral process, but Trump sided Putin over his own intelligence team. Go figure!
    Even Republicans acknowledge that we have to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia's aggressive takeover, or Putin won't just stop there.
    Neither Israel nor America started or wanted the Gaza/Middle East conflicts. But America is pledged, regardless of administration, to aid Israel in its defense. They are our regional eye to keep track of Iran and other undesirables in that neck of the woods.

    The vast majority of the illegals are, or trying to, working slave-like menial jobs that many Americans refuse to do. That's why the jobs are available in the first place, and why American businesses 'secretly' love this influx of very cheap labor, paying them way below minimum wage requirements and off the books.
    Also, illegals have been coming in under every administration since the nation's inception. Trump's proposed great wall may slow it, but won't stop it.

    Love ya, tempese, and God help us all!
reply by tempeste on 30-Jun-2024
    Yes being President is a tough job physically and mentally but you must agree the Biden that won the elections in 2020 is not the same one now. 😕

    I enjoyed the debate. ( at the moment I don?t know who you are though)

    Keep safe! 🍀

Comment from Cindy Decker 3
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love your compassionate words about a leader who falters a bit; he's much deserved of them for he legislates compassion for vets, the poor and disenfranchised, working people and the all-American underdog.
Good luck in the contest with this very worthy poem.

 Comment Written 29-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 29-Jun-2024
    Thank you so very much for your appreciative review!
reply by Cindy Decker 3 on 29-Jun-2024
    You?re welcome. I hope this one wins.
Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This commentary on the Presidential debate matches my opinion and I hope that the people can see that even if they rolled Biden out on stage in a hospital gurney, with an IV and on oxygen, he would be a better candidate for the high office than the piece of human excrement who represents the MAGGOTS of the Rape-publicans.

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 29-Jun-2024
    Hear, hear, so well said! Thanks so much for your very thoughtful and appreciative review!
Comment from Lori Mulligan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This presents a reasonable summary of the characters, demeanors and policy difference between Biden and Trump. It was a good, feisty read. I enjoyed it!

 Comment Written 28-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2024
    Thank you very much!
reply by Lori Mulligan on 28-Jun-2024
Comment from mrsmajor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thanks very much, mystery writer, for posting your thoughts, I agreed with much of what you mentioned. There was truth in much of what Biden as trying to say...but it did seem like he had a problem speaking loud enough.
I felt that the moderators didn't handle themselves well.
They allowed trump to go on and on, without really answering questions fully, and clearly.

If he doesn't win, I believe he will not accept the results. Actually if one would really pay attention to how he speaks at his rallies, he's making it clear, that he will not accept the results...if he doesn't win.

Thanks again, you made a lot of plain old common sense, that I'm sure will not be accepted by some.
Enjoy the Day!


 Comment Written 28-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 28-Jun-2024
    Thank you very much!
reply by mrsmajor on 28-Jun-2024
    You're very welcome, it was indeed...My pleasure!.