Reviews from

Aging with Grace

on the go

30 total reviews 
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Pome Lover
Haha, At 88 this is amazing that she can still drive. She does sound feisty and seems to grab life to live it.
Keep writing and stay healthy
Good luck in the contest.
Enjoy your weekend.

 Comment Written 05-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 05-Jul-2024
    Joan, you are so cute. Actually, she is a figment of my imagination. I found the picture, which I loved, and made up the story. But I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for your neat comments and good wishes and you enjoy your weekend, too!
reply by dragonpoet on 06-Jul-2024
    My pleasure, pome love.?
reply by the author on 06-Jul-2024
    if your question mark is for the spelling of pome, I was just being silly when I first joined FS. At one point I asked Tom about changing it and he said everyone was used to it and better not. Several people have wondered if I can spell. :)
    "corse I kin!"
reply by dragonpoet on 06-Jul-2024
    Poem lover, I have no question mark about your name; I just thought that maybe some one had the name poem lover already and so you spelled in that way. Ore maybe it was an archaic spelling of poem.

Comment from Janet Foor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The dog says it all. That is what my face must look like when my husband, who is 84, is driving. He insists that he can still drive and he does to the store every day. But I prefer NOT to ride with him unless I have to.
Excellent poem.


 Comment Written 03-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2024
    Thanks, Janet, and I wish you luck! :)
Comment from GoWiSt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"And then there are those who refuse to be old" Oh, like your Grace, I know many such.
"She's deaf to "You shouldn't do that!" Ha! You do you, Gracie!
"She hopes God will take her at 90," Oh, I hope He gives her more time than that--and strength/good health.
We could only be so lucky if/when we get to her age. God bless her--and you, too!

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    thank you so much for your neat comments! But I have to tell you she is pure fiction, although her thoughts are my thoughts. :)
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a remarkable tribute to your cousin who is living life to the full in her eighties. I chat to a woman who walks her dog in the park and she still plays netbal for a team and she is in her nineties! She skied until she was in her seventies and she walks unaided. I loved your magical rhymes and sentiments here, I admire your third cousin, I hope to be like her if I ever reach that age, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Dolly, you're so cute! I have to tell you that post is strictly fiction, but I'm glad it seemed so real that you admired her!
    I am leaving, or trying to leave, Fan Story. I had worked my way up to 12th position on this poem, and first Tom (or somebody) moved it down to 13th place, then yesterday when I looked, it was 15th. That has happened before so if I can make myself so it, I'm out.
    I will miss my FS friends, and writing for it, but I'm tired of feeling cheated, so.. It's been fun.
reply by Dolly'sPoems on 16-Jun-2024
    The position of your poem is all automated Katharine. It depends if it is promoted, if you continue to promote then it moves up, it has nothing to do with the points earned. I don't think anyone is deliberately moving your poem down, it is all about how much money you spend to promote it, love Dolly x
reply by the author on 16-Jun-2024
    thanks, Dolly for the explanation!
Comment from Gloria ....
This work has reached the exceptional level

I enjoyed this immensely, Katharine. Especially the look on the dog's face presumably because Grace is a bit of a fast driver, and might take her corners a little short.

Your metre is terrific, rhymes natural and most importantly Grace isn't going to let a "little" thing like age get in the way of enjoying life to the fullest.

Many thanks for sharing.


 Comment Written 15-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Thanks, Gloria! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and I especially thank you for the lovely 6! What a treat!
Comment from Sallyo
This work has reached the exceptional level

I love this one! It reminds me so much of Viv, my mum's cousin. Viv is 95. I was talking to her on the phone today and, after she told me about her daughters' doings, and her wildlife and stray cat feeding escapades, and how she makes soup, she informed me that her licence had come up for renewal. She'd feared someone would make her go to the doctor or take a new test but no... her licence was renewed without demur and, she says proudly, she'd got it for five years!
While I was reading your clever rhymes, I kept thinking of Viv. She just drives down the hill for groceries... Just Like Grace!

