Reviews from

Susie's Pet Crow

One illustration from a sermon that made me realize truth

9 total reviews 
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ouch, this one breaks my heart. Stoning to death a loving and attached friend for the acceptance of a bunch of insensitive, cold-hearted killers. Doesn't sound like the ideal trade. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 27-May-2024

reply by the author on 27-May-2024
    Nope, not a good trade at all. I just about lost myself in trying to please.
reply by the author on 27-May-2024
    Nope, not a good trade at all. I just about lost myself in trying to please.
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh my, Esther, this is the first thing I'm reading this morning with my coffee. Yes, psychologists will line up dozens of conformity experiments they've done over the years; the results are often heartbreaking and we'd all like to believe we're better than that.

Sad as this is, it's something I would write. I knew there was a reason I decided to follow you.


 Comment Written 27-May-2024

reply by the author on 27-May-2024
    Thanks for reading. I am so grateful for the pastor who gave this illustration.
reply by the author on 27-May-2024
    Thanks for reading. I am so grateful for the pastor who gave this illustration.
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Esther,
I was really getting in to the story, and then you socked me in the gut with the ending. I wonder how Susie felt when she went to bed that night. When we go against our values to try and please someone else, it seldom works out well. That's quite the story gal.
Have a blessed evening.

 Comment Written 27-May-2024

reply by the author on 27-May-2024
    Thanks Tom
reply by the author on 27-May-2024
    Thanks Tom
Comment from Jumbo J
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ah Esther((((((,
the need for acceptance winning out over the gift of a faithful commitment of someone/something of true value. I see where you went with this and the lessons glaring back at me... I guess most of us at some time in our lives have gone against ourselves for the acceptance of another, or others, just to fit in... but why the crow? I love crows... it's my spirit animal.

Even though the story smacks you in the face, leaves you feeling flattened by the result... you wrote and told the story beautifully. For that I applaud you... but why Blackie!!!!

With our thoughts we create...
the truth and strength to accept who we are,
just as we are.

Kindest regards,

 Comment Written 26-May-2024

reply by the author on 27-May-2024
    It was an illustration from a pastor for a sermon. Thanks for reading. I think you will like my letter to God. Esther
reply by the author on 27-May-2024
    It was an illustration from a pastor for a sermon. Thanks for reading. I think you will like my letter to God. Esther
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a devastating parable. I was hoping that Susie would stick up for her friend, Blackie, who would probably be more faithful than some of her human friends. Kids can be cruel. It's a good conversation-starter and you told it well.

 Comment Written 26-May-2024

reply by the author on 26-May-2024
    It was an illustration a pastor gave in a sermon, so yes, I guess a parable. It was a time of my life when I was living in a toxic marriage trying to please a man who needed control as much as I needed love.
reply by the author on 26-May-2024
    It was an illustration a pastor gave in a sermon, so yes, I guess a parable. It was a time of my life when I was living in a toxic marriage trying to please a man who needed control as much as I needed love.
reply by lyenochka on 26-May-2024
    I hope you got out of such a marriage and healed from it!
reply by the author on 27-May-2024
    It was an illustration a pastor gave in a sermon, so yes, I guess a parable. It was a time of my life when I was living in a toxic marriage trying to please a man who needed control as much as I needed love.
Comment from jim vecchio
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a sad story! There is a dock by my room where daily I feed fish, turtles, seagulls, swans, even pelicans sometimes. A neighboring crow has begun joining the others, though the geese try to scare him away.

 Comment Written 26-May-2024

reply by the author on 26-May-2024
    It is an illustration from a sermon a long time ago. A parable I guess? Many of Pastor Weber's sermons were the reason this straying lamb came home.
reply by the author on 26-May-2024
    It is an illustration from a sermon a long time ago. A parable I guess? Many of Pastor Weber's sermons were the reason this straying lamb came home.
reply by the author on 27-May-2024
    It is an illustration from a sermon a long time ago. A parable I guess? Many of Pastor Weber's sermons were the reason this straying lamb came home.
reply by jim vecchio on 27-May-2024
    Today I got shooed away from feeding a family of geese because a woman said they were too close to the walk and they do what, you know, they do.
reply by jim vecchio on 27-May-2024
    Just thought you should know. Every now and then this site does some strange things to me. Today, I am getting 3 or 4 copies of your replies. It doesn't bother me, though. I enjoy hearing from you.
Comment from Debi Pick Marquette
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Esther, I have to admit that I was saddened by the ending of your story. And then I remembered a few of our talks about our similarities in life. The need for acceptance is big with me too, as it is with Susie. I do get it 100% and I love the sermon but wish it didn't have to be that way. But this is reality and we can't always expect rainbows and sunshine. Thanks for the awesome story, my dear friend. I loved it, even if it was sad. Love,,Debi

 Comment Written 26-May-2024

reply by the author on 26-May-2024
    It was an illustration in a sermon by pastor Weber many years ago, and like a lot of Biblical parables wasn't explained. I don't have the right words. The need for acceptance at that time in my life drove me to do some crazy things. Thanks for reading.
reply by the author on 26-May-2024
    It was an illustration in a sermon by pastor Weber many years ago, and like a lot of Biblical parables wasn't explained. I don't have the right words. The need for acceptance at that time in my life drove me to do some crazy things. Thanks for reading.
reply by Debi Pick Marquette on 26-May-2024
    Please know that you are so loved and accepted here in the short amount of time that you have been here.

    I have had a few friends comment on how sweet they also think you are.

    And I hope you didn't think that I was disappointed in the ending as I understood why it was written that way.
    You are a remarkable writer, my dear friend.
reply by the author on 27-May-2024
    It was an illustration in a sermon by pastor Weber many years ago, and like a lot of Biblical parables wasn't explained. I don't have the right words. The need for acceptance at that time in my life drove me to do some crazy things. Thanks for reading.
reply by Debi Pick Marquette on 27-May-2024
    Yes, I understand.
reply by the author on 27-May-2024
    Thanks Debi.
Comment from jessizero
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a tragic tale about what horrific things can happen when we try to gain acceptance. You told the story well, though. Thank you for sharing, and best wishes to you.

 Comment Written 26-May-2024

reply by the author on 26-May-2024
    It was from a sermon illustration. Hit me where it hurt. Giving away too much to get too little in return. Thanks for reading.
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh heavens, Esther... You broke my heart. Here I thought Susie was going to come to Blackie's defense and save him over the girls, but no, you had to kill him off. I should always expect the unexpected from you.
Smiles, Carol

 Comment Written 26-May-2024

reply by the author on 26-May-2024
    Moral to the story: Don't give your all to someone in hopes they love you. Sermon that touched my heart many years ago.
reply by the author on 26-May-2024
    Moral to the story: Don't give your all to someone in hopes they love you. Sermon that touched my heart many years ago.
reply by Begin Again on 26-May-2024
    My problem...I never know when to stop giving....
reply by the author on 26-May-2024