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2024
    Thank you so much for the 6. I really appreciate it!
    I am surprised that they renewed her driver's licence at that age. wow.
    I've got to go way out to this place in the boonies to renew mine this year.
    I must tell you Grace is somebody I made up, but it's amazing how many FS-ians have relatives similar to her. Fun to read about. And Grace was fun to write.
    Thanks for reading it and for your neat comments! Good to hear from you!
reply by Sallyo on 14-Jun-2024
    Yes, I understood Grace was invented:-) Viv, however, is very real. Her mother lived to 100 and so did one of her mother's cousins. Her mother's sister, my grandmother, made it to 96.
reply by the author on 14-Jun-2024
    well, that's great; so longevity runs in your family. My father was 95 when he died, and I take after him, but he was not in great shape and if I had my druthers, I'd like to go sooner.
    I did love your saying the Viv got her driver's licence for 5 years! what a kick!
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think she's one feisty lady, and deserves that promise of life and heading her life towards that particular goal of nine decades of life, I love this well written poem, and you're great ability has written this with ease, beautifully written Katharine blessings Roy

 Comment Written 14-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2024
    thank you, Roy! and congratulations to you for being FS's top writer! That's really something!
reply by royowen on 14-Jun-2024
    Thank you Katharine
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Katharine,
I'm so glad to see that you've posted something. I've missed seeing you on here. It was a delightful post too, something that many can relate to. When my mother-in-law was in her eighties, she worked for a company that used to hand out samples at grocery stores. She loved doing that. It may have required her to cook some of the items that they were giving away. She also went to the senior center to help out he "old" people. She was a joy to have around and I miss her a lot. She was 93 when she died. Thanks so much for sharing this great poem gal. Glad to see you're back.
Have a blessed day.

 Comment Written 13-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 13-Jun-2024
    Hi, Tom!
    I was feeling old the other day, which I am, and started on that poem and then asked for a picture of an old lady driving. When I saw that one, it tickled me and I had to add in old Jasper. I'm going to have to change my photo, I guess. That one is a few years old.
    I remember how surprised I was when Jay Squires updated his. I kinda hate to do it, but then, c'est la vie. (had to look up the spelling. ha)
reply by T B Botts on 14-Jun-2024
    Oh don't worry Katharine, we're all getting older. I think my picture is several years old too. I don't worry about it. People don't read my articles because of how I look. I saw a wedding picture of Helen (lenochka) that she shared with me. She was a lovely bride.
reply by the author on 14-Jun-2024
    I bet she was!
Comment from Shanbreen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is such an uplifting poem. It reminds me of my friend (a writer) who is 92 and legally blind. Of course, she cannot write anymore but I love her spirit. She lives alone does her own rituals (making coffee, feeding the dog, listening to audio stories, talking with her children and friends over the phone, etc.), refusing to live in a, what she calls, "old people home". Her son comes in every day, so that's some help.

BTW, I love the way you mention the contrast of her being in a life she is used to and the changes she faces in our "new" culture.

"she's wise from just living,
In others, her innocence shows;

One more thing: the dog in the picture looks petrified. =)

Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 13-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 13-Jun-2024
    I love this picture. The dog IS petrified because of her driving. Apparently she's getting too close to somebody. BUT, our Grace has never had an accident. By the way, this is strictly fiction.
    Your friend must really be something, if she's blind and alone. Heavens, what courage.
    Thanks for reading and for your very nice comments.
Comment from Jodi Ann Anderson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a wonderful poem about your third cousin Grace. Even if it's a fictitious poem, it shows how as people get older they still want to keep their independence. It has a nice flow and rhyme. Great job!

 Comment Written 13-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 13-Jun-2024
    thanks, Jodi, for your kind words.
    It is fiction and was fun to write and as I'm "getting there," I empathize with Grace!